A parasitic word is a word that is firmly fixed in a person's vocabulary and is used by him to connect sentences. This rubbish, firmly included in the colloquial speech of some people, confuses the listener. At the same time, spoken parasitic words interfere with the understanding of what was said.
Purity of speech
A parasitic word is an element alien to the literary language. The purity of speech is determined by the absence in it of those expressions that do not carry a semantic load.

The storyteller must comply with linguistic, stylistic and ethnic norms. At the same time, his speech should not contain words whose use in this context is simply meaningless. Only then can one speak of the purity of what is spoken. This quality of speech is based on its correctness. This becomes possible with strict observance of orthoepic norms. Only such speech will be considered clean and literate.
Meaning of the word
For the construction of sentences in the language there is the most important normative unit. It refers to the word. Various statements are built from this element. In addition, comprehension of what is said occurs due to the understanding of the meanings included in speech. At the same time, it is importantthe factor is the knowledge of the speech situation, its background meanings. A certain semantic load is assigned to each element in the statement. According to the rules of the language, all words should take part in the process of understanding what was said. The appearance of foreign elements is contrary to existing regulations.
Obsessive words
In oral speech for listeners, the most noticeable is the use of colloquial and rude elements. They cut the ear and litter the story. Interestingly, this fact is noticed even by people who themselves constantly violate orthoepic norms.

Jargonisms, barbarisms and parasitic words are often used in modern oral speech. This is a sin not only for young people, but also for the older generation.
Examples of parasitic words
Elements that clog a person's speech literally stick to him. They are repeated in statements even of the smallest sizes. This makes it difficult to understand expressions and negatively affects the image of the speaker.
Words-parasites in Russian are most often particles. Among them: indicative (here) and affirmative (so), modal (perhaps) and summarizing (well). The following particles can also be a parasitic word: emotionally expressive (directly, simply) and interrogative (yes), as well as comparative (as if).

Meaningless binders in sentences are often such expressions as “actually speaking”, “so to speak”, “so”, “in principle”, “in general”. All of themare introductory words. At the same time, the phrases “probably” and “of course”, “in general” and “it seems” can clog speech. Perception of the story is hampered by repeated “means” and “let's say”, “for example” and “in short”, “listen” and “understand.”The parasitic word can also apply to pronouns. For example, "this". This element is a demonstrative pronoun. The parasitic word "this thing" is also quite widespread. It is a combination of definitive and demonstrative pronouns. In colloquial speech, one can often hear such empty words as "there" and "like him." They are respectively a pronominal adverb and a combination of a pronominal adverb with a subject-personal pronoun.
The most common and very often used in the lexicon are swear words-parasites. Their presence in spoken expressions speaks of the low culture of the narrator, because he not only violates all the norms of the language, but also uses obscenities to link words, often in unlimited quantities.
Sounds and speech-parasites
Many people, before finding the right word for them, like to pull “mmm”, “aaa” or “uh-uh”. This happens when for some reason they are slow to respond or are afraid to express their opinion. The weeds that fill the narrator's pauses cannot be written down. At the same time, they contain neutral vowel sounds, which are the simplest for the human speech apparatus.

In colloquial speech, parasitic appeals can also be found. There are people who, evena stranger is easily called a bunny, kitty or other affectionate nicknames. However, if a stranger calls you this way, then it can simply offend.
Why do parasitic words appear in speech?
Meaningless weeds uttered in the process of communication are used by those storytellers who cannot boast of the richness of their vocabulary. Often the use of parasitic words occurs in moments of unrest and stress. In such situations, there is a need to gather your thoughts and buy some time. That is why the word that first came to mind is pronounced. In the future, there is a danger of its constant use by the speaker, which can harm more than one public speaking.
The parasitic word may appear in speech due to a peculiar fashion. It happens when many people say it.
Using parasitic words in works of art, the author creates a speech characteristic of his hero. However, apart from this, they are not used in the work. There are situations when parasitic words in our speech are pronounced consciously. Such a situation is possible when an uncomfortable question is asked. It is necessary to give an answer to it, but in order to pick it up, you need to stretch out the time. It is then that a person can say the following: “how can I tell you”, “you see”, etc.

Why do parasitic sounds appear in speech?
Two people usually take turns talking to each other. If one of the interlocutors believes that it is his turn to speak, thenhe does it. If not, then he listens. Dialogues can be compared to ping-pong. At the same time, small pauses are needed in order for the interlocutor to provide the next word. However, there are times when, in order to say the next phrase, a person needs to collect his thoughts. Then the sounds of parasites arise. They are a kind of phonetic signal to the interlocutor before the beginning of the next phrase.
Characteristic of the narrator
Specialists believe that a person says less than ninety percent of what he thinks. Everything else he manifests in body movements, gestures and parasitic words. All this may well characterize the narrator.

Parasite words and their meanings differ from person to person. If a person thinks for a long time before saying the next word, then he says "it". Very fast speakers often say "how to say".
The word-parasite, often found in a person's lexicon, according to some experts, can tell a lot about the essence of his thinking, nature and vision of the world. So, someone who likes to pronounce a dummy “simple” for a bunch, believes that everything in life should be reasonable, banal and without complications. If a weed is found in a speech “in fact”, then the narrator is a kind of fighter for the truth and loves to reveal to people the truth of life. “You understand” is often said by a timid and constantly apologizing “little” person to everyone. "In short" - this word-parasite loves to pronounce the one who is not satisfied with long conversations and long communication. Althoughin this case, the opposite effect is achieved. The phrase "actually" is abused by those who are always looking to prove themselves right.
Modern parasite words
Today, the word "as if" has become very popular. In literary works, it is used as a particle that indicates the similarity or similarity of the subject of description. For example, "Answer as if reluctantly." Sometimes the particle "as if" plays the role of a conjunction expressing comparison. This particle is also used as a parasitic word. In doing so, it gives the statement a certain uncertainty. For example, "I sort of came by subway." Such ambiguity not only looks comical, but also interferes with understanding.
There is another word that is often used in an alien context - it's "type". If you adhere to literary norms, then this preposition should only appear in a sentence before nouns used in the genitive case. For example, "Hotel type boarding house". This preposition can also be used before invariable nouns. Synonyms for this part of speech are words such as "like" and "like". A person who uses the preposition "type" as a parasitic word is insecure and unable to clearly express his thoughts.
How to clear your speech
Words-parasites can make communication with a person uninteresting. Listening to meaningless words automatically inserted by the interlocutor into his speech is not only difficult, but also boring. Therefore, the pronunciation of so-called empty words should be avoided.

How to get rid of parasitic words? First of all, you should identify those shortcomings that are characteristic of your speech. To do this, it is recommended to record an arbitrary monologue on a voice recorder. Listening to it will allow you to identify existing flaws and identify automatically spoken parasitic words. In addition, during a conversation, you should be especially attentive to yourself. Unnecessary words spoken for a bunch of sentences must be clearly monitored. At the same time, you can ask loved ones for help.
An effective way to purify speech will be the introduction of any pen alties for yourself. It could be a day without sweets, a fine, sit-ups, etc.
To improve speech, one should speak more, read works of art, memorize poems and pronounce various tongue twisters. Retelling the text and working with dictionaries will allow you to get rid of the pronunciation of meaningless words.