SibFU Humanitarian Institute: points, faculties

SibFU Humanitarian Institute: points, faculties
SibFU Humanitarian Institute: points, faculties

The Humanitarian Institute of SibFU in Krasnoyarsk is one of the leading divisions of science and education. It includes a combination of humanitarian, social and technological areas. Upon graduation from this institute, the graduate receives a diploma of a generalist.

A little about Siberian Federal University

SibFU is an association of 20 institutions of the city of Krasnoyarsk. This is the largest university in Siberia. It is actively funded by the authorities and strongly supported by the state policy on education, because it is here that the International Universiade 2019 is to be held.


According to various rating lists, the Siberian Federal University is among the 15 best universities in Russia. It hosts over 31,000 students within its walls.

SFU is a research university that uses breakthrough and non-standard methods of education, therefore, education at the SibFU Humanitarian Institute is more applied than academic.

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Also, according to statistics, more than 74%graduates of this university continue to work in their speci alty, which is a rarity in the modern world.

SibFU Humanitarian Institute

GI SibFU is one of those institutions that are actively abandoning trivial teaching methods. In its programs, the Institute for the Humanities of SibFU is trying to carry out some kind of integration between the accumulated academic knowledge and breakthrough research and scientific methods in education.

This institute has a fairly solid scientific research base in order to provide a competent technical approach in the study of such sciences as philosophy, history, cultural studies, etc. This allows students to acquire not just extensive and deep knowledge in the field of humanities sciences, but also the ability to apply them in modern life, which will allow you to successfully get a job.

GI corridor
GI corridor

Also, the SibFU Humanitarian Institute actively and fruitfully cooperates with well-known cultural centers of Russia, such as the State Russian Museum, the Hermitage, etc. This makes it possible to understand that graduates of this humanitarian profile will be in demand at the all-Russian level.

Points to pass

To enter the Humanitarian Institute of SibFU, an applicant must score high scores in the Unified State Examination. Depending on the direction of study, the passing score varies from 50 to 75. The choice of humanitarian subjects for the exam in itself implies that they must be passed almost with the highest mark.

Also for admission there are various bonuses that give extra points. These include: a gold medal, a TRP badge, a victory in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the chosen subject.

GI students
GI students


There are 9 faculties of the SibFU Humanitarian Institute. These are areas of study for undergraduate programs. These include:

  • Computer Science (Applied Bachelor of Arts).
  • Socio-cultural activities.
  • History.
  • Philosophy.
  • Advertising and public relations.
  • Religious studies.
  • Documentation and work with archives.
  • Culturology.
  • Socio-cultural activities.

Each of these areas have a narrower division into specializations. Unlike some other universities, SibFU provides an opportunity to study in some humanitarian speci alties in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education.

Also, the SibFU Institute for the Humanities offers four Master's programs:

  • Art History.
  • Recent History.
  • History of Asia and Africa.
  • Applied Informatics.

All these areas are of a scientific and technological nature, for the sake of which it is worth entering the Humanitarian Institute of SibFU. After all, studying here will allow you to look at the "bookish" humanities from a completely different angle and understand how exactly they help us act in society.
