14 Wilson points briefly. What were Wilson's 14 points? Analysis of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

14 Wilson points briefly. What were Wilson's 14 points? Analysis of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points
14 Wilson points briefly. What were Wilson's 14 points? Analysis of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

14 Wilson's points are the theses expressed by the 28th President of the United States. They formed the basis of the draft peace treaty, the purpose of which was to end the First World War.

One of the great US Presidents

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924) was the 28th President of the United States. The first term of his reign, which fell on 1916-1921, was held under the slogan "He saved us from war." Wilson in every possible way prevented the participation of the United States in the First World War.

14 points of wilson
14 points of wilson

For his efforts to end the war and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, Woodrow Wilson was awarded the Nobel Prize. But we must immediately stipulate the fact that the US Senate refused to ratify the Versailles Treaty of 1919. And it turns out that, in fact, Wilson's 14 points, briefly presented as a "peace charter", really turned out to be a utopia, as both David Lloyd George (British Prime Minister) and Georges Clemenceau (French Prime Minister) described them.

Wilson's business card

This major historian and political scientist remained in the memory of the people and due to the fact that he was the creator of the Federal Reserve. After this fundamental reform of the state structure of the country, the only money in the United States became the Federal Reserve Note. Subsequently, only John F. Kennedy attempted to print new money.

Wilson's 14 Points Briefly
Wilson's 14 Points Briefly

But there are documents that remain in history as a visiting card of a politician. An example is Churchill's Fulton speech, which marked the beginning of the Cold War with the USSR. On January 28, 1918, the President of the United States addressed Congress with a speech in which he outlined his vision of the war and its goals. This speech has gone down in history as Wilson's famous 14 points. In essence, this was the West's response to Lenin's Decree on Peace, which was completely unacceptable to it. All countries wanted peace, but their approach to the problem was antagonistic.

From peace to war

14 Wilson's points were based on the conviction that the existing system of the world order does not suit the majority of the inhabitants of the planet, and the "poison of Bolshevism", seizing countries, is nothing more than a protest against it. The speech to Congress was delivered during his second term in office. The United States decided to participate in the war, citing the alleged danger to the country. The United States, through its president, stated that the essence of Wilson's 14 points is the American program for a peaceful settlement, and that they have the right to establish a new world order.

The true essence of the document

But the leading European powers, considering the “peace program” a utopia, were convinced that the true goal of the United States, veiled by the “struggle for peace”, is the everlasting desire of the overseas power to be a global leader by eliminating competitors by any means.

14 Points of Woodrow Wilson
14 Points of Woodrow Wilson

And in the Soviet political literature this speech was called "hypocritical", and the definition of the essence completely coincided with the opinion of French and British analysts. All Wilson's 14 points were about the establishment by the United States of its own world domination with more than successful use of the misfortunes of the countries involved in the First World War.

Hate disguised as care

Besides, communism was no longer wandering around Europe, but striding by leaps and bounds, and the ideas of achieving a just world and implementing democratic reforms attracted an increasing number of supporters to it. Wilson's 14 points is an attempt to seize the initiative from the Bolsheviks. If Russia had remained in the orbit of imperialism, perhaps there would have been no question at all. And although paragraph 6, dedicated to Russia, declared that Germany would liberate all the occupied Russian territories and grant our country the right to choose political development, and the "community of free nations" was charged with "welcoming" Russia into its ranks, further US intervention against the Soviet republic clearly demonstrated to the whole world the true state of things.

The essence of the first points

The hypocritical essence of the document called "Woodrow's 14 PointsWilson", later supplemented by 4 principles and 4 clarifications, can be understood by delving into them. So what is their essence? The first point was the all-round openness of the peace talks.

what were the 14 points of wilson
what were the 14 points of wilson

Any secret, behind-the-scenes interstate agreements and diplomatic agreements were categorically not allowed. The second paragraph provided for unrestricted maritime navigation both in times of peace and war, with certain reservations. The third condition of the Woodrow Wilson 14 Points document is the removal of any possible barriers to equitable international trade. Of course, between the countries that keep the peace.

Idealist or adventurer?

The fourth point looked fantastic in general - general disarmament within the limits of national security. It should be noted right away that the idea of general disarmament was first expressed by Nicholas II, and not by the Americans, who, according to their literature for children, were the first to fly into space.

The fifth point called for the destruction of colonialism as such. The sixth, dedicated to Russia, was discussed in the article above.

Designed collapse of empires

The seventh point stipulated the complete liberation and restoration of Belgium. The eighth point declared the removal of the occupation from all French territories and the return to her of Alsace-Lorraine, which Prussia owned for 50 years. The 9th paragraph was devoted to the establishment of clear boundaries for Italy. The 10th provided for broad autonomy for the peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

wilson's 14 points
wilson's 14 points

This document did not bypass the Balkans either - the liberation of Romania, Montenegro and Serbia was declared by the 11th paragraph. In the 12th, following the collapse of Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire was destroyed, and it also provided for complete autonomy for the peoples included in it, and the transfer of the Dardanelles under international jurisdiction. The creation of a free and independent Poland was declared by the 13th paragraph.

Disregard for reality

The last line was dedicated to the creation of an equal community of united nations. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that "Wilson's 14 Points" should be briefly described as a "peace charter". One can rejoice for the Americans that on the 28th their president was an unprecedented fighter for peace throughout the world and deservedly received the Nobel Prize. And the fact that Great Britain then lived at the expense of India and released it only in 1936, and there could be no talk of any collapse of the colonial system - such realities were not taken into account.


Of course, one can admit the idea that Woodrow Wilson himself, sincerely wishing happiness, peace and prosperity to his country, created these mostly beautiful-hearted theses, which formed the basis of the Versailles Peace Treaty, wholeheartedly believing in their correctness and feasibility. Although this is unlikely. But his friend, the closest adviser and assistant, Colonel E. House, in his comments on the document spoke frankly, harshly and rather cynically about the possibility of their implementation. But it must be noted that after the Senate did not accept the Treaty of Versailles, Wilsonafter his second term, he abruptly left politics.

Document screen

So what were Wilson's 14 points? You can also read enthusiastic statements about this document, it is even credited with the foundation of the international political sphere.

14 point wilson analysis
14 point wilson analysis

And why was such a wonderful document not ratified by the US Senate? Still, most researchers from different countries believe that the “peace program” veiled the desire of the United States to establish its hegemony in international politics, and each item pursued a specific goal of weakening strong international players such as Great Britain, France, Japan, Turkey and Italy.

Insidious enemy of Russia

The establishment of a new world order or a unipolar world, where the United States will be the main arbiter of the fate of all countries - only 14 Wilson points were aimed at this, the analysis of which leads to one single conclusion: they were intended to serve as a disguise for the aggressive policy of the United States. They needed such a policy primarily because of the victory of the socialist revolution in Russia.
