The Strictly Regulated Exercise Method: Essence, Application, Testimonials

The Strictly Regulated Exercise Method: Essence, Application, Testimonials
The Strictly Regulated Exercise Method: Essence, Application, Testimonials

What is the strict exercise method? Its essence lies in the fact that the movements are performed in a given form and with a clear load. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, since it is of interest in modern pedagogy.

Strictly Regulated Exercise Method
Strictly Regulated Exercise Method


The strictly regulated exercise method has significant pedagogical possibilities:

  • Allows you to conduct motor activity according to a clear program.
  • Determines the load by intensity and volume.
  • Controls the dynamics during the activity.
  • Allows you to clearly dose the duration of rest between individual exercises.

It allows you to cultivate certain physical qualities.


The methods of a strictly regulated exercise are divided into several groups:

  • Aimed at training and development of motor movements.
  • Applicable toeducation of specific physical qualities.

Let's take a closer look at each group, highlight their main characteristics.

Strictly regulated exercise methods
Strictly regulated exercise methods

Mastering the structure of motor action

What should be used at this stage? The strictly regulated exercise method involves the following techniques:

  • Integrity.
  • Dissecting constructive approach.
  • Associated effect.

The first option is suitable for any stage of learning. Its essence lies in mastering the technique of motor action from the first element in the overall structure, without highlighting the constituent parts. This makes it possible to study simple movements: jumping, running, general physical exercises.

With the help of a holistic method, it is possible to master individual elements, details, phases not in isolation, but in the general structure of the movement, with an emphasis on memorizing a specific technique.

Dissected-constructive approach

This method of strictly regulated exercise is suitable for the initial stages of training. It involves the division of a motor action, which has a complex structure, into separate elements (phases) with step-by-step learning. Then comes their connection into a single system.

When using the dismembered method, it is important to follow some rules:

  • It is desirable to start training with the performance of the entire motor action (then it is divided into elements, their thorough development).
  • It is important not to distort the features of the main exercise whendividing it into separate parts.
  • As you work out and master the individual stages, it is important to combine them into one whole action.

Currently, physical education often combines dissected-constructive and holistic methods. At the first stage, only a certain exercise is learned, then the constituent elements are studied, and at the end a holistic performance is performed.

The essence of the methods of strictly regulated exercise
The essence of the methods of strictly regulated exercise

Associated effects

The essence of the methods of a strictly regulated exercise is to bring the learned exercises to perfect execution. The idea is that the improvement of technique occurs in conditions that involve increased physical effort. For example, in training, an athlete jumps with a special weighted belt. In such situations, not only the technique of performing the exercise is improved, but also the physical capabilities of a person increase.

Methods of strictly regulated physical exercise do not imply distortion of the technique of actions, violation of the integrity of their structure.

Education of motor qualities

There are certain methods that allow you to perform exercises continuously or discretely (at intervals). On this basis, the methods of a strictly regulated exercise include:

  • Continuity.
  • Interval.

Continuity involves constant exercise without additional breaks for rest. This methodexists in two versions:

  • Equal long-term distribution of the exercise, involving cyclic actions (swimming, cycling, running, walking).
  • Long execution of the task in variable load mode (speed changes according to a pre-planned program).

Such methods contribute to the development of endurance. They are suitable for use when performing multiple (without breaks) torso raises, push-ups, bend-overs, squats.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise include
Methods of strictly regulated exercise include

Interval option

This method of strictly regulated exercise in physical education allows the use of pauses. The load in this case is intermittent, it alternates with specific rest intervals. It is used in two versions:

  • When performing specific movements repeatedly with the same speed or power (e.g. 200m, 400m multiple times).
  • With variable interval exercises, involving a change in the parameters of the training program (tempo, speed, loads).

As a methodological technique used in a variable interval exercise, there are:

  • Variable mode.
  • Decreasing or increasing the speed (power) of certain exercises.
  • Increase or decrease the time to complete a task or distance.
  • Change pauses between individual exercises.
  • Combining several techniques.
Methodstrictly regulated exercise in physical education
Methodstrictly regulated exercise in physical education

Features of circuit training

Analyzing the essence of the methods of a strictly regulated exercise, one cannot ignore this organizational and methodological form of classes.

Circuit training involves serial (continuous or at short intervals) repetition of specific exercise options, previously combined into one complex.

It includes private methods of a strict regimented exercise. Its game version is suitable for schoolchildren.

Each exercise is assigned a place, calling it a station. Most often, one circle includes about 7-10 stations equipped with certain equipment. Many exercises are locally focused, allowing you to work on any particular muscle group.

The number of repetitions at each station is determined individually. To do this, a “maximum repetitions” test is carried out, the essence of which is to identify the largest number of exercises that an athlete performs. Further, depending on the specific situation, 1/3, ½, ¼ of the norm is set.

In the circuit training, they try to include not very difficult, pre-analyzed exercises, as well as tasks with resistance and weights.

Athlete passes a full circle within one session 1-3 times immediately or at short intervals. The coach monitors the time intervals for rest, as well as the total duration of classes.

Circuit training has several methodological options,which are designed for the complex formation of specific physical qualities. If the option of continuous continuous exercise is chosen, the development of endurance is assumed. Interval performance of tasks with full rest intervals develops speed and strength abilities.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise are divided into
Methods of strictly regulated exercise are divided into

Regulated Exercise Technique

The bottom line is that each exercise has its own form and a clear load. The methods of regulated exercise have certain pedagogical features:

  • Implementation of motor activities according to the program (selection of connections, combinations, order of execution).
  • Management of dynamics taking into account the psychophysical state of athletes.
  • Selectivity in the education of physical qualities.
  • Classes with people of different ages.
  • The opportunity to master the technique of doing exercises.

Despite all the advantages and variety of methods of a strictly regulated exercise, they implement the main line of physical education, which concerns thinking through the algorithm of memorable actions. In the case of a game or competition, the coach changes the methodological line (tactically thinks through the content of the training).

General characteristics

Allocate specific and general pedagogical methods of physical education. The specific ones include the following:

  • Gaming.
  • A strictly regulated exercise.
  • Competitive.

With their help, certain tasks are solved related to teaching the technique of performing exercises and educating physical qualities.

General pedagogical methods include:

  • Visual impact.
  • Word tasks.
Methods of strictly regulated physical exercise
Methods of strictly regulated physical exercise


Currently, special attention is paid to physical education and the development of the younger generation. Certain requirements are imposed on the methods that physical education teachers and trainers use in their work. This is compliance with the individual age characteristics of children, the technical capabilities of the educational organization and the time allotted for classes.

The structure of the method consists in a combination of load, including volume and intensity, as well as rest. When performing an exercise, an inversely proportional relationship is used between intensity and volume. Professional teachers always optimally select the types of exercises for their wards, the duration of their implementation, and breaks between individual tasks. For example, they use circuit training to build endurance in children.