Absolute and relative indicators

Absolute and relative indicators
Absolute and relative indicators

The result of the analysis of processes and phenomena studied using statistical methods is a set of numerical characteristics that can be classified into absolute and relative indicators.

Absolute figures

Absolute values in terms of statistics represent the number of units or amounts in the sample, which are the direct result of the summary and grouping of the analyzed data. Absolute indicators reflect, so to speak, the "physical" characteristics of the processes and phenomena under study (area, mass, volume, spatio-temporal parameters), which, as a rule, are recorded in primary accounting documents. Absolute values always have a dimension. Note also that, in contrast to the mathematical interpretation, the statistical absolute value can be either positive or negative.

Classification of absolute indicators

Absolute values are classified according to the method of presenting the dimensions of the phenomena under study into individual, group and general.

Individual include absolute indicators expressing the numerical size of individual units of the population. For example, the number of employees in the organization, the gross output of the enterprise, profit, etc.

Group indicators are the parameters that determine the dimensional characteristics or the number of units in a certain part of the population. Such indicators are calculated by summing the corresponding absolute parameters of individual units of the study group or by directly counting the number of units in a sample from the general population.

Absolute indicators that describe the size of a feature in all units of the population are called general. Such parameters are the result of a summary of the results of statistical studies. These indicators include the wage fund of enterprises in the region, the gross wheat harvest in the state, etc.

Determination of relative value

From the point of view of statistics, the relative value is a generalizing parameter that describes the quantitative ratio of two absolute values. In other words, relative indicators characterize the relationship and interdependence of two compared absolute parameters.

The use of relative values in socioeconomic research

Relative indicators play an important role in the analysis of socio-economic processes, since absolute characteristics alone do not always allow a correct assessment of the analyzed phenomenon. Often, their true significance is revealed only when compared with another absolute indicator.

Relative indicators include parameters that determine the structure of the phenomenon, as well as its development duringtime. With their help, it is easier to trace the development trends of the process under study and make a forecast of its further evolution.

The main feature of relative values is that they allow you to perform a comparative analysis of processes that are not comparable in absolute units, which, in turn, opens up opportunities for comparing the levels of development or prevalence of various social phenomena.

Principle of calculating relative value

In relation to absolute indicators, which are input data for statistical analysis, relative values are derived from them, or secondary. The calculation of relative indicators in general terms is performed by dividing one absolute parameter by another. At the same time, the value in the numerator is called the compared, or current, and the indicator in the denominator with which the comparison is made is the basis (base) of comparison.

Obviously, it is possible to perform a comparison even of seemingly completely unrelated absolute values. Relative indicators necessary for statistical analysis should be chosen based on the objectives of a particular study and the nature of the primary data available. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of visibility and ease of perception.

Not only absolute, but also relative characteristics can be used as current and basic indicators for calculation. Relative parameters obtained by comparing absolute characteristics are called first-order indicators, and relative parameters are called indicatorshigher orders.

Dimensions of relative values

Statistical analysis allows you to calculate relative indicators for both like and different values. The result of comparing the parameters of the same name are unnamed relative values, which can be expressed in multiplicity factors, representing how many times the current indicator is greater or less than the base one (in this case, one is taken as the basis for comparison). Often in statistical studies, the comparison base is taken equal to 100. In this case, the dimension of the obtained relative indicators will be percentages (%).

When comparing different parameters, the ratio of the corresponding dimensions of indicators in the numerator and denominator is taken as the dimension of the obtained relative value (for example, the indicator of GDP per capita has the dimension of million rubles per person).

Classification of relative values

Among the variety of relative parameters, the following types are distinguished:

  • dynamic indicator;
  • indicators of the plan and implementation of the plan;
  • intensity indicator;
  • structure indicator;
  • coordination indicator;
  • comparison indicator.

Dynamism Indicator (DPI)

relative indicator
relative indicator

This parameter describes the ratio of the current level of development of the phenomenon under study to some, taken as a base, the level of its development in the previous period. Expressed as a multiple ratio, the relative indicator of dynamicsis called the growth factor, and as a percentage - the growth rate.

Plan Indicators (PIP) and Plan Implementation Indicators (PRP)

Such indicators are used by all subjects of the economy involved in current and strategic planning. They are calculated as follows:

relative performance
relative performance
absolute and relative indicators
absolute and relative indicators

The characteristics discussed above are related by the following relationship:


The relative indicator of the plan determines the intensity of the task compared to the previous period, and the implementation of the plan determines the degree of its implementation.

Structure Indicator (FSI)

This relative indicator shows the structural composition of the population and is expressed in relation to the size of the absolute feature of the structural part of the object under study to the size of the feature of the population as a whole. In other words, the calculation of structure indicators consists in calculating the proportion of each part of the population:

calculation of relative indicators
calculation of relative indicators

The OPVs are usually expressed as fractions of a unit (coefficients) or percentages. The sum of the specific weights of the structural parts of the studied population should be equal to one or one hundred percent, respectively.


Coordination Index (CIR)

relative indicators characterize
relative indicators characterize

This parameter characterizes the ratio of the characteristics of some part of the statistical population to the characteristics of the base part. The relative indicator of coordination is used in statistical analysis to more visually represent the relationship between the individual parts of the study population.

The part of the population with the maximum specific gravity or being a priority is chosen as the base.

Intensity Index (IIR)

This characteristic is used to describe the propagation of the studied phenomenon (process) in its own environment. Its essence lies in the comparison of oppositely named quantities related to each other in some way.

relative indicators are
relative indicators are

Examples are indicators of the level of GDP per capita, demographic indicators of natural increase (decrease) of the population per 1000 (10000) people, etc.

Comparison indicator (CRR)

This parameter describes the ratio of absolute characteristics of different objects with the same name:

relative comparison indicator
relative comparison indicator

The relative comparison indicator can be used for comparative analysis, for example, the population of different countries, prices for the same goods of different brands, labor productivity at different enterprises, etc.

Calculation of relative characteristics is an important step in statistical analysis, however,considering them regardless of the primary absolute indicators, one can come to unreliable conclusions. Therefore, a correct assessment of various socioeconomic processes and phenomena should be based on a system of parameters, which includes both absolute and relative indicators.
