If a person distinguished himself by resourcefulness, intelligence, managed to get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses and even get some profit, what word best describes him? Contemporaries will rack their brains for a long time, and for the older generation, the most appropriate epithet is “sharp-witted”. The term is ancient and is found in many languages of the Slavic group, but is used less and less due to the influx of borrowings.
Where did the compliment come from?
Many immediately associate with accounting because of the consonance with the "estimate". And right! The concepts have the same root and come from a verb recorded in Dahl's dictionary:
- sweep;
- mark.
Without sweeping your strength, do not lift the pitchfork.
Native Russian speakers understand this as labeling. However, in Bulgarian there is a consonant definition, whose literal translation means "to count". It implies the ability to consciously or intuitively process information and issue an optimal solution.

How is it used today?
Multiple values are allowed today. A person, some of his individual statements or some object can be sharp-witted. The adjective is used exclusively in a colloquial form, which determines the richness of situations for the use of a capacious term. In the basic version:
- with a mark;
- smart, quick-witted, resourceful.
About someone who solves the most difficult puzzle in a matter of minutes, quickly finds errors in calculations or calculates the criminal from the very first pages of a detective novel. Other interpretations are also possible:
- expressing intelligence;
- carrying a hunch.
It is not necessary for a Person to demonstrate a high level of intelligence regularly, a one-time insight is enough. Sometimes a simple cleaning lady can come up with a solution that no one in the analytics department of a large corporation would come up with.
To be smart is to answer a specific question in a given situation. For some, this happens all the time, while others will be able to show off their minds, formulate a brilliant concept only once. But even this is enough for recognition!

Do I need to memorize?
Does the definition seem exotic? It has long settled in dictionaries, although it is not suitable for use in official documents. Its colloquial format is far from the youth of the 21st century, but the concept is devoid of negative connotations and is perceived strictly positively, ascomplete praise. You can hear it from a teacher, supervisor, or older members of your own family.
The epithet is out of modern slang, but because of that it becomes brighter, better engraved in memory and motivates for further achievements. A kind word can go a long way, so be sure to include it in your vocabulary!