If we talk about interesting facts about s alt, then there are a great many of them, because this product plays a huge role in people's lives. It is the only one of all minerals that is used in its pure form. This is the most ancient spice. The name of the word is associated with the Sun. Interesting facts about s alt in chemistry and other areas will be discussed in the article.
Sodium chloride

S alt sold in stores contains 97% of this substance. The rest is impurities, often compounds with iodine, fluorine, carbonic acid. Here are some interesting facts about s alts in chemistry:
- Unlike the canteen, the sea also contains other trace elements. We are talking about sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, boron, zinc, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, silicon.
- In the Dead Sea, the composition of s alt has its own characteristics. It contains 50% magnesium chloride, 15% calcium chloride, 30% sodium chloride, 5% potassium chloride. S alt concentrationapproaching 300%. In this reservoir, there are few s alts of sulfuric acid and a relatively large amount of hydrobromic acid. Therefore, this place is a unique natural clinic.
- Both the taste and color of this sea-sourced substance is entirely dependent on location. The most valuable is the gray sea. This color is a direct result of the content of oceanic clay in it, as well as dunalyella, a microscopic healing algae.
- In St. Petersburg in 1879, two engineers, Glukhov and Vashuk, received a patent related to the technical electrolysis of table s alt. Later, on this basis, a convenient method was created that made it possible to produce caustic soda on an industrial scale. Another component of common s alt that is easily released during electrolysis is chlorine, which has a wide range of industrial uses.
Particularly interesting facts about s alt for children will be historical, which are discussed below
Since ancient times

Among historical interesting facts about s alt are the following:
- In ancient Egypt, the art of s alting Meat, fish, ducks, quails, and other small birds was very common. For this, special pickles were organized.
- In ancient Rome, s alt symbolized well-being and he alth. Her personification was the goddess Salus, to whom sacrifices were made. This substance was offered to guests as a sign of friendliness.
- Christians revered white matter as a symbol of eternal life and purity. Addressing the apostles, Jesus called them the s alt of the earth.
Let's continue talking about the use of the product in question in the old days.
Other historical information
You can give, for example, the following:
- Orthodox priests for a long time observed the tradition of throwing a pinch of s alt into the font when baptizing babies.
- In China, 4 thousand years ago, they introduced a tax on this product, due to which the rulers were enriched.
- In the Middle Ages, s alt was one of the most expensive products, it was called white gold. At feasts, she was present only at the tables of noble guests and occupied the most honorable place. Those who didn’t get it remained “not s alty slurping.”
Next, here are some interesting facts about s alt from a later time.
Good marketing ploy

At the beginning of the century before last, s alt cost four times more than beef. In many states, it was a significant part of the total trade turnover.
A London-based company called Halen Mon has launched a highly original product that they advertise as s alt made from human tears by evaporation.
The line of original products contains five types, and each of them was allegedly made from tears caused by a particular emotion or condition. We are talking about s alt from tears - from laughter, anger, sadness, onions, a runny nose. Each has its own flavor.
For example, a sadness-related product smells like lavender. In fact, in jars, ordinary sea s alt. Still unconvention althe marketing move turned out to be very successful and attracted a lot of attention from buyers.
S alt flat in Bolivia
One of the largest s alt flats is located in Bolivia. This is a dried-up lake Uyuni, which occupies more than 10 thousand square meters. km and attracting thousands of tourists. For them, hotels were built here, in which not only the walls, but also the roof and furniture are made of s alt blocks. Interestingly, in order to prevent the destruction of these structures, it is strictly forbidden… licking the walls.
And the s alt marsh has another, very unusual use. At certain periods, the surface of Uyuni is covered with a thin layer of water, which turns it into a mirror of a huge scale. This property is used to adjust the optical equipment located on artificial earth satellites.
Interesting facts about s alt in Russia

Princely warriors in Russia were paid "white gold" for their service, as mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle. And in the 17th century. in tsarist Russia, it was part of the salary of gunners, archers, and other service people.
One of the largest urban uprisings in the middle of the 17th century. is the S alt Riot in the capital. It was a mass performance with the participation of both the lower and middle strata - townspeople, artisans, courtyards, archers. The riot occurred in 1648 due to the high price of s alt.
The tax on this product in Russia was levied from 1818 to 1881. After it was abolished, its prices fell three times in a few years, while itsconsumption has increased many times.
Until the 19th c. it was customary for fishermen to "treat the waterman." So that he would not tear the nets, guard the fish in the river, contribute to a good catch, save the drowning, he had to be appeased. As a treat, he was presented with the head of a horse, which was previously rubbed with s alt and honey. She was taken out to the middle of the river and dumped into the water.
Next, here are some interesting facts about s alt and how to use it
The use of "white gold"

Only 6% of this product is used for food on a global scale, 17% for winter paving, the remaining 77% are used in industry. These are its industries such as food, chemical, leather, paint and varnish, wood-chemical, refrigeration, metallurgical, transport.
Large amounts of common s alt are used in utilities and factories to soften water to prevent and reduce scale buildup on equipment and boiler walls.
Already from the 8th c. in Holland, catching and s alting of herring was the main economic branch of the country. According to legend, the method of smoking and s alting this fish was invented in Bulikt by the fisherman Bekelem. A monument was erected to him in Holland as a benefactor of the state.
In China, it is customary to s alt eggs for sale. To do this, they are lowered into a saturated saline solution. At first they are on the surface, and then, saturating, they become heavier and sink to the bottom. Then they are taken out of the brine and, after wiping, are placed in boxes. Thus, they are preserved for a long time and, although they become tough, they acquire a good taste.
More interesting facts about s alt

You can give the following:
- It has been obtained from sea water for 4 thousand years.
- On a global scale, more than 6 million tons are mined a year.
- According to ancient chronicles, Queen Cleopatra took sea s alt baths.
- In the old days there was a recipe for cognac with sea s alt, it was called "sea". It was used as a medicine for external and internal diseases.
- There are s alt museums in many countries, for example, in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland. There are also in our country.
- There are also monuments to this indispensable product.
- From ancient times, various methods of divination with the help of s alt, called alomancy, have been known. In ancient Greek άλας - "s alt", Μαντεία - "prophecy". Up to the 20th c. they were used in Russian Christmas divination.