Children love to play, relax. This is especially important for those kids who are in elementary school. So, it is still difficult for them to sit through a whole lesson without a break. And not only mentally, but even physically. That is why in the structure of schoolchildren's education there are physical minutes for primary classes. This will be discussed further.

Why are they needed
Very often, people simply do not understand why physical minutes are needed in elementary school. After all, they take away the time that a child can spend on learning useful material. However, not all so simple. The he alth of the child is the main concern of any educational institution. Thus, he alth is not only mental, but also mental and physical. The fact is that it is still very difficult for a kid who only recently got into the walls of the school to concentrate his attention throughout the lesson. And so that the material is not only perceived, but also assimilated, the guys need to be periodically distracted. How to do it? It is best to take care of the whole body as a whole. So, children of elementary grades are still very mobile. Andit is very difficult for them to be in one position for more than 20 minutes. That's what physical minutes are for. They help not only to distract from the lesson, but also to stretch your body a little.
Main functions of physical minutes
As it has already become clear from the above information, physical minutes for elementary grades are very useful and necessary. So, they are called upon to perform the following most important tasks:
- Improve the emotions of students, because the warm-up always has a positive effect on the mood of the child.
- Significantly reduce anxiety.
- "Unload" the work of the brain. In moments of such rest, the child is distracted, gives his gray matter a rest, switches to another type of activity. And this has a very positive effect not only on he alth, but also on the process of mastering the material.
- Improve memory, because the memorability of material increases.
- Contribute to the formation of interest in learning and mental activity. Indeed, in this case, cognitive activity does not seem so hard work.

Selection of complexes for classes
It should also be noted that physical minutes for elementary grades should be selected taking into account the child's employment. For example, in a math lesson, their duration can be shorter, giving preference to the saturation of physical education, while a reading lesson can be reduced by 5 minutes. Also, the set of exercises should be such that it does not cause material damage to school property and does not bring inconvenience to children.
Main activities
When choosing exercises for a physical minute for elementary grades, you need to take into account the fact that all muscle groups that are in tension in a child should be involved. First of all, those that are responsible for maintaining posture, as well as hands. That is why the most successful will be torso to the sides, bending, sipping, half-squats and squats, as well as various hand swings.

Time Frame
A very frequently asked question: how long should physical minutes last in elementary school? So, it all depends on the capabilities of the teacher (how much you can reduce certain material by finding time for physical education). However, on average they do not exceed 3 minutes. Maximum - 5. This time is quite enough for the guys to be able to warm up, get distracted, but still not lose the thread of the material supplied by the teacher. But you need to understand that for a couple of minutes after the lesson, the kids will be active, gradually calming down. Frequency is also important. In elementary school, experts recommend taking small breaks every 15 minutes, in middle school - every 20.
Complex of exercises
Physical minutes for primary school children should include the maximum number of movements to warm up multiple muscle groups:
- exercises to warm up the muscles that support posture;
- hand exercises;
- eye exercises;
- rest for the spine;
- breathing exercises;
- exercises to relax and relax facial muscles;
- leg exercises.

Physical minutes in the classroom at school have their own classification. So, they are divided into the following groups:
- Wellness. Here exercises for the hands, eyes, dance movements are involved.
- Motor-speech, where you need to relax the muscles of the face and the articulatory apparatus. This also includes breathing exercises.
- Physical and sports, which includes outdoor games, as well as developing exercises.
- Cognitive. These are psycho-gymnastics, didactic games with elements of movement.
- Creative. Finger gymnastics, role playing, etc.
Fun exercise
It is very important to periodically hold fun physical minutes for younger students. After all, it is not only good for he alth, but also perfectly uplifting. In this case, you can offer the kids the following exercises:
- The right hand should touch the left ear, the left hand - the right. Then quickly switch hands. You need to do this 5 times. It seems to be simple, but the kids will stray and laugh.
- Also a very fun and difficult exercise: with the right hand, the child should pat himself on the top of his head, and with his left hand, stroke the tummy clockwise.
Both fun and useful.
Chants for physical education minutes
It is very good to spend physical minutes in verse. At the same time, children themselves must memorize short chants and reproduce them. Indeed, in this case, they train not onlymuscles, but also memory. Under simple texts, you can perform a variety of exercises. However, it is easiest to carry out exercises for fingers and hands in this way.
Verse 1.
We wrote, we wrote, Our fingers are tired.
One, two, three -
Pen, no pain!
Verse 2.
One - put your hands up, For two - sit down together.
Three - jumped like bunnies, We have fun, not bored.

Fine motor activity
Excellent activities for fine motor skills activate the brain. In this case, the guys can be offered to perform the following exercises:
- Simultaneously draw two halves of a heart or sun with both hands.
- You can play the piano with your fingers.
- It is very useful to rub your fingers with your own hands.
- Squeeze-unclench fingers into a fist. You can do the exercise for acceleration.
- You can also lock your hands together.
Warm-up to improve brain function
Teachers should understand that it is important for children to stretch many parts of the body. This is especially true for toddlers in first grade. After all, being unaccustomed to sitting through a whole lesson is very boring for them. It is here that I would like to note that it is also important to periodically stimulate cerebral circulation so that the children increase their mental activity. In this case, the following set of exercises will come in handy:
- In a sitting position, you need to tilt your head back and forth. Doing soslow is best. Shoulders slumped.
- Also in the sitting position, however, the hands are placed on the belt. Head turns left-right.
- The left hand should be thrown over the right shoulder, turning the head to the left. Do the same with the other hand.
Exercise should be done slowly, without sudden movements. It is enough to do 4-6 approaches.
Exercise to relieve tired eyes
Fizminutki in verse are well suited for gymnastics for the eyes. Indeed, in this case, the child’s respiratory system is quite calm and reading a verse from memory will not interfere with the exercise.
Curious Barbara
Looked left, right, Looked up and down, There sat down on the ledge, And fell down from it.
Under such chants, you can perform the following very simple, but most useful exercises:
- Squinting-opening the eye (perform 5 times).
- Circular rotation of the eyes. In this case, the head remains motionless (perform 6-8 times).
- Take your eyes to the right without blinking. Return to starting position, blink a little. Then turn your eyes to the left, again without blinking. Returning to the starting position, blink again (perform about 5 times).
- You need to select any point or object, stare at it. When turning the head to the right or left, the object must not be lost sight of.
- And the last, simple and even pleasant exercise: you need to look into the distance for 1 minute. Best of all - outside the window.
If there are children in the class with special problems, such as myopia,for them, you can choose a special set of exercises. You can also conduct preventive classes regarding myopia.

"Turn on" attention
What else can physical education be like? Primary classes are a group of children who, until recently, did not obey such a strict order and were not “tied” to one place. However, discipline is important at school, and students should be able to not only sit through the lesson, but also learn the material given by the teacher. In this case, it is important to lead classes to activate attention, which, by the way, can periodically “fade out” due to the characteristics of the child's body.
The guys are in the starting position: arms along the body.
- The hands are alternately placed on the belt.
- Next - on the shoulders.
- After - rise up, followed by a couple of pops.
- Now you need to lower your hands: first they are placed alternately on the shoulders.
- Next - on the belt.
- Followed by a couple of slaps on the hips.
The exercise is done slowly at first, a little faster the next time. And so up to five times, until the guys start to go astray and at the same time have fun. It is in this case that it is possible to conduct musical physical minutes for elementary grades. The music for the macarena dance is ideal for the above exercise.
Support posture and relieve fatigue from the back
It is equally important for the guys to stretch their back and shoulder girdle as well. After all, at first it is very difficult for kids to sit through a full lesson without a break. Moreover, adhering to the rules of correct posture, not hunching over and not bending low. Exercises for toddlers:
- "Scissors" with hands. The arms are extended forward, the position of the hands changes in swings: from above, then left, then right.
- Being in a sitting position, the right hand rises, the left one moves forward. Mahami hands change position to the opposite: the right is in front, the left goes up.
- Hands should be raised up, squeezing the hands well a couple of times. Lower down, relax your hands, shake your hands.
- In a standing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, arms thrown behind your head. Make circular movements with the body in one direction or the other.
- It is also useful to tilt the torso back and forth, to the sides.
Kids can warm up in any way. For this, it is not necessary to select special exercises. You can just turn on rhythmic fun music, to which the guys will just move, dance the way they want. However, it is worth noting that it is best to conduct such classes at a break. After all, a lot of noise will rise, which may interfere with the classes of neighboring classes.
Rhythmic physical minutes are also very interesting. In this case, the children are engaged in counting, and the exercises are simple, but which must be performed clearly. Here you can count, raise your hands, make claps. During the lesson, the teacher constantly counts: one - sit down, two - stand up, three - hands to the sides, etc.

Technology to help
Students will also enjoy electronic physics minutes for elementary grades. What does this mean? Everything is simple here: not a teacher can show exercises, but a robot on a monitor or TV screen. You just have to choose the right program, a set of exercises to warm up one or another part of the body.