School-wide parent meeting: goals, procedure, topics

School-wide parent meeting: goals, procedure, topics
School-wide parent meeting: goals, procedure, topics

Parent meetings are held to ensure interaction between the family and the school, which is one of the principles for organizing an effective educational process. In addition to meetings with the head of the class team, which are held 4-5 times per academic year, school-wide parent meetings can also be organized on some issues.

school parent meeting
school parent meeting

Functions of parent meeting

Meetings of parents with teachers to discuss organizational issues, learning outcomes or problems of the educational process are held with the following goals:

  1. Familiarization of mothers and fathers of students with the content of curricula, methods of the educational process, circles working at school, electives, the possibility of conducting additional classes for lagging students or, for example, preparing for exams.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents, whichmay include informing about the characteristics of a particular age (adolescence, for example), the conditions of interaction with children, educational methods, and so on.
  3. Involving family members in joint activities, such as excursions, trips to the theater, circus, botanical garden, and other extracurricular activities.
  4. Solving organizational issues. Problems of discipline, issues of duty, catering, school uniforms, the introduction of electives, the implementation of some curricula, and so on can and should be discussed together with the parents of schoolchildren.
parent meeting minutes
parent meeting minutes

Types of parent meetings

The type of organization of a school-wide parent meeting depends on the issues that will be considered. For example, organizational meetings can be distinguished, at which topics related to the trip of children, a long-distance excursion, or preparation for a multi-day hiking trip are discussed.

Meetings on psychological and pedagogical education of parents can be held with the involvement of a school psychologist. Thematic meetings are also held (for example, on how to instill in a student a love of a book, help with homework, organize a day) and debates on topical issues of the educational process. The topics of school-wide parent meetings are usually discussed at the school's pedagogical council. In addition, parents themselves can suggest meeting topics.

School-wide parent meetings

Meetings that bring together parents of students from the whole school or one-several parallels, are called, as a rule, school-wide. School-wide parent-teacher meetings are also attended by representatives of the administration of the educational institution, subject teachers and class teachers, a school he alth worker (if necessary) and a psychologist. Large-scale meetings of the school management and teachers with parents are held once or twice a year, and even then if there is a sufficient reason.

Topics for parent-teacher conferences
Topics for parent-teacher conferences

Preparing for parent meeting

Preparing for a meeting with family members of students (both classroom and schoolwide) begins with the agenda. As a rule, the topic of the school-wide parent meeting is determined quickly, because this meeting is held only when necessary. But this does not mean that the topic should not be discussed with teachers and the school administration at the next teachers' council. Such a discussion will help all participants in the meeting, as well as those who wish to speak on certain issues, prepare for the speech.

Next, you need to determine the form of the meeting, the content. You will need a summary of the school-wide parent meeting at the school outlining the information that needs to be brought to the attention of parents. Meetings often come down to just a monologue by the teacher or school administration, but this is the wrong format.

It is necessary to involve parents in expressing opinions, suggestions, so that they ask questions of interest. This can be ensured in this way: first, a representative of the administration makes a speech on the agenda, then parents are giventhe opportunity to ask questions after the presentation of other participants in the meeting (teachers, psychologist, invited employee of the education department, school he alth worker, etc.).

speech at the schoolwide meeting
speech at the schoolwide meeting

Defining the topic and content of the meeting

The topic of a school-wide meeting of the teaching staff of the school with the parents of students may be as follows:

  1. Familiarization with new regulations, laws that directly relate to the field of education.
  2. Issues of organizing the educational process in the first grades (meeting for parents of first graders): learning without grades, lessons, electives and additional classes, a safe way home.
  3. The director's report on the work of the school for the past academic year, the distribution of budget funds, student learning outcomes.
  4. Professional definition, questions regarding the organization of examinations (for parents of children in grades 9 and 11).
  5. Modern children and parents. A conversation about the interaction of the older and younger generations, the support of parents for their children.
  6. Emergency meetings.
  7. Adaptation of first graders to school, fifth graders to secondary school.
  8. Problems of adolescence.
  9. Sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region. Vaccination issues. He althy lifestyle.

The protocol of the school-wide parent meeting is mandatory. This document is then filed into the reporting. Minutes of the school-wide parent meetingrecorded by the secretary.

school-wide parent meeting at school
school-wide parent meeting at school

Preparing meeting facilities

When the topics and content of the meeting are determined, it remains only to choose the means that will help better convey information to parents. A speech at a school-wide parent meeting can be supported by a presentation on the topic, statistics, documents, illustrations and photographs, videos.
