In the spoken language, there are many expressions that people use not once, but constantly. The reason is that their meaning turned out to be so successful, well-aimed and memorable that everyone likes it and fits many everyday situations. Such expressions become sayings and proverbs, turn into catchphrases. It is not always possible to say exactly where they came from in human speech, they have become so familiar to hearing. Often such phrases are drawn from books and films, often they are the brainchild of folk wisdom.
Where did the expression "be content with what we have" come from, what does it mean, and what is its philosophy? It is difficult to say this unequivocally, since the phrase has survived millennia, being used by people under different circumstances, but each time with a special meaning.

About the story
Numerous written sources testify to the ancient origin of the expression "to be content with what we have", and the most famous of them is the Bible - a book that has been recognized for a long time and everywhere. This phrase was spoken by one who is inthe apostle Paul, who was arrested for preaching and spreading Christianity. In his letters to his brothers in faith, he wrote: “I am learning to be content with what I have, no matter what situation I am in.”
This wisdom from the "New Testament" testifies that even in extreme need and under the threat of death, the biblical hero did not lose heart, accepting his fate and any outcome, no doubt that for all the suffering he would receive a worthy reward for Heaven.
These events took place in the 1st century AD, that is, almost two millennia have passed since then. The world has changed, but the phrase spoken by the apostle is still relevant.

Christian interpretation
After the death of the Apostle Paul, his epistles were widely distributed, and excerpts from them were often quoted in sermons, read during Christian services, used in the works of prominent religious philosophers and theologians. Perhaps this was the impetus for the fact that the phrase "be content with what is" has become a frequently used expression in everyday life.
What is its meaning, and how do Christians understand it? For the Orthodox, long-suffering and simplicity of way of life, the ability to endure any suffering, lack of material comforts, even hunger and illness, endure, meekly and calmly, are important qualities. A believer who does not strive for we alth, excesses, power and the blessings of this world is considered worthy of respect and imitation.
Accept the situation
Knowing how to be content with little is important to overcomemany life hardships. And modern people often find themselves in difficult situations. Here it is necessary to accept what happened, and not lament the impossible, because tantrums, aggression towards others and the search for the guilty can be an unnecessary waste of energy, nerves and time. Such behavior leads to mental balance, interferes with sober thinking, often makes you do unreasonable things that only aggravate the situation. In this sense, this phrase means that it is not always possible to choose life circumstances, but a person is able to control his attitude to the situation, reacting to misfortunes and inconveniences steadfastly and soberly, with dignity.

If you build such behavior into a life principle, no misfortune will be able to unsettle. The struggle with difficulties cannot end in one day, it rarely happens in life. Positive changes should be made step by step and be patient. This is what people often mean when they say this phrase.
Live in the moment
reality. Then they say: "Be content with the present."

This is taught by many philosophical schools, and often the advice of psychologists comes down to the same thing. This position certainly has its advantages. After all, a person oftenexpects misfortunes before they happen, while attracting negativity to itself. Often, on the contrary, he entertains himself with illusions, which then do not come true in practice, creating problems for himself and those around him. But how beautiful today is, you can find out without waiting for tomorrow.
Ancient sources
But not everyone agrees with the point of view that one should concentrate on the present moment. Indeed, if you can forget about the past, then it is impossible not to think about the future at all. It was on this occasion that the great ancient Greek orator Isocrates spoke. He also at one time uttered a phrase already known to us, but only in a slightly different, supplemented version. He said: "Be content with the present, but strive for the best." And this historical statement once again proves the ancient origin of the issue we are considering. After all, Isocrates lived about four centuries before the birth of Christ.

Today more than twenty speeches of this outstanding speaker have been preserved. Later generations are also well aware of many of his vivid sayings and aphorisms, which are used to this day.
About important things
When they say to someone: be content with less, people usually mean material, but not spiritual life values. After all, who does not blind his eyes to we alth, more than others is open to sincere friendship and love, is able to appreciate the warmth of his home and the care of loved ones living with him under the same roof. He enjoys the peaceful sky and the beauty of nature. For him, understandablethe joys of creativity and the thirst for knowledge of the laws of the universe are desired.

Mere food, minimal amenities, lack of a bank account does not at all indicate spiritual poverty. This is how the above sentence should be understood. After all, not the one who has everything is rich, but the one for whom little is enough. People who are able to enjoy a little are characterized by the absence of pettiness and envy. They do not make acquaintances, wanting something from them. They have no reason to lie to others, and therefore people are drawn to them. Every day they learn something new, live richly, interestingly.
Striving for more
But what about those who are not satisfied with a modest material life, and such an existence is not at all their conscious choice? They say about them: they have to be content with what they have. And it doesn't have to have a negative connotation. Often this expression conveys regret, sympathy. When people talk about themselves this way, this phrase means dissatisfaction, conveys their dissatisfaction with their own destiny, the desire to have what is still unattainable. This point of view can also be understood and accepted.
And how can you be content with what you have, if development and progress is largely based on struggle? And it was people who wanted to get more of what was given in life who made important discoveries and inventions, helped to establish and equip life not only for themselves, but also for other people. But the main thing is to be able to reasonably measure your capabilities and desires.
In proverbs
Oral creativity countsthe property of the whole people, its spiritual treasure. It includes fairy tales, legends and, of course, proverbs. They are the result of a collective mind, but they exist longer than their creators, surviving centuries, reflecting not only the language, but also the culture, worldview, and customs of different peoples.
One of the Tatar proverbs teaches:
Being content with what you have is we alth.
As you can see, this saying also contains the phrase we have already mentioned many times. What does this statement mean, and what is the meaning of it? Tatars who profess Islam believe that the Almighty created the world amazing, unique and full of wonderful miracles. Not everyone can see it. But whoever is capable of this can already consider himself rich.
From the above examples, we can conclude that the expression "to be content with what we have" since ancient times and often used by representatives of different eras and corners of the planet, was pronounced in many languages in different versions. It is a reflection of the philosophical ideas and religious beliefs of people from ancient times to the present.

By how and in what way a person uses this expression, what meaning he puts into it, one can judge his psychology, character, personal qualities, whether he takes an active or passive position in life, submits to fate or fights with circumstances.
The phrase itself contains the wisdom that it is not fate that makes a person happy or unhappy,not external obstacles or their absence, but his perception of reality, the thoughts in his head. The ability to manage your emotions, the ability to curb your desires makes people stronger. This means that it is possible to be happy with what you have, even if it is very little. This is how it is necessary to understand the meaning of this bright and capacious saying.