Writing an essay-reasoning on the Russian language at the final exams is quite a feasible task. Vast experience has been accumulated in conducting a single exam, and you can answer the question of how to write an essay in Russian so that it meets the highest score without hesitation.

During the exam, you will be asked to read a non-fiction or fiction text that addresses a certain philosophical problem. You may have an excerpt from a work containing a discussion about material or non-material values (kindness, beauty, military awards), a natural sketch or a description of a specific life situation.
The essay is evaluated according to clear criteria, so we can talk about some kind of algorithm that will help you formulate ideas and put them on paper.
How to write an essay: narrative outline
In essence, you need to make a critical analysis of the passage: identify the main problem, analyze the position of the author, express and argue your opinion, draw a conclusion.
Your essay should have a clear structure: introduction, mainstory, conclusion. All three of these compositional elements must be traced. The size of the essay should be within 150-250 words, it is better not to write long opuses.
How to write an essay in the Russian language of the exam: structure C1

The plan is:
1. State one specific problem. Write a key thesis or raise a problematic question. ("Is it possible to change the world around you, lamenting because of its imperfection and not changing anything in your life?")
2. Write a detailed comment on the problem. (“This question is read between the lines of the story of such and such an author…”)
3. Explain the position of the author. (“Turgenev believes that you need to start with a change in your own attitude …”)
4. Have your say.
5. Give a couple of arguments in favor of your position. You can give an example from life, and even better - from literature.
6. Make a conclusion that supports your or the author's position.
How to write an essay: learning to formulate thoughts

You need to gain the necessary vocabulary, sufficient to write an essay on the text of a problematic nature. You must memorize certain semantic constructions and phrases that will help express an elusive thought and tie all ideas together.
Read some examples of good analytical work. Get acquainted with examples of essays in books to prepare for the exam. Go to the library and takeSoviet publications, which provide a detailed analysis of the works of the classics. However, they can be downloaded from the Internet. If you have the patience, flip through the works of famous critics (Dobrolyubov, Belinsky). You will learn how to highlight a problem, learn how to look at a conflict from different points of view, and most importantly, remember a few template phrases that can be embedded in any text.
How to write an essay on the exam: assessment criteria
When checking the work, the ability to formulate the key problem, coherence and logic of reasoning, expressiveness of speech, compliance of the text with lexical, spelling, punctuation, speech and other language norms will be evaluated.
Read more, and the question of how to write an essay will not be so acute for you.