"Not guilty of anything." Merged or separate?

"Not guilty of anything." Merged or separate?
"Not guilty of anything." Merged or separate?

Competent spelling of words is a priority indicator of a person's education. Therefore, you need to devote as much time as possible to improving knowledge. The issue of spelling is relevant for schoolchildren and students of the philological department. This is about professional skill.

What the construction consists of

To understand the correct spelling, they analyze what parts of speech they will encounter. Parsing the construction "not guilty of anything" into its component parts, they distinguish:

  1. "Nei" - in this case a particle that adds a boost to the value of the "not" particle.
  2. "B" is a preposition, and prepositions with words are written separately, which already cuts off "nothing" and "nothing" as independent parts. The question is asked to the construction: "Guilty of what?", The answer to which also contains the preposition either "in" or "in", which means that the division between words is correct.
  3. "What" is a pronoun, the initial form of which is "what" (the category is relative). Pronouns with prepositions are written separately.
  4. "Not" -negative particle.
  5. "Guilty" (what?) is a short adjective.
  6. Having figured out what parts of speech are presented in the example, take into account the rules that correlate with them.

What rules to follow

Let's remember some rules to understand how to spell "not guilty of anything". First of all, we distinguish between the particles "not" and "neither", respectively, we determine in which cases each is used. Pay attention to the pivot table.

The distinction is not and neither
The distinction is not and neither

In the example "they are not guilty of anything" the particle "neither" reinforces the negation expressed by the particle "not". Accordingly, "not" is a negative particle.

How do you spell particles with other words? In this construction, they are written separately from the words to which they refer. Please note: separate spelling is provided because "not" and "neither" are particles in the original case.

Secondly, the rule of writing prepositions is used. Prepositions with words are written separately. Third, remember the spelling of "not" with short adjectives. Such a question often causes difficulties.

How to write?

The main rule is: "Not with a short adjective is written in the same way as with a full one." It is worth mentioning that such a rule does not apply in our case, since the full adjective "innocent" is presented, which is written together. Consider the following rule:

Not with adjectives
Not with adjectives

Our case is compatible with the second variant of the separate spelling "in nothing", "not equal", "not at all". It is better to be guided by the rule for writing particles, since in the example there are two particles and you cannot make a mistake, but you need to use the rule for writing "not" with adjectives with a reservation. Conclusion: it is correct to write - "not guilty of anything".
