There comes a time when your little and beloved child goes to first grade. This is an unforgettable and wonderful time. The child makes new interesting acquaintances, learns a lot of everything new, previously unknown to him. But there is a downside, such as bad grades. In this case, we will talk about mathematics. The kid needs to be prepared for this, deal with him or attend preparatory courses. How to understand mathematics if there is no idea about it?
Preparing for school
All parents have heard of special math prep courses for kids. If it is not possible to visit them, since they are often expensive, you need to deal with the baby yourself. Let's figure out how to understand mathematics, instill love for it in a little fidget.

Take a few tasks in mind, exercise daily, do not forget to encourage your child. How to teach to understand mathematics at home, we will analyze in the following paragraphs.
Fun account
If we are talking about very young children,First you need to learn how to count. How to do it? Everything is elementary simple, kids grasp everything on the fly, remember very quickly. All you have to do is count everything, everywhere.
Riding the bus, ask your child to count together the people who are in the same vehicle with you. When you are standing in line at the store, have your child count the people in line.
It only seems complicated, but it is a very simple and fast step. When the child learns to count, you need to learn simple actions, namely addition and subtraction.
Simple steps
How to understand mathematics? Ordinary fruits, sweets, cookies, favorite toys will help. How will this help? Put three sweets in front of the child, count them together, offer to eat one. Ask how many candies are left. If you are doing the same with toys, ask one or two to play, ask how much the baby has left.
This kind of math will appeal to any child, especially if he will receive rewards for computing. How to understand mathematics at home on the example of elementary examples, we have analyzed. Let's move on to more complex cases.
Your child endlessly solves mathematical equations even on holidays and weekends, at night he cramms the rules, theories, but all this does not help? Does your child keep getting bad grades in math? What to do if the child does not understand mathematics and even cramming does not help? Maybe the whole point is that the kid does not have a mathematical mindset?

What is thismeans? If a child has good marks in the humanities, but the exact sciences do not lend themselves, then we can say with full confidence that your kid's mindset is humanitarian. The choice of profession and further career growth directly depend on the type of your mindset. It is very important not to make a mistake here, otherwise the work in the future will be given with great difficulty, respectively, there is no question of any career growth.
Important feature
As you know, if a person has a more developed right hemisphere, then he is emotional, has a tendency to think deeply, these are people with a humanitarian warehouse.

If the right hemisphere is less developed than the left, then the person is prone to deep analysis, he is practical and has a mathematical mindset, he should have great success in the exact sciences.
Why do we need math?
How to learn to understand mathematics if you have a humanitarian mindset? And do creative people need it at all? This question can be answered unequivocally, everyone, without exception, needs mathematics. Because it is she who is responsible for the development of logical thinking. Why is logic needed? It helps to systematize your knowledge, justify your opinion or decision. To express your thoughts, the correct presentation of the material, you also need to be able to think logically. From this follows the conclusion that a journalist, and a historian, and a psychologist must have logical thinking.

Don't bet onthe child is stigmatized as a humanist, because many humanitarian subjects are very logical, the main thing is to present the material in a clear and interesting way, not to start the situation and not give up prematurely.
What do you do if you don't understand math? Of course, to make attempts, to study, not to get upset, you need a positive attitude. After all, mathematics helps not only to think logically and express thoughts, but also makes a person more confident in himself and his abilities.

Instill love in your child for this subject, because children who love mathematics are not afraid to make mistakes, take risks, find a way out of a difficult situation. They are great experimenters, very interesting and open people. As a rule, they have a large number of useful connections, they are turned to for advice and help.
How is the first meeting with a difficult situation for kids who are not friends with mathematics? They are afraid, because they are very dependent on the opinions of the people around them. The child does not even make an attempt to solve, because he is sure in advance that the task is too tough. A kid who is not afraid and experiments, even if he does not find the right solution, will still try, without fear of making a mistake.
Child's failures, poor grades at school, of course, upset parents, but do not criticize, the baby is already not easy. Support him: this time it did not work out, you will definitely manage it another time; let's try to solve it together. Don't focus on failure.

Many parents make other mistakes, such as simply doing homework for their child. You should not do this, do not decide completely, slowly push the child to the correct answer, he will definitely find it himself. The main thing is to be patient, do not scold or yell at the baby, it will not be of any use.
Do not slow down the pace of classes, if the child understood and solved the problem on his own, this does not mean that he is doing well with mathematics. Start from the very beginning and learn everything step by step.
Remember that mathematics needs to be explained, and memorizing the rules will not lead to any result, because over time, everything that was memorized will be forgotten. Be patient and calm, practice daily, then there will be no problems.
So, how to understand mathematics from scratch, we have sorted it out. There are only a few important tips left. One of which is praise. Even small progress of the child should be noted. Offer to go to the movies or ride the merry-go-round. So the child will be motivated to bring positive grades home. And you are calm, and the child will slowly begin to understand the lessons.
How can a child begin to understand mathematics if parents cannot explain it or simply do not have enough time to study? Now you can find a good specialist who will deal with your child every day.

When choosing a tutor, it is important to take into account many facts, the most important is the education and balance of a person. pay attentionfor work experience and recommendations. Only a highly qualified specialist can help in this matter. As for the financial side, it is not worth saving on this, because we are talking about the future of your child.
Many school teachers practice tutoring, your child's teacher may agree to take extra lessons for a small fee. Now many people conduct special additional lessons completely free of charge, but there is one thing, the tutor works individually with your child, and there are a lot of "why" in joint free courses, so your baby can simply remain in the shadow of more active students.
Don't expect your child to shine in math class after tutoring, because there is no such thing as a miracle. But, nevertheless, perhaps the baby will begin to understand, bad grades will end, so things will go uphill. The kid's self-esteem will rise, he will become bolder, he will not be afraid to make a mistake, he will behave more actively during the lessons.
The most important thing is to captivate the child, the rest is a matter of time. The kid will definitely get involved, he will like to study immediately after the first five, which he earns on his own without anyone's help.
What parents should do
How can mom and dad help their baby? A very important element in education is the bar. Parents must make demands on their child. If you make sure that he fulfills them, he will always focus on the bar set by mom and dad.
How will requirements help? The baby understands better what parents and others want from himsurrounding people, understands how to behave in society. This is how elementary rules of ethics and politeness are instilled.
Help your children, do not give up ahead of time, then things will definitely go uphill. Praise them, help them, point them in the right direction.