The very first cities in the history of mankind arose during the period of transition from the primitive communal system to the slave-owning system, just when there was an in-depth social division of labor, and part of the population, which had previously been occupied only in agriculture, switched to handicraft work. Craftsmen and craftsmen, together with representatives of the class of gentlemen (priests, representatives of state power, large landowners, etc.), for whom the conditions for a more comfortable existence were mainly created (palaces, primitive water supply, laying roads, meeting areas, amphitheaters, etc.) concentrated in areas convenient for life, for example, near reservoirs, in valleys and river deltas, etc. Of course, these were not large cities, but only small settlements. The other part of the population remained to live outside their borders and was engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

In the future, because of the wars between different peoples, fortress walls began to be built around the cities. This was done withthe purpose of protecting the population from enemy hordes. This is how big cities began to appear. They were destroyed from time to time, but were built again on the same place. There is a belief that the territory on which the city was erected was predetermined by the Almighty. This means that these settlements will stand forever, regardless of anything.
Top 10 largest cities in the world by population
This list includes the world's largest cities by population, excluding suburban residents.

1. The first in this list is Shanghai (PRC). This is the city where the headquarters of almost all the world's largest corporations are located. According to demographic studies, it is he who is the largest city on the planet in terms of population. It is located in the Yangtze Delta and is the world's largest seaport. Its population in 2012 is 23,800,000 people.
2. The second major metropolis is the Chinese capital of Beijing. It is the largest cultural and scientific center of the country. Its population is 20,693,000.
3. At this place in the list, Bangkok is the capital of Thailand - the kingdom of Siam. The population of this metropolis is 15,012,197 people.
4. Tokyo is the capital of the Land of the Rising Sun. It is the main administrative, financial, industrial and cultural center of Japan. It is located on the island of Honshu. Despite the fact that, together with the urban agglomeration, this Tokyo district is the largest in the world, it only ranks 4th in this list,as its population is 13,230,000.
5. Another big city is Karachi, the economic but not official capital of Pakistan. It is only slightly inferior to Tokyo in terms of population. 13,205,339 people live in Karachi.
6. Until recently, this city was known to the world under the name of Bombay, but today it is Mumbai - the financial capital of India. Population - 12 478 447 people
7. Another Indian metropolis, the capital of India - Delhi, is also among the ten largest cities in the world. Its population is 12,565,901.
8. Our beautiful Moscow. The population of Belokamennaya according to the results of last year is 11,979,529 people. This is the largest scientific and cultural center for the entire Russian-speaking world, as well as one of the most expensive cities on the planet.
9 and 10. This top ten also includes two American cities: Sao Paulo (11,316,149), the largest city in Brazil, and Bogota, the capital of Colombia. The population of the latter is 10,763,453 people.
World's largest cities by area

- Sydney.
- Kinshasa.
- Buenos Aires.
- Karachi.
- Alexandria.
The world's major cities included in these two lists may constantly change places over time, and other fast-growing megacities may also be added to them, as the dynamics of population growth, as well as expanding borders, are unpredictable.