"Winter!.. A peasant, triumphant…" - is there a person in our country who is far from this poem?! Everyone, from young to old, from elementary school, knows these lines.
And this is not surprising. They are so brilliant and atmospheric that they involuntarily captivate the reader with their euphony. However, there are obsolete words in the work, the meaning of which may cause some difficulty in understanding. For clarification and, accordingly, a better "immersion" in the work, it is worth analyzing it in more detail.
History of the poem
As you know, the above poem is an excerpt from the work of A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", written in the period from 1823 to 1830. The author was a real connoisseur of Russian autumn, but he also treated winter with great warmth. Perhaps that is why the feeling of joy and happiness from the onset of the long-awaited winter, conveyed by the poet, is felt in every line of the work. Only one "… peasant, triumphant …" instantly outlines the image of a happya man who has been waiting for the first snow, with incredible fullness and believability.

Obsolete words in the text
It is natural that the more time passes from the era of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the more difficult it is to understand many words. The analyzed poem - "Winter!.. Peasants, triumphant …" consists of 14 lines, in which there are at least 8 obsolete words:
- Drovni. This was the name of the open sleigh of peasants used to transport cargo.
- The reins. These are the footprints that the sled leaves behind.
- Kibitka. This is a closed wagon.
- Coachman. That was the name of the coachman who drove the mail horses.
- Irradiation. This is a curved wood (clamp) that wraps around and fastens the sled.
- Sheepskin coat. Peasant's long fur coat.
- Sash. This is a cloth belt.
- Sled. Small size sleigh.
As you can see, there are a lot of words that are difficult for modern perception. However, having understood their meaning, parsing the text of the work becomes much easier.

Parse of incomprehensible phrases
Some combinations of words in the poem can also cause some confusion. For example:
- "… the peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the wood" - why are the peasants so happy? If you read the previous content of the poem "Eugene Onegin", the answer to the question becomes clear. "… Peasants, triumphant …" happy with the snow that fell, which at that time was not there for a very long time, respectively, the roads wereimpassable.
- "… smelling snow" - as you know, the sense of smell in animals is better developed than sight. That is why the horse first of all feels the aroma of freshly fallen snow. And the author focuses on this.
- "… trotting somehow" - here, most likely, it means the unhurried move of a horse, slightly timid, unaccustomed to walking on a snow cover.
- "… a remote wagon is flying" - meaning quickly. This is also emphasized by the phrase "…exploding fluffy reins …", reinforcing the description of the fast move of the horses.
- "… yard boy" - as you know, not all peasant children lived in the villages, some were at the court, being the children of yard (serving) peasants.
As you can see, after analyzing incomprehensible combinations of words, the poem "Winter!.. Peasants, triumphant …" became much easier to understand.
Great Power of Artwork

It's amazing how colorful and bright the great poet was able to convey his feeling of joy from the onset of the long-awaited winter. It would seem that a simple description of several moments of a winter day, but how much power and life they contain! How realistic and lifelike the plots are. This work of the past century is still popular and in demand. It remains only to admire and bow before the true talent of the brilliant Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Happy reading!