Fast mental arithmetic: learning methodology

Fast mental arithmetic: learning methodology
Fast mental arithmetic: learning methodology

The ability to quickly analyze a situation, calculate development options and create a single image of reality is one of the key skills of highly effective people. Personal development is impossible without intellectual development, which is facilitated by quick counting in the mind. In general, we will talk about the technique of increasing the speed of thinking in the article.

How our brain deceives us

Research in the field of brain work provides data that is hard to believe. Most of the population considers themselves the curator of the brain. But this is an illusory representation. In fact, the brain has already made a decision for you and, through nerve impulses, transmitted it to consciousness.

Human thinking is practically not studied, only a small picture of what is happening in the brain has been compiled. Roughly speaking, our actions are not determined by our own "I", although this is a very vague formulation. And knowing this, you can begin to study the technique of quick counting in your mind.

How to learn more effectively

Memory is differentiated into long-term and short-term, in the firstknowledge is deposited in the brain forever. And the second type is necessary for memorizing information, reading.

Modern young man is a multimedia personality with clip thinking. It is extremely difficult for him to store data in long-term memory, because the constant flow of information clutters up his "hard drive".

Therefore, learning the method of quick counting in the mind should take place in a calm state, when a person is not distracted by external stimuli. Otherwise, in a few hours, he will forget everything.

Cross section of the brain
Cross section of the brain

Why should I learn this?

Yes, there is no need to add numbers in your mind at the moment. Special technical means have been invented for this, but not using the brain leads to degradation of the personality.

And the pursuit of knowledge is an eternity. Such people are self-confident, rely only on their own strengths, and the acquired skills are used for their intended purpose, thereby enriching the individual spiritually and materially. Quick counting in the mind develops a sense of control in a person, increases concentration.

Method one. For the lazy

Andorod and IOS device owners can download educational applications and games. Neuroscientists advise a comprehensive approach to fast counting in the mind. Training takes place in several stages, described below:

  1. Apps are being downloaded to develop attention, concentration, etc.
  2. Then the user downloads educational games for memory.

In the first act, a person prepares his brain, so to speak, warms upit for intensive training. Then he begins to work on the account in his mind. Please note that applications should be easily adjustable, both reducing or increasing the level of difficulty of tasks, and changing the time to work on it.

Thinking about the count in my mind
Thinking about the count in my mind

Method two. Basic knowledge

For a quick start selected entry-level tasks. Adding and subtracting small numbers, such as 3 and 10. The technique is called "Reliance on Ten".


  1. Ask simple questions like 3 + 8 or 9 + 1. Answer: 11 and 10.
  2. How long is the number 10 missing to become 14? Answer: 4.
  3. Then take any number, for example 9, and find out how many 2 are in this number, and if there is a shortage, add the missing digits. Answer: four deuces + 1.
  4. Add the number from the second step (4) to the part that was missing to get (1) nine and add them. Answer: 5.

Hone your skill to perfection before moving on to harder tests.

Active thought processes
Active thought processes

The third way. Multi-digit numbers

Skills acquired at school are used here. Addition in a column or in a line is the most popular among schoolchildren and students without computing facilities. Let's look at the example of two numbers: 1345 and 6789. First, let's differentiate them:

  • The number 1234 - consists of 1000, 200, 30 and 4.
  • A 6789 - from 6000, 700, 80 and 9.

A quick mental count goes through the following steps:

  1. Initially, single-digit values are added, this is 4 + 9=13.
  2. Adds 30 + 80=110.
  3. Going to three-digit, 700 + 200=900.
  4. And then counting four digits: 1000 + 6000=7000.
  5. Sum up: 7000 + 900 + 110 + 13=8023 and check with a calculator.

And a faster but more imaginative way:

  1. Imagine one number above another in our head.
  2. Add numbers starting from their end.
  3. If 4 + 9=13, then set aside one in the head and add the following numbers to the final value.

In the screenshot, this method appears as follows, in your thoughts it should have a similar structure.

Let's do the mental counting
Let's do the mental counting

Method four. Subtraction

As with addition, subtraction starts with an introductory lesson. A person's attention should be focused solely on counting numerical values. It is impossible to be distracted by extraneous noise, otherwise nothing will come of it. This time subtract 8 from 10 and see what happens:

  1. First, let's find out how much to subtract from ten to get eight. Answer: two.
  2. We subtract eight from ten in parts - first this two, and then the rest of the numbers. And let's calculate how many times we need to subtract to get zero. Answer: five.
  3. Subtract five from ten. Answer: five.
  4. And subtract the received answer from eight. Answer: three.

It is recommended to start the first lessons with small numbers. And gradually increase the number of digits in the number. Quick mental count forchildren occurs in the above way.

Method five. Combined

Appeared as a result of the interaction of addition and subtraction. The essence is simple, you need to take a number and start subtracting different numbers from it or adding it with some reformations. The number 9 is taken as the initial number, let's start:

  1. Six is subtracted from nine and four is added at the same time. Answer: seven.
  2. Seven is broken down into its component parts, for example: 2 + 3 + 2.
  3. And a random value is added to each, take 2. It turns out, 2 + 2=4, 3 + 2=5 and 2 + 2=4.
  4. Sum the numbers: 4 + 5 + 4=13.
  5. Re-arrange the value in parts and repeat the steps using only subtraction.

And with the subtraction of large numbers, the situation is similar to addition. Speak all actions aloud so that several types of memory work and speed up quick counting in your mind.

Don't know how to count
Don't know how to count

How long does it take to become a superhuman?

There are four basic mathematical operations:

  1. Subtraction.
  2. Addition.
  3. Multiplication.
  4. Division.

And everything will depend on how often a person engages in brain training. With fruitful work for 15-20 minutes a day, a noticeable result will come in two or three months. To maintain the effect of high-speed calculation, the superman will need to devote only 2-3 minutes a day to repeating what has been covered. And in a few years it will become a habit, and the individual will not even notice, as he believes inmind.
