Every person has had to deal with unpleasant people who demonstrate rudeness or aggression. Psychologists have long noticed that the basis of such behavior is the same pattern. However, no matter what their actions are due to, everyone tries to stay away from people with a bad character.

Passive Aggression
One of the worst personalities is passive-aggressive. Such a person is a real test in life. He will never openly say what the reason for anger is, as if others should read his mind. The main feature of such a person is suppressed anger - it is he who in most cases is the cause of a bad character. Psychology has long been studying such people.
But you don't need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand: the aggressor is full of anger, resentment, but often he is not able or does not have the desire to correctly express his emotions. Instead, he will slam the door, "forget" about the deadlines for the delivery of work, "not have time" to meet another from the airport. Passive aggressors are born manipulators. Their favorite phrase is "Do as you please"; and favorite psychological"Buttons" - pity and guilt. It is unrealistic for a passive aggressor to express his desires directly. However, just like refusing another, saying “no.”

"Punishment" of others by passivity
Passive aggression can also manifest itself in the form of silence. A harmful person, which is a passive aggressor, is angry inside himself, does not say anything to a friend or relative. He silently and "heroically" suffers. In psychology, it is believed that passive aggression can also manifest itself in relation to oneself. For example, a mother is angry that her teenage daughter came home not at 10, but at midnight. However, since she does not want to show anger openly, provoking a conflict, her emotions turn into the direction of the destruction of he alth. The mother may become ill, for example, she will have a heart attack. Thus, the daughter will be "punished". It is unlikely that after this she will have the conscience not to come home on time.
There are other variants of passive aggression of this kind. The wife, offended by her husband for some unknown reason, goes to bed on the floor. The husband, having listened to the scandalous claims, goes out on the balcony in the winter without clothes. The mother, who asked the children to help and was refused, says that she will do the work in the garden herself - and then tears her back. Such behavior is actually exhibited by people with the worst character. It would seem that such behavior is driven by the best motives. But in reality, a person is full of resentment, aggression and a desire to punish the other.

This is truly the nastiest character. The psychopath does not feel the pain of other people. He has practically no fear of anything. At times, he can seem completely insensitive. In childhood, such people torture animals. A relative of a psychopath, or a spouse, may constantly experience the fear that every fight with this person will be the last. Such a person turns any situation in his favor - so that others feel guilty. If someone from his environment is mistaken, this is a tragedy of universal proportions. If he is wrong, this is a trifle, which is not worth thinking about.
To people who don't like him, a psychopath will always attribute a bad temper and a couple of psychiatric diagnoses to boot. All his enemies without exception are “crazy”, “alcoholics”, “loafers”. This alone, the psychopath is convinced, is the reason why these people dislike him and avoid him at all costs.

Often the people with the nastiest temper are the arrogant ones. Such a person is a real impudent and shameless. He is not embarrassed by his rudeness. Rather, on the contrary - an insolent person will feel at his best if he pisses off another person. In some cases, assertiveness can have a positive connotation - if the emphasis is on self-confidence. However, not in the case of an insolent with a bad temper, who is distinguished by complete arrogance.
Such people can "test" their self-worth by humiliating other people. He shows impudence precisely in order to once again assert himself, to prove to himself that he means something. Sometimes such peopleprovoke a scandal. Even if their victim tries to maintain their composure at first, they eventually achieve their dastardly goal.

In fact, a whiner is no less harmful than, for example, a psychopath. It seems to such a person that everyone around should listen to him and try to solve the flurry of problems that constantly falls on him. Even if everything is good in the life of a whiner, he will still find bad moments in the surrounding reality.
Examples of bad and good character in literature
There are many examples of negative characters with negative character traits in literature. For example, this is an old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. She profits from someone else's grief and bullies her unfortunate sister. Also, as an example of a harmful person, one can name the lady from Turgenev's Mumu. She manages the fate of people at will, without the slightest compassion. An opposite, positive example of a literary character can serve as the heroine from Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" - Katerina. The main character traits of the heroine are tenderness, honesty, adherence to principles, religiosity, poetry. The heroine is not able to live by the values that other residents of Kalinov live by. And so her life becomes completely unbearable. The main character traits of Katerina are positive, she is a kind person. Because of this, the heroine suffers. However, since her nature is still strong, Katerina stubbornly fights against the "darkkingdoms.”