Laws, traditions, rules of conduct, etiquette - all this together makes up a set of social agreements between people. All these rules, if they are corrected, then through the great resistance of dissatisfied people. But if you want to succeed in life, then pretend, as society requires. Who to pretend? A fair boss, a caring husband, an obedient daughter. But sometimes each of us can overdo it in this field. But people are very sensitive, so you can hear: “He’s kind of cloying!” So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider what cloying or sugary-sweet means.

Meaning of the word
In this case, you should seek help from an explanatory dictionary, where each word is not only an interpretation, but also a historical story about people's lives, about their thoughts, experiences, troubles. So, sickeningsweet is an adjective that indicates a qualitative characteristic of an object, where the word "sweet" is its defining feature. But "sugary" indicates that this quality exceeds the permissible norm, that is, too sweet. Moreover, sugary-sweet is written with a hyphen, the two defining concepts in this case are equal in relation to the subject.
Rules of life
The rules will always be, but for each time they have their own. Only the person is always the same. What does he need? Eat, sleep, love, communicate. And he strives for a comfortable state for himself. And we accept the rules as the conditions of the game. But something prevents us from living like this. And this is our inner freedom. But the rules remain the rules, you live in society and are forced to contact other people. And so for a person it looks like the need to pretend.
The only thing left is whether you fit in. But in any case, each of us is looking for his own way and chooses for himself comfortable and optimal conditions for life and communication. We learn, we make mistakes, and sometimes we get tired. People tend to feel and see these “holes.”

False unintended impression
Sometimes someone is "caught" pretending to be someone but isn't. And, as a rule, he is declared a pretender. One of the "definitions" may be a sugary-sweet voice that shows an insincere attitude towards people. The reputation of such a person will be damaged. Because he loses the trust of other people. It can be sickeningly sweeta smile that can identify a person as a deceiver.
But it is worth considering that sometimes every person is afraid of society, society, a large audience, and therefore there is a risk of making a false unintentional impression of an insincere and dishonest person.