This article discusses the differences between international level exams: TOEFL and IELTS.
What do TOEFL or IELTS certificates give?
Successfully passing one of the tests is the best way to confirm knowledge of the language. Obtaining a certificate is a prerequisite for admission to foreign higher education institutions, and also greatly expands your opportunities in the English-speaking world. Both documents are valid for two years, after which your test results are deleted.

Difficulty level
All listening and reading texts offered for knowledge testing are authentic. That is, they are not adapted for a certain level. But even limited knowledge will make it possible to get a minimum number of points. You will definitely pass one of the above tests if you speak English at least at the B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level - above average.
Format of the event
International exams TOEFL, IELTS differ in format. There are also a number of features that should be considered when deciding on a choice. There are 2 IELTS modules:
- Academic - testing at the level of academic knowledge. Tasks are based on scientific articles. This module is required for those who plan to study abroad or work in scientific organizations.
- General - confirmation of English proficiency at the household level. This is quite enough for communication, secondary education or work.
TOEFL is only available in one version. And in terms of difficulty, it corresponds to the academic module.

Here, too, there are differences. TOEFL: 3-5 texts on different topics are given to test reading skills. As a rule, these are excerpts of a scientific orientation. Vocabulary is quite difficult, but not highly specialized. The volume of each article is approximately 700 words. The level of complexity of all texts is approximately the same. Each one is given 20 minutes to complete. The check is carried out in the form of a test task, in which it is proposed to choose one correct answer among others. The number of questions for each passage is from 12 to 14.
As part of the IELTS test, 3 reading passages are offered, each of which is given 20 minutes to work with. The length of the text ranges from 650 to 1000 words. Articles of different levels of complexity. To check the understanding of the texts, it is proposed to answer 40 questions. The tasks are quite varied: fillspaces, substitute missing words or phrases, indicate whether this or that statement is true, match lexical units and sentences. In addition, the topics of the texts differ depending on the selected exam format:
- Academic. Scientific texts are offered here. The vocabulary is rather complicated, but it is quite accessible to a wide range of readers who do not have a special education.
- General. The general format involves reading excerpts from fiction, magazines, and newspapers. The subject matter is varied and the vocabulary is common. As a rule, texts are offered about the culture and daily life of the British.

Writing section
TOEFL and IELTS exams differ in the way they are administered. The first is computerized. The second essay is written by hand. There are also significant differences in tasks. If we talk about TOEFL, then the Writing section includes two tasks. In the first one, it is proposed to write an essay of approximately 310-350 words. The second part is integrated, that is, of a mixed type. First, you should listen to the audio recording and read the text, and then write a summary and conclusions based on this. The length of the essay is approximately 200 words. While listening to the recording, it is allowed to make notes. Each part is given 30 minutes to complete. The total amount of time spent on the written section is 1 hour.
IELTS also has two parts. However, the task structure is somewhat different. If you choseacademic version of the exam, then you have to describe a graph or table. Those who pass the General will have to write a letter of about 150-200 words. But that is not all. In the second part, it is proposed to write an essay 210-250 words long. An hour is given for completion: 40 minutes - for an essay, 20 - for describing infographics or writing a letter.

With regard to testing the skills of understanding foreign speech by ear and control tasks, the difference is very significant in the TOEFL and IELTS exams. In the first case, the number of audio recordings is inversely proportional to the number of texts to be read. It varies from 2 to 4. The more articles got into the Reading section, the less audio texts will fall into the Listening. After listening, you need to answer a series of questions - 5 or 6 for each part. The list is given after listening. The topics of the issues range from scientific lectures to informal student dialogues. Total time is about 65-90 minutes.
As part of IELTS, it is proposed to listen to 4 excerpts. As a rule, these are monologues and dialogues. Example structure:
- Conversation on everyday topics.
- Monologue on an everyday topic. This part is a bit more difficult than the previous one.
- Dialogue. Usually on a topic related to the educational process, exams or research.
- Monologue. The topic is approximately the same as in the above paragraph.
After that you have to answer 40 questions. You have 40 minutes to complete the test. This section of the examnot only the ability to understand foreign speech is tested. It is also very important to draw conclusions based on what you hear, to be able to generalize, structure information and express your own opinion.
A significant advantage of IELTS is that a list of questions is given immediately before listening. This greatly simplifies understanding, since it is possible to answer during the test. In addition, the preview of tasks helps to imagine in advance what will be discussed, tune in to find the right answers. After that, another 10 minutes are given for revision and systematization.

Oral part
During the TOEFL, the candidate's answers are recorded on a computer. There are 6 tasks of mixed type. After listening to a short passage, you need to answer the questions. Total time - 20 minutes. During the IELTS speaking test, you will be able to interact with the examiner on a variety of topics.
Approximate structure of the Speaking section:
- Short conversation. The candidate is asked questions about his personality, activities, hobbies and environment. This part is approximately 5 minutes long.
- Monologue on a specific topic. After that, you still need to answer a few questions.
- Dialogue with the examiner. You should not only answer questions, but also fully participate in the discussion: summarize, prove your point of view, draw conclusions, ask clarifying questions. It is also very important to demonstrate good knowledge of manyspheres, as it touches on various issues: from your personal beliefs to the political situation in English-speaking countries.
The duration of this part of the exam is 10-15 minutes.
Grading scale
There are various systems for assessing the level of proficiency in any foreign language. Below is a table of the ratio of English levels according to various standards, as well as the TOEFL, IELTS scale (points):
IH level | CEFR | TOEFL | IELTS |
Beginner | A1 | 2.0-3.0 | |
Elementary | A2 |
10-15 (speaking) 7-12 (writing) |
3.0-3.5 |
Pre-Intermediate | B1 | 42-71 | 3.5-5.5 |
Upper-Intermediate | B2 | 72-94 | 5.5-7.0 |
Advanced | C1 | 95-120 | 7.0-8.0 |
Proficiency | C2 | 8.0-9.0 |
To emigrate, it is enough to have level B1.
Point system
In the framework of IELTS, each section (reading, listening, speaking, writing) is evaluated separately on a scale from 0 to 9 points. The result is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of the sum of the results.
Points | Level of knowledge |
0 | Did not pass the test |
1 | Does not speak English |
2 | Minimum knowledge |
3 | Very limited knowledge |
4 | Below average |
5 | Average user |
6 | Pretty competent |
7 | Good command of English |
8 | Very good knowledge |
9 | Knowledge at the carrier level |
Approximate number of points required for admission to a particular university:
- Admission to graduate school: minimum 6.5, not less than 5.5 in each module.
- Bachelor's degree: minimum GPA - 6.0.
- Preparation program for admission to a foreign university: 5.5.
However, many schools have their own requirements. Some require at least 7.0.
As for TOEFL, there is a different grading system. For completing each module, points are awarded from 0 to 30.
Rating | Level |
0-9 | Weak |
10-17 | Limited knowledge |
18-25 | Good level |
26-30 | Excellent |
The maximum number of points is 120.

TOEFL or IELTS: which is better for you?
To finally decide, it is important to take into account not only the level of English proficiency, but also some psychological characteristics of the individual. Here are a few points to help you make your choiceor another exam:
- How sociable are you? Is it easy for you to communicate with native speakers of a foreign language? If you answered yes, then you may well choose IELTS. In this case, you will not only answer questions, but also participate in a dialogue, lead a discussion. In case of any disputes, you can ask the examiner clarifying questions. In addition, there are chances to make a good impression due to good non-verbal communication skills. Indeed, during live communication, you read and transmit information not only through words. Intonation, mannerisms, facial expressions and gestures are no less important.
- If you are psychologically more comfortable working with a computer, and when communicating with foreigners there are difficulties, it is preferable to choose TOEFL. Here the skill of oral speech is tested differently. You say the answers while sitting in front of the computer. And they are recorded through a microphone. In this section, several tasks of a mixed type are given. You need to listen to the texts and express your point of view. This method allows you to avoid the fear of communicating with native English speakers.
- Do you like to improvise or do you feel more confident when everything goes according to a predetermined plan? TOEFL has a clearer structure. To check the understanding of the material, it is proposed to choose the correct answer from several points. In the IELTS exam, the tasks are quite diverse: fill in the blanks, determine whether this or that statement is true or not, match or enter words.
- Computer printing speed is another important factor. TOEFL - computerizedexam. To successfully write an essay, you need not only to be fluent in written English, but also to type fairly quickly. IELTS assignments are written by hand.
- In what English-speaking environment are you going to communicate? If you are not going to study at a university or work in research institutions, General IELTS will be enough for you. For those who have to deal with academic English, it is important to get a TOEFL or IELTS (Academic) certificate.
- Which dialect do you prefer? The British and American versions are significantly different. Despite the general grammatical rules, there are a number of inconsistencies. Many lexical units, idiomatic expressions and speech constructions are inherent in only one of the above-mentioned varieties of English. While the carriers of the other may have difficulty understanding certain turns. In addition, almost every dialect has a number of pronunciation features. If you have studied mainly American books, magazines and films, then TOEFL will seem much easier to you than IELTS.
- Before you decide which exam to confirm your English (TOEFL, IELTS or any other), determine which option will be more in demand in your case. For example, if you set a goal to enter a particular educational institution, you should clarify in advance which test certificate is accepted at a particular university.
- The duration of the test is another point that will help determine whether you prefer TOEFL or IELTS. The first exam takes about 4 hours, the second- 2 hours 45 minutes.
There are many trial tests available on the Internet. Samples will help you understand which exam is more difficult. In addition, it will allow you to determine your own level of proficiency in various skills: listening, writing, reading.

English in different countries
As mentioned above, before deciding which exam to take (TOEFL, IELTS or some other), you need to consider the following:
- IELTS is required in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and 140 other countries.
- TOEFL is needed in the US, Canada and 130 countries around the world.
- The presence of one of the certificates allows you to enter 9 thousand higher education institutions around the world.
To successfully pass the tests, you need good preparation. TOEFL, IELTS and other international exams require knowledge of certain speech structures and grammatical structures. Of course, with the help of the Internet and textbooks, you can prepare well. But each exam has a number of features. Therefore, it is best to contact a certified specialist who will tell you what to pay special attention to.