Which test word for the word "beautiful" is easier to remember

Which test word for the word "beautiful" is easier to remember
Which test word for the word "beautiful" is easier to remember

When elementary school students have to describe a pleasing landscape, they can make an unfortunate mistake in the word "beautiful". Some educators believe that not all children are able to simultaneously think about the content of the presentation or essay and apply the rules being studied.

However, not every child is wrong. The myth of innate literacy, which helps part of the class to cope with the task, is in the air. Oddly enough, even experienced teachers believe in him.

But most likely, schoolchildren did not just learn the rule about unstressed vowels and how to check them. They know exactly which test word for the word "beautiful" is better to use, it easily pops up in their memory.

The sense of language, which some people consider inherent in a person from birth, must be formed and developed. Yes, it will be a little easier for some. Even visual memory will come to the rescue. But why?

Many to write correctly and meaningfully just for those who read more,can build associative chains from related words, remembers verses by heart. All these skills should be trained from preschool age. The influence of parents in this matter cannot be underestimated.

History of the word

nice red dress
nice red dress

If a child knows the history of a word and concepts that are similar in sound and meaning, the root of the word remains in his memory. It is thanks to the same-root words that he will quickly find which test word for the word "beautiful".

"Beautiful" is not only a synonym, but also a word close in origin. As well as "paint", "paints", "color". But in them the letter "a" is heard clearly. She's a drummer.

It is useful to tell little ones that "red" and "beautiful" meant the same quality - an attractive and pleasing image for people. What do the expressions "red girl", "Red Square", "red hut with pies" mean, the child needs to be explained even before school.

Everything is known in comparison

The word "more beautiful" is familiar to children from fairy tales and poems. When they have a question, what is the test word for the word "beautiful", you can suggest recalling fairy tales. The magic mirror confirmed that the queen was beautiful, and the princess was more beautiful. In such a sentence, the letter "a" becomes quite obvious.

beautiful and red roses
beautiful and red roses

The short form of the adjective also needs to be checked: "more beautiful" is suitable as a test word for the word"beautiful". This word will help more than once to correctly write "beauty", "beauty", "more beautiful", "beauty", "decorated", "beautiful", "flaunting", "decoration" and many others.

It couldn't be easier

decorated Christmas tree
decorated Christmas tree

The best test words for the word "beautiful" are "decorate", "decorated". They create a stable association: if you want to make beautiful, decorate.

When New Year's poems are taught in kindergarten or at school, how not to remember the decorated Christmas tree. For example, V. Berestov:

All the way to the top of the tree

Decorated toys!

Get in a round dance!

Meet the New Year!

Poems in which the vowel is under stress are a wonderful help in pedagogical practice. They not only help spelling, but also oral speech. It is easy to remember the correct stress in the word "beautiful" thanks to the verses of B. Zakhoder:

And I did not answer, alas, nothing, To the difficult question: "What is the most beautiful thing?"

Don't forget to check unstressed vowels

So, the words "more beautiful", "decorate", "decorated", "beautiful" are suitable not only for checking, but also for reinforcing associations with the adjective "beautiful".

You also need to work on other words. To improve the sense of language is to make sure that the learning process is interesting and exciting for the children themselves. It shouldthere are elements of the game, creativity, fairy tales and fantasy.

Having figured out with the kids what test word for the word "beautiful" exists in Russian, you can ask them to check any other word themselves. The main thing is that the skill is first practiced on simple words.

And do not think that only the school, tutors, courses are required to teach children the love of literate speech. The attitude of the older generation to reading, writing, and talking is a determining factor. It's good when even SMS is written without errors. This is how people show respect for each other. It's beautiful.
