English is an unattainable dream for many. It seems that people have been learning it for several years, but they can’t learn it in any way. As a result, their level of knowledge dangles in uncertainty: they seem to have learned a lot of words, and remember the grammar in whole tables, but there is still no result in the form of a conversation and understanding of someone else's speech. You can put the blame on the students themselves - they say they are doing poorly. But maybe it's time to look from the other side and understand: it is also important what method of teaching English was used. And there are a lot of them today.

It's just that it's quite difficult to understand the diversity. How do you determine what is a good option for you? The key word here is "for you". Yes exactly. Almost every method has its advantages and disadvantages, but each pupil / student pursues his own goals: someone needs conversational, someone needs perfect knowledge, someone has an average level, and so on.
Now new methods of teaching English appear every year, and this is very good. In the USSR, we were taught only according to one, "cramming" method, dry and often completelyuninteresting. Only people with very strong motivation could learn the language with this approach. Although, again, some like the school way. Now there are no big restrictions for those who wish.
There are about five main types:
- Classic - remember school again.
- Fundamental - basics, such as conversational for tourists.
- Intensive - This includes the famous immersion method, where results come very quickly.
- Communicative - communication in the format of trainings, a very progressive and positive method of teaching English.
- Linguistic socio-cultural - the study of the customs, traditions, history and way of life of the British and Americans, in addition to grammar and words. It is usually used in institutes.

In psychology, it is known that each person perceives this or that method better, so the school classics plunged many into discouragement. Courses give you the opportunity to try everything, to make the right decision. Teachers are no longer perceived as tyrants, now they are more like friends.
Many need an effective method of teaching English to children. Sometimes the best incentive for a baby is to speak a foreign language with mom or dad, so we advise you to consider approaches for children and adults at the same time.
A good example is Zaitsev's method of teaching English or Frank's method. According to Frank, you immediately get two texts: with and without a hint. Regular peeping is allowed, andWords and phrases are memorized through frequent repetition. They immediately learn their ready-made combinations, which are often used. The convenience is that you can study on your own from books, which means that it is not so expensive. After 3-4 months, students begin to read foreign works.

But the method of teaching English according to Zaitsev, on the contrary, is quite expensive. But the results promise very fast. Attention is paid to transcription, and from the first lessons there are no problems with reading words. There is a game form and a clear algorithm of actions.
In any case, these are not all training options. There are Dragunkin, Doman, Callan and many others who made their studies interesting, discarding boring cramming. You are free to choose what you are interested in.