Well-groomed hair is the dream of any woman. Spending a lot of time and effort on different styling, curling and coloring, many girls forget that the key to a beautiful hairstyle is he althy hair. To make it so, you need to know what the structure of the hair is, what is its life cycle, the causes of pathological changes and how to eliminate them.
From roots to tips

Each hair includes several elements. Its visible part is the core, which consists of non-living cells filled with keratin. In the thickness of the scalp (at a depth of about 2.5 mm) there is that part of the hair that determines its appearance - the root. It is made up of many living cells that are constantly dividing. This process is what makes the hair grow. Cell division is impossible without the participation of tissues located near the root. Together they form the hair follicle, from which the nerve ending departs. The structure of the hair on the head is such that damage to this ending leads to the complete death of the root without the possibility of its further restoration. The work of the sebaceous glands located next to the follicles also has a great influence on the beauty of the hairstyle. If they are excessively large, then the scalp becomes oily. Underdevelopment of the sebaceous glands leads to its dryness. Also in the thickness of the skin next to each hair is a muscle that provides its rise.
Hair structure
Good follicles provide fast hair growth and a long lifespan. However, the appearance of the hair is also determined by the condition of the shaft. The structure of the hair in section shows that its visible part includes the following layers:
- Scaly layer. It determines the shine and smoothness of the hair. The more the arrangement of the scales will resemble tiled masonry, the more well-groomed the hairstyle will look.
- Cortical layer. It includes various chemical elements that provide nutrition to the hair. The more of them, the more vital energy the hair receives.
- Core. This component has been studied very little. According to the results of observations, it is present in a he althy hair with a thick root layer, but not in a weakened one.

Stages of hair growth
The structure of the hair determines the various phases of its life. They cyclically replace each other and depend on the degree of root cell division. The lifespan of hair can be divided into the following phases.
- Anogenic. This phaseactive hair growth is ensured by cell division of its root. The rod is stretched in length and thickened. This stage lasts approximately 3 years. It contains about 80-90% of all hair on the human head.
- Catagenic. In this phase, atrophy of the hair follicle occurs. Cells stop dividing, hair growth slows down and then completely stops. Its root shrinks and gradually moves closer to the surface of the scalp. The catagen stage lasts about a month. About 2% of all hair on the head is in this phase at the same time.
- Telogenic. This phase is characterized by a dormant period of the follicle. The hair is practically not fixed in the thickness of the skin and can fall out at the slightest physical impact. Being in this phase is typical for 20-40% of all hair on the head.
Influence of growth phases on hairstyle

Most hair falls out during the telogen stage. Some, however, persist until the very beginning of the anogenic phase. At the same time, they fall out at the moment when the newly emerging hair shaft pushes out the old one.
Growth phases, just like the structure of a person's hair, determine the appearance of a hairstyle. Long curls, for example, are easiest to grow at a young age. This is due to the fact that each hair has about 25 life cycles, with each of which it grows less and becomes thinner. In addition, after the age of 30, hair growth gradually slows down. Until this age, they grow about 1.5 cm per month.
Causes of problems withhair
There are a number of reasons that can cause growth retardation, hair loss, and negatively affect their appearance. These include:
- Diseases of the endocrine system, disruptions in the hormonal background and problems in the field of gynecology.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired liver and kidney function.
- Taking certain medications.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
- Heavy physical activity and stress, after which the hair does not start to fall out immediately, but after 2-3 months.
- Improper hair care, the negative impact of styling products, paints.
- Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the hair, sudden changes in temperature. Excessive overheating of the scalp or extreme cold also adversely affect the he alth of curls.
Thus, beautiful hair is a sign of a he althy and efficient organism. Dull and brittle curls are often a reflection of various chronic diseases and pathological conditions, which must be de alt with in the first place.

Vitamins for beautiful hair
Very often, the structure of human hair and the duration of the anogenic phase change for the worse due to a lack of vitamins and trace elements. Hair becomes dry, brittle, lacking shine. In this case, it is worth reviewing the diet or trying to make up for the lack of vitamins with special supplements. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the presence of the following components.
- Vitaminsgroup B. Their deficiency primarily leads to loss of shine and dryness of the hair. And vitamin B3, for example, is responsible for the normal amount of coloring pigment. Its deficiency in the body is manifested by early gray hair.
- Vitamin A. Under its influence, the damaged structure of the hair is restored, it becomes elastic.
- Vitamin C is a great hair growth stimulant.
- Vitamin E is one of the sources of nutrition for the tissues of the hair follicle. Especially recommended for those with long hair.
- Zinc prevents the formation of excess sebum, normalizes oily scalp.
- Iron and calcium are essential to prevent premature hair loss.
- Silicon is involved in the formation of collagen and elastin, due to which the hair becomes elastic.

Improving the structure of the hair is possible if you follow some simple rules for caring for them.
- Regular hair washing as needed.
- Compliance with the optimal temperature regime. Do not wear too warm hats, in which the scalp constantly sweats. At the same time, being without a headgear at temperatures below 3 degrees for 10 minutes leads to a significant reduction in the anogenous stage of the hair life cycle.
- Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided, as the structure of the hair on the head from this changes for the worse. In summer, especially when relaxing on the beach,better to wear panama.
- One of the conditions for having luxurious hair is gentle styling methods. Daily waving, blow-drying, coloring - all this leads to problems with curls.

Qualified help
The structure of the hair is to some extent an indicator of the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, if, under the condition of a diet that provides the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs, and proper hair care, they continue to fall out and look lifeless, you should contact a trichologist. You should not try to cope with the problem on your own, because it can be a symptom of a chronic disease. The trichologist will help to understand the causes of the pathology and, if necessary, refer to other doctors for a consultation.