Each text consists of interconnected sentences or paragraphs, which are united into a single whole by a specific topic and main idea. All sentences in the text have a semantic connection that builds a hierarchy of parts in terms of meaning, significance and complexity. According to the functional and semantic content, the following types of texts in the Russian language are distinguished: narration, description and reasoning. Consider their main features.

A narrative is a story about an event, told in time sequence. The process of action itself, that is, the development of the plot, comes to the fore here. Works of this type are dynamic and generally begin with a plot or denouement of an incident, which is presented in forward or reverse chronological order. Often used in letters and memoirs. Since actions and incidents are reported here, an important role belongs to the past tense verbs and adverbs indicating the sequence (once, then, finally, etc.) that help to unfold the narrative. All narrative types of text have a plot (the beginning of the story), a climax (its development), a denouement (the end of the event). The main idea of the description isverbal representation of a phenomenon by listing its main characteristics and signs.

Its goal is to convey the subject of the description so that the reader sees it clearly in his mind. For a landscape, it will be a view of the sky, grasses, trees; the portrait has an expression of the eyes, posture, gait. Descriptive texts are characterized by consistency in description, unity of view, use of adjectives and static character. The basic scheme of its construction is as follows: the general impression of the object - individual features - the attitude of the author to the object. Comparing these types of text, we can say that they are opposed to each other, since their characteristics lie in the static nature of one and the dynamics of the other.

The last type is reasoning. It is based on the clarification and approval of any thought, describes the causes of phenomena, reflections, is a theme of four parts: introduction - thesis - argumentation (evidence) - conclusion. These types of text, in contrast to the description and narrative, have a more complex sentence structure (using separate phrases and different types of allied and non-union connections) and vocabulary (many abstract concepts are used). The main goal is to prove something, to convince another, to refute the opponent's opinion.
As you can see, all types of (speech) text have special compositional features and are used in various genre forms. However, in its pure form, narration, description and reasoning are not always found, mainlycombine their elements. For example, literary texts often combine all types of text that alternate sequentially with each other, and reasoning can consist of descriptive and narrative components. This makes the work more expressive and interesting.