Telemechanics in the electric power industry: purpose and application

Telemechanics in the electric power industry: purpose and application
Telemechanics in the electric power industry: purpose and application

The development of society involves the search and implementation of a new, better, all automated. Energy is no exception. They also innovate here, improve power supply systems, regulate the main parameters of the network, and so on. Almost all innovations are intertwined with telemechanics in the electric power industry. How it works and why to use it in the daily work of power engineers, read further in the article.

Telemechanics in the power industry: what is it?

Remote control kit
Remote control kit

In the modern sense, this concept can be considered a science or a branch of technology. Universities and institutes of energy orientation study the subject, which gives the basic concepts of the transmission of coded radio and electrical signals, which are the basis for the control, monitoring and measurement of parameters of energy equipment.

Regardingbranches of technology, then the practical sphere is considered here. The latter involves the fulfillment of tasks by transmitting coded signals. It is important to note that remote control in the electric power industry is built on various coding standards that involve the use of this or that equipment.

How telemechanics works: components

The process of transmitting information telematics
The process of transmitting information telematics

Functioning is perfectly shown in the diagram above. There is equipment (measuring, signaling or controlling) that is connected to the telemechanics cabinet. After that, the encoding of the information transmitted via communication channels to the receiving server part takes place. Here, decoding is performed with the output of the result to the control panel in the control room.

Based on such a system, to establish the unity of the process, it will be required: a server part at the substation and in the control room; means for transmitting analog signal information; element of encoding and decoding. Adjustment and maintenance is carried out by the SDTU service.

Basic requirements for telemechanics

Telemechanics cabinet - server part
Telemechanics cabinet - server part

Telemechanics in the electric power industry is a complex system that has special requirements for a number of characteristics. At the moment, the following positions are taken as the basis:

  1. Reliability. The ability of equipment to perform its tasks under certain conditions and in a given period. Rationing is associated with the mean time between failures and is expressed in hours. There are 3 reliability classes.
  2. Ready. The presented position is characterized by the ability to perform the tasks assigned to it by telemechanics. It is expressed as a probabilistic value, which is the ratio of the operating time to the operating time, taking into account downtime.
  3. Repairability. This is the ability to restore the he alth of the equipment when a failure is detected. The characteristic is expressed by the value of the average time for the repair of telemechanics.
  4. Security. This requirement complements the one described above and is manifested through the ability to avoid an uncontrollable or dangerous situation.
  5. Reliability. This characteristic largely determines the effectiveness of telemechanics. Some errors can lead to incorrect measurement, which affects the operation of the equipment and the decision of the maintenance personnel.

Telesignaling, telecontrol and telemetering

control room
control room

In a simple sense for dummies, remote control in the electric power industry is built on the following triad:

  1. Telesignalization. It involves the transmission of information about current measurements at substations. As noted above, the system requires high accuracy, since the correctness of the decisions made depends on it. To determine the accuracy, telemechanics is equipped with algorithms that reserve the functioning of the entire measurement system.
  2. Telecontrol. In the electric power industry, telemechanics is used to control equipment mainly at substations of 110 kV and above. This links withthe transformer has its own needs, which provide power to the telemechanics. But modern transformer substations of the distribution network are also equipped with switches that have telecontrol.
  3. Telemetering. The presented direction involves the transfer of information to the console by periodically polling the equipment. As for measurements, the load parameters (A), voltage (V, kV), consumption (mW) are important for a high-voltage substation. This allows you to maintain the mode of operation, to ensure the supply of electricity while maintaining quality characteristics. For example, information regarding the voltage level can become a signal to lower or increase the latter through the tap changer.

These methods are the guarantor of the effective work of dispatching personnel in the conditions of continuous operation of the network and equipment.

Modern trends: automation of electrical networks

New technologies in telemechanics
New technologies in telemechanics

The concept of telemechanics in the electric power industry is reflected above, what it is and why it is required. Note that the issue of automation at the present stage of development of the industry is acute. Most advanced countries are investing huge amounts of money in this area, creating complex networks called SmartGrid.

The latter assumes full autonomy of operation, ranging from transporting high voltage electricity over long distances, ending with "smart switching" to eliminate damage to cable lines in distribution networks. Technology does not stand still, but following newtrends allows you to get benefits:

  1. Reduction of real losses due to on-demand accounting.
  2. Obtain reliable data on the actual consumption of electrical energy, the ability to carefully plan and control energy consumption.
  3. Decrease in accident rate, increase in reliability. Reducing the time to eliminate an accident in distribution networks.
  4. Increase in the level of personnel safety, which is expressed in the absence of the need for operational switching.


Modern trends make telemechanics in the power industry an indispensable element that ensures maximum efficiency in the control, maintenance and management of the power system. In the near future, the educational speci alty will be the most in demand. Therefore, every young person who has not yet found himself in life can immerse himself in the study of telemechanics and secure a good income in the future.