Created by the decree of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg University has occupied a special place in the history of Russian psychology since 1724, since it was here that the first lectures on this subject were held in secular educational institutions in Russia. It was here, at St. Petersburg State University, that the Faculty of Psychology began teaching this science. Much later, they graduated from this university and the famous I. P. Pavlov and I. M. Sechenov, who more than others influenced the development of both domestic and world psychology. Although, as an independent part of the structure of St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Psychology met its first students only in 1966, the academic glory of this domestic science has been thundering for about a hundred years.

Modern psychology in Russia began with the formation of the field of practical psychology and the development of all its branch disciplines. At first, the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University was engaged in engineering, and then social psychology. The centers of academic psychology quickly found their practical hypostasis, which helped the university to shine in scientificresearch and prepare excellent personnel.
Scientific potential was rapidly accumulating, external conditions were ripe for expanding the field of professional tasks, as psychological problems in society grew and multiplied. Within science, separate and often new directions and areas were differentiated in order to adequately reflect the processes of social life in the training of specialists who are called upon to solve these problems. New departments and specializations have appeared so that the Department of Psychology at St Petersburg University can continue the glorious traditions of the alma mater.

Psychology as a science has entered new areas of human knowledge. In practice, this is reflected in the fact that the Department of Psychological Support prof. activities and the Department of Political Psychology were opened by the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century.
In addition to these absolutely new disciplines in science, many others have appeared: at St. Petersburg State University, the Department of Psychology receives reviews about trained specialists in social adaptation, and in personality correction, and in psychophysiology. Such changes in the human soul as behavioral anomalies, the psychology of crisis situations, and ontopsychology are also being studied here.

Now it's not just the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University. This is an educational and scientific center, the tasks of which include many conditions. The need for basic training of highly qualified psychologists for pedagogical, scientific andresearch and practical work. Mandatory continuous advanced training, training and retraining of scientific personnel for research in all major areas of domestic psychology.
And, of course, the coordination of scientific work on the psychology of the pedagogical profile among the country's universities. The work takes into account not only domestic experience, but also widely uses information on achievements in the field of psychology of universities in the USA, England, Germany.

Bachelor's degree
Professional activities of bachelors combine practical and research. The sphere of psychology is revealed in institutions of both he alth care and education, in business structures, public and social organizations, in government, consulting firms and research, and very often in private practice. Graduates will receive a bachelor's degree (qualification) having mastered the corresponding program, and the quality of education is guaranteed by the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University.
The passing score for admission to undergraduate programs (as well as to specialist training) is not set, so only a successfully passed competition can guarantee admission. Based on the result of the exam, a ranked list of applicants is compiled, and for admission, an applicant who wants to participate in the competition must have at least the minimum score established for each subject. Undergraduate studies at this faculty have two profiles: psychology and conflictology, with only full-time education,four-year.

Minimum points
For the profile of psychology in 2016, recruitment is planned in the amount of fifty people, plus twenty-five will be accepted according to a special quota. The minimum scores for future psychologists are: Biology - 55, Mathematics - 50, Russian - 65. Future conflictologists: social studies - 65, history - 65, Russian - 65. Successful applicants will be expected at St Petersburg University by the Faculty of Psychology. The entrance exams are the same, but only certain categories of applicants pass them - everything is written, and these tests are conducted by the university independently.
The level of professionalism of the teaching staff for the lucky applicants is exceptionally high: twenty-nine professors and one academician, ninety-four associate professors. They teach students using the latest educational technologies: business games, trainings, case methods. Teachers and students work closely, conferences, scientific schools, master classes are held. There is an international student exchange program. The auditoriums are well equipped with multimedia and computer facilities, and there is a video class.

Students in the process of studying receive theoretical knowledge about the methods of studying and describing the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche, about psychological categories and phenomena, about the main programs and approaches to psychological intervention at the levels of the community, group, individual. Favorable feedback on the work of faculty graduates comes from both employers and grateful clients.
Certified psychologists firmly learn the principles of organizing educational and educational processes, learn about the basic principles and standards of psychodiagnostic methods, their design and application. Purely practical skills also appear: characterization of the mental process for various activities, psychological diagnostics and counseling, mental state correction, prevention, and many others.
Educational disciplines and practices
In the responses of students, the names of professors are listed with gratitude, who easily and fascinatingly made their wards imbue with psychological subtleties. In addition to general psychology, students study both experimental and social, clinical, and in addition, interesting classes are devoted to psychodiagnostics, counseling, developmental and educational psychology. In total, the program has more than twenty subjects related only to psychology.
Students also have the most interesting internships, they are of three types during four years of study: pedagogical, industrial and educational and familiarization. It takes place on the basis of such enterprises as Gazprom, CJSC VTB 24, the St. Isaac's Cathedral Museum, the Pavlov Institute of Physiology, the Petersburg Real Estate Agency and many more interesting places await trainee psychologists. At St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Psychology, the address of which is worth remembering for any applicant, knows how to interest applicants - study,practitioners - work, and graduates - employment. So, the address: St. Petersburg, house number 6 on Makarov Embankment, one of the most beautiful places in the city on the Neva.
Opportunities for choosing a place of work each graduate of the faculty has completely unique, where professional self-realization and career growth take place most quickly. Absolutely any field of activity is suitable for a psychologist - where there is a person and the relationship of people, there should be an active observer of this process of development of relations. Who, if not a psychologist, is more suitable for this purpose?
Former students of St. Petersburg State University work in PR and advertising agencies, in law enforcement agencies (FSIN, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), of course - in he althcare, in the field of education at all levels, in publishing houses, in large business companies, such like Coca-Cola, Megafon, Ford Motor Company and many, many others.

St. Petersburg State University does not have a faculty of clinical psychology, but the faculty of psychology has such a specialization - a broad profile that solves the problems of diagnosing diseases, their prevention, risky behavior, public and individual mental he alth, the problem of helping even he althy people who are in crisis, harmonizing the development of children in mental balance.
Specialists of this profile are engaged in research, psychodiagnostic, consultative, psychotherapeutic, expert,teaching activities. Master's degree studies last two years. Together with the bachelor's degree, it turns out six years. They are employed in medical and research medical institutions, in counseling, rehabilitation and crisis centers, in departmental psychological services of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Internal Affairs Directorate, in sports teams and clubs of various levels and in social services.