The teaching profession has always been important. The craft of education and training is not so easy to master, and this is far from being given to all people. Our material will tell in detail about the skill of the teacher and the basics of pedagogical activity.
Teaching skills: a description of the concept
In the domestic scientific field, the problems of designing the teaching and teaching profession have been studied for many years, and quite actively. The concept of the foundations of pedagogical excellence is rather controversial.
When determining teaching skills, the personal and professional qualities of a teacher are most often taken as a basis. Other researchers highlight the essence of a teacher's performance from the point of view of his improvement.
Alexander Sergeevich Shcherbakov, the famous Soviet writer and teacher, defined pedagogical skills as a kind of synthesis of scientific knowledge and ideas. Here he attributed the skills of methodical art and personal character traits of the teacher. Other educatorsthe foundations of pedagogical skill are interpreted as a complex of personal properties that provide an increased level of self-organization of professional activity. The professional qualities of a teacher include his service abilities, individual working technique, personality traits and general humanistic orientation.
Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin, one of the most prominent teachers of the Soviet era, defined the mastery of a teacher as a synthesis of personal and business qualities of an employee in the field of education. Slastenin distinguishes four elements of mastery: persuasion, the formation of activity experience, pedagogical technique and the organization of individual or collective activities of children.
Aelita Kapitonovna Markova defines pedagogical excellence as "the teacher's performance of his labor functions at the level of stages and samples".
Despite the differences in interpretations of one concept, most specialists agree on one thing: to ensure a high degree of professionalism, it is necessary to form, optimize and correct existing professional skills and abilities.
The basics of pedagogical excellence are manifested in the attitude of the teacher to his actions. All actions of the teacher should be appropriate and sensibly regarded. Thus, understanding the essence of the concept under consideration makes it possible to comprehend the activity-personal phenomenon of the teacher. Mastery is manifested in the study of the internal structure of the profession, revealing its essence and planning the ways of its development.
Teacher Competency
Proper pedagogical degreeprofessionalism can be formed and developed only on the basis of the teacher's professional suitability. Speaking of professionalism, we mean suitability for official activities as something ordinary, self-evident. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important elements of teaching skills - a kind of basis for the further activities of the teacher.
It is necessary to highlight some of the properties of professional suitability as one of the foundations of pedagogical excellence. The first property is the presence of so-called makings. This is the name of the mental and physical qualities of a person acquired from birth, which determine his ability to carry out one or another type of activity. The inclinations give grounds for the realization of a person's professional suitability. According to Slastenin, the peculiarity of the teacher's natural characteristics should be determined by the inclinations.

Mastering the profession of a teacher, of course, requires certain inclinations. We know that not everyone can become a teacher. What is important is not so much the lifetime formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills, but the presence of individual character traits and personality traits. However, this is only one of the aspects.
Psychologists have developed a set of inclinations that are the basis of pedagogical excellence. The first is general physical he alth. The teacher must endure all sorts of mental and physical stress. The Central Nervous System of a Pedagogical Workermust be of the strong type. Secondly, the teacher should not have severe diseases and physical defects associated with the perception or organs of speech. Vision, smell, tactile sensations, hearing - all this should be relatively normal.
Don't forget about one more important deposit that occupies a special place in the system of professional suitability. We are talking about the external charm of the teacher, his charisma and goodwill. An employee of an educational institution must have a strict but kind disposition, prudence, criticality, the ability to competently assess the situation and other important qualities.
Naturally, the formation of the foundations of pedagogical excellence is not limited to mere inclinations and elements of professional suitability. Ivan Fedorovich Kharlamov developed a concept according to which suitability for a particular service should be determined not only by makings, but also by consideration of individual contraindications. The foundations and essence of pedagogical excellence do not allow the presence of such qualities as immorality, indifference to children, insufficient intellectual development, weakness of character, irascibility, and much more.
The predominance of which inclinations is more important - intellectual or mental? Most teachers talk about some kind of harmony between these two groups, maintaining a balance. Only Anton Semenovich Makarenko expressed a specific opinion: children are able to forgive teachers for weakness of character, excessive dryness and even irascibility, but they will never forgive a poor understanding of their work. Any childabove all appreciates in the teacher his professionalism, clear thought and deep knowledge of the subject.
The opposite opinion was expressed by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. He argued that one cannot be called a teacher who in his activity gives priority to teaching activity. A teacher is also an educator. The foundations of pedagogical excellence should include both educational and educational elements. To maintain a balance between these two areas, it is necessary to correctly apply professional knowledge and develop a special methodology for their application.
Pedagogical knowledge
The foundations and essence of the teacher's pedagogical skills are determined by the presence of special knowledge. Of course, this is not an exclusive component. Here it is necessary to highlight character traits, temperament, level of intellectual development and much more. Nevertheless, it is knowledge that helps the teacher to qualitatively navigate in the course of his career.
Pedagogy is a scientific field that draws ideas from various areas of human knowledge. These areas allow you to determine the means, patterns, goals and teaching and educational principles. Pedagogy closely borders on such scientific disciplines as physiology, history, philosophy, psychology and anthropology. Because of this, the knowledge component of a teacher can be called universal. It has a number of features: intersubjectivity, a sufficiently high level of generalization, consistency, complexity and a number of other elements.

Personal coloring of the assimilation and reproduction of professional knowledge also plays an important role in shaping the foundations of pedagogical excellence. Pedagogical tact allows the employee to optimally navigate in the office space and organize educational activities in a quality manner. A highly professional worker in the educational sphere, as it were, “passes through himself” various scientific facts, the basics of pedagogical skills, educational techniques and other elements necessary for the implementation of official activities. This allows you to adapt the material studied by the teacher to specific service situations. But how to develop such ability? A subjective attitude to the information received can be formed only thanks to a number of professional abilities. They will be discussed later.
Pedagogical ability
The foundations of pedagogical excellence and professional self-development are closely related to a number of teaching techniques - the so-called abilities. According to a number of researchers, pedagogical abilities provide an increase in the effectiveness of educational activities. They are considered as the most important elements in the system of pedagogical excellence.
Teacher's abilities are the structural components of teaching professionalism and at the same time the leading factors and foundations of pedagogical excellence. Slastenin's textbook contains a definition of pedagogical abilities: these are elements that are considered as individual stable properties of a teacher,consisting in a specific sensitivity to the object and conditions of pedagogical work. With the help of professional abilities, productive models of the desired qualities of educated persons can be developed.

According to Ivan Andreevich Zyazyun, the totality of pedagogical abilities is a complex synthesized combination of the intellectual and mental properties of a teacher's personality, which determine the success of his career.
Shcherbakov identifies several professional abilities of a teacher, which form a complex dynamic structure. These are constructive, organizational, orientational, communicative, developing, informational, mobilization, gnostic, research and other types of abilities. The essence of each of the listed types comes down to one thing: to be able to see good and bad in children, to understand the people being brought up, to feel how they perceive the information received, to objectively assess their abilities, skills, knowledge and working abilities. It is necessary to actively use a creative approach, have a good command of the language, skillfully organize children, show pedagogical tact, and qualitatively conduct any form of classes: seminars, laboratory work or lectures. The foundations of pedagogical skill are made up of little things. You can combine them and try to use them correctly only with the help of various types of pedagogical technologies.
Pedagogical technique as the basis of pedagogical excellence
Today the most in demandthe teacher's ability to reflect, empathy, the ability to qualitatively organize pedagogical communication in the "teacher-student" system, as well as a number of creative skills. All this determines the innovative culture of the teacher.
Each teacher's professional abilities are constructed and developed differently. The dynamics and intensity of their regulation are the most important characteristics as structural components of pedagogical skills. An analysis of the process of development and formation of abilities can not be found in every teacher. This is due to the availability of knowledge and the achievement of a certain level of development of professional suitability and pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality.
Pedagogical technique occupies a special place in the construction of a teacher's skill. Makarenko was convinced that the problem of technologization of the educational process is one of the most important at present. He saw the essence of the problem in the fact that pedagogical theories are limited to the regulation of general provisions and principles, and the transition to technology is left to the creativity and resourcefulness of each individual worker. The technique was considered by the famous teacher as the control of facial expressions and emotional state, as well as the whole organism as a whole. Makarenko spoke about the importance of teacher artistry and mastery of speech technique.

A more precise and specific definition was provided by Yuri Petrovich Azarov. In his view, technique is a set of techniques and means by which a master educator can achieve an educational result. Technique is called an integral part of skill. Mastery is manifested in the behavior of the teacher, in the way he controls his voice, how he shows joy, anger, trust, doubt and other habitual emotions that determine the formation of the foundations of pedagogical skill. Self-education plays a significant role here: a person can control his mental processes only on his own.
Shotsky and Grimot in the textbook "Pedagogical Professionalism" talk about technology as a set of skills that allow the teacher to express himself as a person - that is, more creatively, vividly and deeply. Scientists have identified groups of basic pedagogical skills:
- Skills related to organizing yourself and your body (pantomime and facial expressions, speech and teacher tact).
- A set of skills that affect a person and reveal the technological side of the educational process (organizational, didactic, communicative, constructive and other elements, as well as collective creative work, an appropriate communication style, etc.).
In pedagogy, the indissoluble unity and interconnection of all the presented sets of skills and abilities within the framework of pedagogical technology are obvious. A school worker who seeks to master the appropriate skill must embody this unity in his own professional activities and building the foundations of pedagogical excellence. Discipline and ethics play a special role here. These two phenomena will be discussed later.
Professional ethics of a teacher
The concept of ethics has several interpretations. This is a philosophical doctrine, and a scientific discipline, and a simple code of conduct. Within the framework of pedagogy, ethics is a set of moral attitudes and elements of moral behavior. Ethics ensures the moral nature of relationships between people.
As you know, a teacher has a special mission. He must not only educate children, instill in them intellectual abilities and form certain knowledge, but also educate them. An important component of the professionalism of a modern teacher is his ethics and spiritual and moral culture.

The teacher must take part in the process of reproduction of the moral consciousness of the individual. Moreover, he must do this as a concentrated bearer of social morality. Through pedagogical communication as the basis of pedagogical skill, an employee of an educational institution must reveal to students the beauty of human actions. The inculcation of moral thinking and the formation of morality is possible only by the subject that he himself strives for the ideal of moral character. Here again we should remember about self-education. The formation of the foundations of pedagogical excellence includes the development of moral personality traits.
Pedagogical ethics paid attention to Sukhomlinsky. The famous scientist pointed out that a teacher becomes an educator only if he masters the finest instrument of the educational process - the science of morality and ethics. Without knowledge of moral theory, teacher training willdefective today.
A teacher must maintain a certain balance between different character traits. So, it must be strict and democratic. In your work, you need to focus on each individual person, but also on the whole group too. A teacher is also a person, it is permissible for him to make mistakes. You shouldn't hide them. On the contrary, each mistake will be an excellent product for analysis and further optimization of their professional activities.
In different programs, the basics of pedagogical excellence are classified differently, but the tasks and categories of pedagogical ethics remain unchanged. Among the tasks should be highlighted:
- study of the essence and characteristics of individual moral pedagogical consciousness;
- study of the nature of the moral relationship of the teacher with students;
- analysis of methodological problems;
- development of moral aspects of teaching work;
- identifying the requirements that apply to the moral character of the teacher.
Among the main ethical categories, justice, pedagogical duty, professional honor, pedagogical authority, and a sense of tact should be singled out. The teacher's tact is made up of the following elements:
- business tone and a special manner of communication;
- attention and sensitivity;
- demanding and respectful;
- the ability to hear and see the student, empathize with him.
Tact is manifested in the appearance of the teacher, the ability to competently and quickly assess the situation, self-critical evaluation of their activities,a combination of reasonable exactingness with a sensitive attitude towards students, etc.
Teaching creativity
A modern teacher must be a creative person. This rule appeared quite recently, but is already firmly established in the minds of most people. The work of a teacher should be freed from monotony and routine. It is necessary to look for new, original and unusual approaches to the organization of professional activities. It is necessary to be motivated for creativity as one of the foundations of pedagogical excellence:
1) including developing cultural and educational sphere;
2) combined with the learning environment;
3) closely related to the emotional development of schoolchildren.
Above were listed the main conditions for the formation of the creative potential of the individual. It should also be taken into account that the priority place in the organization of students' creative activity should be given to the personal-activity approach. Its essence lies in the acceptance of the child as a spiritual, social and creative person.

Researchers identify several heuristic methods and techniques that can be used to develop personality. These are "brainstorming", "analogies", "synectic method", "overestimation" and much more. All these methods are psychological mechanisms used for non-standard disclosure of students' abilities. Unlike traditional forms of classes, creative approaches will allow you to form a more holistic image,provide many answers.
The fundamentals of teaching excellence are incredibly vast in their diversity. If we are talking about a creative approach, then the adaptive school will play a special role here. It is based on the principles of the indicative function of knowledge, psychological comfort, creativity, semantic attitude to the world around, etc. The principle of adaptability will allow you to more deeply and holistically explore the mental state of the child, as well as ensure the optimal development of his personality.
Creativity is most often used as the foundation of teaching excellence in SVE. The teacher makes full use of all forms of non-traditional education and upbringing. This helps in the development of student independence, the formation of innovative thinking and creativity.
Developing student abilities
The teacher needs to take into account the cognitive interest of schoolchildren as their selective focus on the surrounding objects, phenomena and processes of the existing reality. To do this, the teacher should demonstrate their own intellectual skills and emotional states. It is known that the cognitive interest of students is manifested as the desire to engage in a certain area of knowledge. But this requires a certain incentive, a personal incentive to overcome difficulties. It is necessary to develop a sense of satisfaction, joy from the cognitive process.
The interests of students are formed through two channels:
- through means of selecting and using information;
- through the means of including schoolchildren in the cognitiveactivities.
The first path is considered the base path. When starting to implement it, the teacher must remember that the information is of the following nature:
- makes students think, imagine and wonder (this kind of information causes a desire to search);
- aimed at connections of intra-subject and inter-subject nature;
- focused on the use of knowledge in life and practice.
The implementation of the second way takes into account a number of requirements for the activity process of schoolchildren. It causes a desire to find positive aspects in learning, develops imagination and ingenuity. This kind of information is aimed at resolving certain contradictions. It forces you to solve problems and problems from different angles. Finally, it focuses on the application of knowledge in new conditions. This happens due to a noticeable emotional response, stimulation of volitional tension, inclusion in the process of tasks and tasks involving research elements.
To form the intellectual independence of students, the teacher will have to use some basics of pedagogical skills:
- discipline containing educational material should be divided into logical integral parts. You need to make a plan, explain the transitions from one component to another.
- It is necessary to formulate questions to the educational material in the process of understanding it.
- It is necessary to solve cognitive tasks in the course of compiling visual aids, as well as in the conditions of the problem created by the teachersituation.
- It is necessary to make reasonable conclusions and conclusions, correlate the results of research with cognizable phenomena, check them for reliability.

Independent activity of students can be manifested in the form of work with teaching aids, in the form of taking notes, performing creative, laboratory, research and other work.
Improving teaching skills
Having de alt with the options for developing the abilities of students, we should move on to characterizing pedagogical skills. Today, it is not so much the problem of development that is especially acute, but the problem of acquiring the appropriate knowledge and skills.
To begin with, the most important principle should be highlighted: the teacher should not stop learning. His self-improvement should have no boundaries, work on himself should continue all the time.
Like students, educators should devote most of their time to self-education. In the course of personal development and introspection, a predominant number of skills are developed that form the basis of pedagogical excellence. Answers to many questions will be obtained only if the teacher himself expresses a desire to work on himself. For this, as you know, you need a stimulus. The main motive is understandable - this is the desire to optimize the educational process, to make full-fledged members of society out of children. There are also optional criteria - the desire to advance in position, get a professional promotion, raise the level of wagesfees, increase your credibility, etc.

To improve your own skills, you need to pay attention to the main stages of optimizing your teaching skills.
The first stage is called the installation stage. It provides for the creation of a certain mood for independent work. The next step is called learning. The teacher gets acquainted with the methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature. At the third stage, the selection and analysis of pedagogical facts takes place - the main practical tasks are implemented. The penultimate stage is called theoretical. The accumulated facts are subject to analysis and generalization. The last phase is called the control and final phase. Here the teacher summarizes the observations and draws up the results.
Programs and teaching materials
In the process of analyzing the basics of teaching activities, the main concepts and theories of various authors and researchers were considered. These are various teaching aids, popular science literature and even tests on the basics of pedagogical skills. Most of the tasks include finding answers to questions about the ideal teacher, about the teaching procedure, the processes of development, formation, pedagogical experiment, testing, the integrity of the pedagogical process, types and structure of lesson systems, etc.
Among the most famous and popular domestic teachers, of course, Makarenko, Sukhomlinsky and Ushinsky should be singled out. These are the three pillars of the science of the methods and ways of the educational process.