Psychological analysis of the lesson - features, requirements and sample

Psychological analysis of the lesson - features, requirements and sample
Psychological analysis of the lesson - features, requirements and sample

The lesson is the main unit in the educational process. This is an organized form of education in which the teacher, for a clearly defined time, manages the cognitive and other activities of the team. In this case, the characteristics of each student are taken into account. Methods and means of work are used that create favorable conditions for students to master the basics of the subject being studied. This whole process is called the psychological analysis of the lesson. Our material will describe in detail about this procedure.

Lesson as a unit of the educational process

Psychological analysis of the lesson should begin with the definition of this form of education. A lesson is one of the forms of the educational process, in which the teacher directs the activities of his students for a certain amount of time in order to learn a certaininformation. Each lesson consists of certain elements - stages and links. All of them are characterized by different types of teaching and student activities. The available elements can appear in different combinations, defining the structure of the lesson. It can be simple or complex, depending on the content of the educational material, on the objectives of the lesson, the age characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the class.

psychological analysis lesson example
psychological analysis lesson example

Psychological analysis of the lesson involves highlighting the main features of this form of the educational process. Note here:

  • Having a consistent group of students.
  • The activities of students, taking into account the characteristic features of each of them.
  • Mastering the basics of the material being studied.

It is necessary to conduct a timely psychological analysis of the lessons in order to improve their quality and effectiveness. The lesson will remain the only and indispensable unit of learning for a long time to come. At the moment, this is the most convenient form of the educational process.

Types of lessons

The next stage of the psychological analysis of the lesson is to form a classification of the forms of the educational process. There is no generally accepted system to this day. This is explained by a number of circumstances. One of them is the versatility and complexity of the relationship between student and teacher. The most common is the classification proposed by Boris Petrovich Esipov, a Soviet doctor of pedagogical sciences. It highlights:

  • Lessons of mixed (combined)type.
  • Introductory lessons aimed at the accumulation of initial facts and ideas about specific phenomena, understanding and assimilation of generalizations.
  • Control and reinforcing lessons needed to repeat the material.
  • Classes where students develop skills and consolidate their knowledge.
  • Checking lessons.

Psychological analysis of the lesson in elementary school showed that the main emphasis is placed on the principle of concentration. It involves a phased study of the material with regular repetition of the information covered. Children in elementary school must combine primary knowledge with what they have already learned. This will give the necessary fixing effect. Lessons built on the principle of concentration are most often of a combined nature. Within the framework of the academic hour, lecture materials, consolidation of what has been learned, control and independent work can be combined.

Introductory lessons involve learning new, previously unknown material. The study can be conducted both under the guidance of a teacher, and in the form of independent work. At the end of the lesson, a task is given to repeat the studied information.

Reinforcing lessons involve comprehending previously learned knowledge in order to firmly assimilate them. Students deepen their understanding of a particular area through homework, creative, written or oral exercises.

The last type of lesson is called a control lesson. The teacher evaluates the degree of study of the information provided.

SoThe psychological analysis of a lesson at school can be applied to several forms of the educational process at once. Next, consider the structure of the school session.

Lesson structure

A school lesson consists of several stages, so it can be represented as a diagram. Psychological analysis of the lesson involves a description of its ten main stages.

The first is related to the organization of the beginning of the lesson. There is a preparation of students for work in the classroom: this is a greeting, checking the readiness for the lesson, quick inclusion in the business rhythm, etc. The first stage requires from the teacher such qualities as exactingness, goodwill, self-discipline, organization. It is also required to check the readiness of the equipment for the lesson, etc.

The second stage is connected with checking homework. The accuracy and awareness of the performance of work by all or the majority of students should be established. The gaps identified should be filled and the shortcomings in knowledge eliminated. The ground must be cleared for the further work of the teacher. Psychological analysis of the lesson shows that the second stage is one of the most important for the entire lesson. By the quality of students' homework, the teacher can evaluate the results of their work.

At the third stage, there is an active preparation for the further activities of the teacher and students. The basic skills and knowledge should be updated, cognitive motives formed, the goals and objectives of the lesson disclosed.

At the fourth stage, new knowledge is acquired. The aim of the teacher isthe formation of students' specific ideas about the phenomena, facts, processes and connections being studied.

At the fifth stage, the primary check of students' understanding of the new educational material takes place.

The sixth stage is connected with the consolidation of knowledge by solving problems and exercises. As the psychological analysis of the lesson shows, the example, exercises and tests are the most effective tools for memorizing new information.

At the seventh stage, the acquired knowledge is subject to generalization and systematization. Additional concepts, secondary connections and other educational elements are introduced that will help form an idea on the topic studied.

The eighth stage involves self-examination of knowledge. Here, shortcomings in the study of the material and the reasons for these shortcomings are revealed. The search for specific problems will encourage students to test the completeness, awareness and strength of existing skills and abilities.

At the ninth stage, the lesson is summed up. The teacher builds a brief diagram of the psychological analysis of the lesson. He characterizes the work of the class, directs children to further development, evaluates success in achieving certain goals.

At the tenth (final) stage, the teacher gives information about homework, as well as a brief instruction on how to complete it.

Classification of lessons by type and identification of the most complete structure of a classic lesson are included in the psychological analysis of the lesson. In the activity of a teacher, this kind of analysis also occupies a special place. The teacher is able to self-describeconstructed unit of the educational process.

scheme of psychological analysis of the lesson
scheme of psychological analysis of the lesson

Lesson objectives

What goals does the teacher set for himself, forming the next training session? These are educational, educational and developmental tasks. The group of educational goals includes the following points:

  • Formation of special knowledge and skills in the subject.
  • Providing information about concepts, laws, theory and scientific facts during the lesson.
  • Developing students' skills and abilities.
  • Filling gaps in knowledge, special and general scientific skills and abilities.
  • Ensuring control over the assimilation of knowledge and skills.
  • Teaching students to independently understand the essence of the material being studied.
  • Formation of skills of educational work, thinking over the course of its implementation, preparation for active work, observance of a rational labor regime, etc.

The group of educational goals includes the following criteria:

  • Influence on professional self-determination.
  • Promotion of labor education of students.
  • Military-patriotic education.
  • Aesthetic perception.
  • Instilling moral and humanistic ideals and principles.
  • Education of responsibility for the results of educational work, awareness of its significance, compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic service conditions.
  • Requirement from students of perseverance, accuracy, perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties, etc.

The group of developing goals includes the development of motivational qualities of students, the creation of situations of entertainment, joy, surprise, discussions and much more. Here it is necessary to highlight the ability to reason logically, briefly and clearly express their thoughts. Of particular importance is the development of cognitive interest, the formation of alternative thinking, the ability to separate the main from the secondary, the evaluation of events and much more.

The plan of the psychological analysis of the lesson is drawn up based on the designated goals. You should figure out exactly what tasks should be facing the students.

psychological analysis of the lesson in elementary school
psychological analysis of the lesson in elementary school

Psychological analysis procedure

One of the ways to objectify teacher's work is the psychological analysis of the lesson. In the work of a teacher, this process is quite important. The analysis allows you to look at the school lesson from the outside, highlight its advantages and disadvantages, analyze the main directions for optimizing the lesson area. Quite a large number of studies and methodological works are devoted to the characteristics of the lessons. Scientists emphasize the versatility of the analysis of the lesson, the importance of the teacher taking into account all aspects of pedagogical interaction, the characteristics of its subjects and activities.

Psychological analysis consists of several stages. The first four stages have already been presented above. This is a characteristic of the concept, the identification of the main types of the lesson, the formation of the structure and the designation of goals. Having considered the school lesson from all sides and providing a descriptionits main elements, attention should be paid to its main psychological approaches.

The subject of psychological analysis is multifaceted. These are the psychological traits of the teacher himself, the patterns of the learning process, the specifics of the educational process, the analytical abilities of students, their skills, and much more.

All analytical procedures are carried out by outside experts in the field of pedagogy, or by the teachers themselves. A special form of psychological analysis of the lesson is drawn up, which may not be the same in different schools. The form is issued in the form of a small document, which indicates the goals and results of the procedure.

The norms of the Federal State Educational Standard have developed a form for filling out a self-analysis of a lesson in elementary school. The "header" of the document indicates the class, the topic of the lesson, the goals and objectives of the lesson, as well as the connection of the lesson with previous and future lessons. Next, a table of knowledge levels of students is built. Here it is necessary to allocate a high, sufficient, average, satisfactory and low level. Nearby is a table with data on motivation: low and high. The last column is aimed at monitoring and evaluating the quality of knowledge and skills. The main stages of the lesson, methods and types of control, control functions and the procedure for assessing knowledge are indicated.

Next, we will talk about the main examples of psychological analysis of the lesson.

plan of psychological analysis of the lesson
plan of psychological analysis of the lesson

Analysis Forms

According to S. L. Rubinshtein, the analysis of a school lesson is a mental dismemberment of a phenomenon, object orsituation and the search for its constituent parts, elements, moments and sides. The forms of the analytical procedure are quite diverse. A common example of the psychological analysis of a lesson in elementary school is the restoration of the divided into a whole. The teacher sees specific elements, forms connections between them, and then builds an integral system with many different phenomena and stages.

The main "components" of the lesson are the students themselves and the teacher. Both of these elements are interrelated and interdependent. Psychological analysis can be presented in the form of analysis through synthesis. As a person reveals the system of connections and relationships in which the analyzed object is located, he begins to notice, analyze and discover new, still unexplored features of this object. There is also a form of analysis through synthesis. It reflects the whole variety of connections between the lesson components, that is, it contributes to a deeper understanding of the most complex psychological aspects of teaching by the teacher.

The purpose of the psychological analysis of the lesson is to identify the main shortcomings in the work of the teacher and further work on their correction.

Objects of psychological analysis

Pedagogical reflection has as its objects the motives of teachers' activities. Along with positive motives that have a socially significant character, one should also single out motives associated with the influence of external circumstances. So, if positive motives are an understanding of the social significance of one's work, a desire to work with people, etc., then external motives are associated with an interest inprofession, the opportunity to do your favorite subject and work.

The object of reflection can also be the result of pedagogical activity. As a result, a documentary sample of the psychological analysis of the lesson should be drawn up. It should indicate the main shortcomings of the implemented work.

Introducing a sample showing how the analysis of a lesson in the Russian language should look like (in accordance with GEF:

sample lesson analysis
sample lesson analysis

Thus, the objects of the psychological analysis of the lesson are various motives for the teacher's performance, or the results of the work done. However, it must be understood that objects act as strengths and weaknesses of the implemented activity.

Preliminary analysis

The first level of psychological analysis of a school lesson is a preliminary analysis. Initially, a protocol for the psychological analysis of the lesson is drawn up, which contains three columns: about the preliminary, current and retrospective analysis of the lesson.

At the first level, the stage of preparation for the lesson is analyzed. The teacher has an "image-plan" of the future lesson, which is still "faceless", without spatial and temporal boundaries. Then the teacher proceeds to a thorough and comprehensive description of everything that is connected with the future training session. This is the collection of teaching aids, the formation of programs, a set of methods, techniques and methods of working with material, etc. In the process of analysis, the teacher prepares a plan or summary of a specific lesson, that is, that "sample-artist" to be implemented.

When analyzing a lesson, the teacher must meaningfully and purposefully use theoretical developments from general, developmental, pedagogical and social psychology. The teacher faces the main psychological problems of organizing the educational procedure. The productivity and success of the lesson will largely depend on the analysis and consideration of several factors: what, whom, who, and how to teach.

The most common form of psychoanalysis lesson sheet:

stages of psychological analysis of the lesson
stages of psychological analysis of the lesson

The first factor is the specificity of the subject - that is, how it acts as an end and means of the learning process. The second factor affects the assimilation of knowledge. We are talking about the professional characteristics of the teacher and his individual psychological traits. Finally, the third factor is associated with the personality of the person being trained, his age and individual psychological characteristics. The influence of this factor is manifested in all psychological components of assimilation. This is a positive attitude of students to the subject, active comprehension of the material, direct acquaintance with information with the help of feelings, as well as memorization and preservation of acquired and processed information.

The rest of the process of psychological analysis of the lesson depends on the preliminary stage. Organization of student attention, planning and distribution of material - all this will be associated with the preliminary stage.

As an example of a preliminary analysis, one can imagine drawing up a lesson plan, settinggoals and objectives.

Current analysis

The second stage is a current psychological analysis in a specific pedagogical situation of the lesson. Examples and a sample of the psychological analysis of the lesson must be considered in stages. The teacher draws up a plan for the future lesson. The effectiveness of the lesson is determined by the thoroughness of preparation for it, the correctness and accuracy of design. However, do not forget about the many pedagogical situations that may arise during the lesson. All of them are fraught with a sufficient number of surprises. To successfully resolve the situation, you must follow a number of special rules. All of them are indicated in the sample psychological analysis of the lesson with the protocol of observation.

Here's what to highlight here:

  • Observing discipline.
  • Carefully studying student responses.
  • Studying the psychophysical state of children.
  • Assessing the level of preparedness of the class for the lesson.
  • Collecting information about the features of the learning activities of the class.
  • Observing the lesson.
  • Studying the behavior and speech of children.
  • The study of traits that are unique to individual students: behaviors, inclinations, interests, abilities, etc.
  • Distribution of attention when observing several objects at the same time.

All these skills will help you competently organize the current psychological analysis of the lesson.

Historical analysis

A retrospective analysis of pedagogical activity is the final stage. The role of this stage cannot beunderestimate. It is necessary to compare the project, plan and design of the school lesson with its implementation. This will allow the teacher to draw certain conclusions about the correctness of the chosen tools and methods of professional activity.

psychological analysis of the lesson in the activities of the teacher
psychological analysis of the lesson in the activities of the teacher

It is necessary to outline the strengths and weaknesses in your work, identify ways to correct shortcomings and expand the advantageous methods. In other words, retrospective analysis allows the teacher to draw certain conclusions about the work done.

An example of retrospective psychoanalysis is the completion of work sheets. In the course of working with the documentation, the teacher is able to draw some conclusions about his activities.

Combining the results of the preliminary and current analyzes will serve as a kind of start for the future lesson. The next time the teacher will know his shortcomings, and therefore will try to avoid them. The more objectively the teacher analyzes his lesson, the more perfect he will plan and conduct all subsequent classes. It should also be noted that the retrospective analysis (unlike the other two stages) is not limited by time frames. This allows you to find out more information and make the right decision, further correcting and checking it.

Retrospective analysis corresponds to the final stage of the teacher's activity. This is the most profitable and optimal way to evaluate your professionalism.
