Destiny is both fate and territory

Destiny is both fate and territory
Destiny is both fate and territory

The meaning of the word "destiny" is twofold. The first semantic load declares the inheritance as a fiefdom, a territory subject to the owner. The second - as fate, share, rock.

"Special period" as part of the history of Russia

The first interpretation of the word, explaining it as possession of land, was in such circulation in Russia that the time period from the middle of the 12th to the middle of the 15th century was called the “specific period”. It was a time of fragmentation of a single state into small principalities - an integral stage in the development of feudalism in any country. Sometimes the inheritance was reduced to the size of a small estate. This happened because the Russian princes, having, as a rule, a large number of children, when writing a spiritual letter (testament) endowed each of them with lands or - most - those who did not sin before their father.

From father to son

destiny in ancient Russia is
destiny in ancient Russia is

Thus, an inheritance is a part of the father's lands, given at the disposal of one of the heirs. In ancient Russian sources, it is sometimes called a settlement, but, according to some experts, this does not sound very elegant. Of course, duringof his reign, the prince could annex significant conquered lands, thus increasing part of the inheritance for each of his sons, but still it was a process of fragmentation of the state. The owner, prince, boyar, seigneur, having received his inheritance (as a rule, in those days these were wild lands with a small fortified city), were forced to have their own army, their squad. It could not be so significant that it alone could withstand a large army. Fragmentation and internecine wars were the main reason for the conquest of Russia by the Golden Horde.

The concept of inheritance as a fiefdom existed until 1917

destiny is
destiny is

However, there were positive moments in all this - the princes strengthened their fiefdoms, rebuilt their capitals, erected temples. That is, the “destiny” in Ancient Russia is the territory that is completely dependent on the talents of the specific prince. He will be like Yaroslav the Wise, the patrimony will grow with lands, new cities, and numerous temples. It is interesting that in tsarist Russia until 1917 there was the concept of appanage, and it denoted land property or real estate owned by one of the members of the royal family. After the abolition of serfdom, even before 1863, this concept included, in addition to real estate and land, peasants.

The term itself was very often used in the literature, it is found in A. S. Pushkin in a poem about Boris Godunov: "… we have long lost our inheritances …", and in the legend about Gvidon, when he, being a mosquito, flew to his place across the sea, taking revenge on his aunts. But the island of Buyan was not allocated to him by the priest. So, the inheritance is a land plot, real estate in the possession of one prince.

Stephen King has a novel "Salimov's Destiny", where this word takes on the meaning of both fate (as the title of one of the Russian translations of the book says - "The Lot"), and as a land allotment, the location of the city where events take place.

Second meaning of the term

The second interpretation of the term "destiny" (this is a lot) has, like no other word, dozens of synonyms, in which even phrases are found - the finger of fate, it is written in the family, fell to the lot, the wheel of Fortune. There are synonyms that imply a sad fate - lack, fate, cross, howl. This also includes Parks and Moiras - these ladies are known for chasing their victim with the aim of punishing her to complete destruction.

the meaning of the word fate
the meaning of the word fate

There are interchangeable words for this term that evoke melancholy, despondency and the absence of any pleasant prospect - fate, fate and fate. There are synonyms that predetermine a happy fate - future, field, planid. Good words are perspective, cup, holding, share and even happiness. There are a great many magnificent poems about destiny as destiny, such as, for example, "… the destiny of love is beautiful and bright …".

The researched term is also found in geographical names. So, the territory in the north of Palestine is called the inheritance of the Naphtali tribe.
