"Draft horse": the meaning and essence of phraseology

"Draft horse": the meaning and essence of phraseology
"Draft horse": the meaning and essence of phraseology

Workaholics - who are they? People who are obsessed with the only form of self-realization for themselves through work or unanswered "draft horses" on which you can load back-breaking work, but they won't even say a word? They will pull and pull their burden without asking for help.

Workaholics are people addicted to work and unable to stop in time to rest. And to such an extent that workaholism is now equated with an addiction comparable to alcoholism. There are many reasons for becoming such a "draft horse", and often they come from childhood. This category includes people who hide from their problems in any activity. Or those who realized their importance through hard, hopeless work.

What is a "draft horse"?

Workaholics rarely have weekends and vacations, they don't often take sick days either. They tend to take on an overwhelming burden and carry a serious load of responsibilities on their hump.

draft horse
draft horse

BIn the literal sense, draft horses are heavy trucks that were originally used for draft carriage. That is, they simply removed broken or destroyed cannons and the remains of defensive structures from the battlefields. These carriages were also used to transport heavy loads.

The named horse was larger than normal horses, not as graceful, and often had shaggy legs. The hired cab drivers of the carriages in which these powerful giants were harnessed were also called draymen.

"Draft horse": meaning and essence

Over time, this phrase began to apply to people. It was mainly used in relation to strong peasant women who did housework, often on an equal footing with men. Along with this, they also worked in the field, especially those who lost their husbands in the war and there was nowhere to wait for help. Such women worked hard, tirelessly. They had a usually large family to feed, so no rest was implied.

What is a draft horse?
What is a draft horse?

Phraseologism has become so firmly established in people's lives that they began to call a "draft horse" any unrequited person who was blamed for all the hard, thankless work. Usually low-paid routine or absolutely unprofitable.

Sometimes they called it with respect, considering such an attitude to work to be correct, but more often this expression had a disapproving character. Especially when the amount of work went off scale and exceeded all the limits of decency.

Distinguishing characteristics of a workaholic

So can a workaholic be called thatunpleasant phraseology? The problem of such a person is the inability to stop the work process. Although at first glance, a workaholic is not much different from someone who can be called a "draft horse".

And yet there is a difference. Workaholism is a rather psychological problem and requires the attention of relevant specialists. Although the desire to work is one of the most important human needs, for a workaholic it becomes the only important goal.

Draft horse: the meaning of the expression
Draft horse: the meaning of the expression

Moreover, it is not the final result that interests him and pleases him, but the process itself. Everything else in the life of such a person becomes as if not so important. Not enough strength for family, friends or vacation.

But most importantly, there is no desire to do what is not related to the work process, which is often accompanied by a false sense of happiness or even euphoria. These feelings reinforce the reaction to the production process.

How to avoid addiction?

Heads of various enterprises do not pass by such workers, because they perform a large number of tasks and are usually satisfied. At the same time, a workaholic, even at home, thinks only about work, not allowing himself to relax even for a minute. He usually ignores everything that is not related to the work process, outside of it he is emotionally cold and distant. So is it possible to use such a phraseological unit in relation to such a person? In a way, yes.

Draft horse: the meaning of phraseology
Draft horse: the meaning of phraseology

But it is worth considering the fact that workaholics meaningfully choose for themselves just this kind ofexistence, it is rather a disease. While "draft horses" are often forced people doing hard work. They cannot refuse it for certain reasons, but they certainly do not depend on work psychologically.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "draft horse" rather denotes the capabilities and strength of a person, his ability to work hard for a long time. And the work of a workaholic can be easy, but hopeless. And all because this person cannot refuse, just answer the employer "no".
