How to remember the names of school subjects in English?

How to remember the names of school subjects in English?
How to remember the names of school subjects in English?

In English classes, teachers are often asked to describe school subjects. Some fall into a stupor, because not everyone remembers the names of the lessons. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to remember the name of school subjects in English? What to say when you are asked to describe your favorite lesson? What words to use? You will learn all this and much more from our article.


Name of school subjects in English

For starters, let's remember what lessons there are at school. To do this, we will divide them into large groups: natural, technical, social and humanitarian.

To natural are those objects that describe our world around us, natural phenomena:

  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Geography.
  • Biology.

Technical subjects are less loved by students because they are the hardest:

  • Algebra(Algebra).
  • Geometry.
  • Computer Science - if translated literally, then computer science.

Public lessons are loved by those who like to talk and reason, draw conclusions, debate:

  • Social Science. The literal translation is the science of society.
  • Economics.
  • Sociology (Sociology).

Most of all, humanitarian subjects are taught at school, they are basic, which teach us morality, understanding, basic knowledge, without which it is difficult to survive in society:

  • History.
  • Russian language (Russian).
  • Literature.
  • English language (English).
  • French.
  • German language (German).
  • Philosophy.

There are also items that are difficult to qualify as related to art, sports and useful in everyday life:

  • FINE - Fine Arts (Art).
  • MHK - World Art Culture (World Art).
  • Physical Education.
  • Music.
  • Technology and labor (Technology).

How is it easier to remember school subjects in English with translation? As you can see, most of the lessons in Russian are the same as the names in English, there are literally a few exceptions.

The best option to easily and quickly remember the name of school subjects in English is to write down your school schedule in a foreign language. After two or three weeks, you will notice how easyname all the lessons.

School items
School items

How would you describe your favorite subject?

Often at school they give the task to describe what lesson is your favorite, why is it so? Such questions are confusing because students most often do not know what to describe.

Start with general sentences, such as "I'm best at calculus, so math is my favorite subject."

In the next paragraph, tell me what you like about this subject: "I love algebra for its accuracy, you know exactly how to proceed, you don't have to invent formulas yourself. In geometry, I like to look for unusual and shortest ways to find something Math trains the brain, in everyday life you start to cope with tasks easier: you count change faster in the store, and in slot machines with toys you can calculate what you need to do to win."

Then to summarize, you need to briefly say again which lesson is your favorite and why:

"Summing up, I can say that mathematics is the most interesting subject, because it makes life easier, clearer and clearer."


So, in this article we looked at the name of school subjects in English, how they are easier to remember. And also about how to briefly and clearly describe which lesson you love the most.
