If you want to become a professional in something, you need to carefully study the object of interest. Those who are thinking of opening an enterprise or learning the basics of managing it are interested in what the tasks and functions of the management process are. We will now look for an answer to this question.
General information
Managerial activity has its own specifics. It performs tasks and functions without which it is impossible to imagine the work of the enterprise. What is the general structure? Functions are implemented exclusively within the framework of a certain set of management tasks. What is their fundamental difference? How is a function different from a task? This is very important to understand to avoid confusion.
The fundamental difference between the two is that functions are repetitive activities, while tasks aim to achieve certain results in a given amount of time. That is, the head signs the documents - this is a function. And he signs them in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise and double the amount of revenue in a year - this is a task.
By the way, let's talk about functions. They arecan be performed entirely by one unit. At the same time, other department groups are often used to provide additional functionality. High-quality setting and definition of the scope of work for each department allows you to ensure the effective operation of the enterprise as a whole. Therefore, when creating a commercial structure, this issue must be taken care of immediately, because fixing everything will be quite long and costly. Enough background information, let's move on to specific points.
About Functions
Their composition and volume depend on a number of conditions:
- Structure, level and scope of activities.
- The size of the commercial structure, place in the system of social division of labor, autonomy and independence.
- Ties with other organizations.
- The level of technical equipment and available management tools.
What should they do? The functions of the management system are necessary for the management and maintenance of economic activities. Each of them should have a purpose, be repeatable, homogeneous and feasible for staff. They are objective. This is determined by the very nature of the management process. After all, if subjectivity is allowed, then this will most likely result in losses.

Also, the functions of enterprise management are the basis for determining and forming the structure and size of the management apparatus. There is no single approach to their classification. Based on the characteristics, different groups are formed. The simplest divisionimplies classification into:
- General.
- Special.
What are their features? Fayol formulated the general functions of management at the beginning of the twentieth century. Their peculiarity is that they manifest themselves in the same way in any field of activity. Among the general functions, titration is considered the most important. It consists of:
- Formulation of goals for the coming period.
- Developing a strategy for action.
- Drafting the necessary plans and programs for the implementation of paragraph 2.
That is, there is a definition of what needs to be achieved. Strategic and current planning is used as a tool for developing ways to obtain the planned result.
About implementation
The organizational function is engaged in the practical implementation. How is it implemented? Initially, the organization itself is created, its structures are formed, work is distributed among departments, employees and their activities are coordinated. Speaking about the functions of the governing bodies, one cannot ignore the motivation.
In this case, the needs of people are determined, the most appropriate way to satisfy them is chosen, which will ensure the maximum interest of employees in the process of approaching the goal that the organization faces. Control will help to identify impending dangers in advance, deviations from accepted standards, as well as detect errors. It creates the basis for improving ongoing processes.
Before we talked about special functions. They are engagedmanaging certain objects, for example:
- Production.
- Logistics.
- Innovation.
- Frames.
- Advertising and marketing finished products.
- Finance.
- Accounting and analysis of business processes.

Someone might say that these are the main functions of management. This is true, but with a small caveat: their implementation is different. It is precisely because they have to adapt to each specific specific subject that they are called special. Let's take a closer look at them.
What are special functions?
They will be presented as a title and summary:
- Production management. This is the organization of the supply of materials, raw materials, parts, components, information. Determination of the volume for the production and provision of services. Arrangement of people. Organization of timely complex repair of machinery and equipment. Prompt elimination of problems and failures in the production process. Quality control.
- Procurement management. This is the conclusion of business contracts, the organization of the process of procurement, delivery and storage of materials (raw materials), parts, components.
- Management of innovations (innovations). This is the organization of scientific research and applied development, the creation of prototypes, the introduction of new products into production.
- Management of advertising and sales of finished products. This means studying the markets, developing a pricepolicies, advertising, formation of distribution channels, organization of shipment of goods to customers.
- Personnel management. This means recruiting, training and improving the qualification level of personnel, motivating work, creating a pleasant and comfortable moral and psychological climate, as well as improving working conditions for employees.
- Financial management. This includes budgeting, formation and distribution of financial resources, investment portfolio, assessment of the current / prospective state and measures that are necessary to strengthen them.
- Accounting and analysis of economic activity. Collection, processing and study of information about the work of the organization. Comparison with the initial and planned indicators, as well as the results of the activities of other commercial structures for the timely identification of existing problems and the opening of reserves.
About the main functions
This topic was briefly touched upon earlier. But then there was a caveat. What do we get if we remove it? Leadership has a specific purpose. It is achieved by performing specific tasks and functions. And for this it is necessary to influence the team. Here, the main control functions manifest themselves in all their glory:
- Organization.
- Planning.
- Rationing.
- Motivation.
- Coordination.
- Control.
- Regulation.
All this manifests itself through organizational structures, processes, culture. At the same time, a whole set of methods, techniques and links of the management system is rationally combined. And then used forestablishing relationships with various objects.

This is a function of the organization. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the creation of favorable conditions for achieving goals, when specific tasks are solved within a specified period of time, while production resources are spent to a minimum. But central among all functions is planning. This is due to the fact that it is necessary for the strictly regulated behavior of the object during the achievement of the goals set for the organization. Planning involves assigning specific tasks to specific units for various (but limited) time periods.
Rationing should be seen as the development of science-based calculations that establish the quality and quantity of elements that will be used in production and management. This function influences the object with the help of clear and strict norms, disciplines the process of performing tasks, ensures the rhythmic and uniform course of activities and its high efficiency.
Shifting to human factors
Next we have the motivation function. It affects the team, awakening it for effective work. To accomplish this task, public influence is used, as well as incentive measures.
The coordination function is necessary to ensure the coordinated and coordinated work of all participants in the process. If the production and support departments do not interact effectively, then the implementation of the tasks will be a long process. Coordination canbe carried out in relation to both the team and individual employees.
Next comes the control function. It affects the team through the identification, generalization, accounting and analysis of the results of each unit. The collected data is brought to the knowledge of their superiors, managers and management services.

For this function, information from operational, accounting and statistical records plays an important role, which allows you to identify deviations from planned indicators. After that, the reasons for the deviation are analyzed and eliminated. But the latter already refers to the function of regulation. It, by the way, is directly combined with control and coordination. This activity management function will be performed only in cases where, due to the influence of the internal or external environment, the production process deviates from the planned parameters. If there are no problems, then there is no reason to contact her. These are the functions of the control system.
About tasks
So far it has mostly been about what governance functions exist. But there are also challenges. A few words should also be said about them. The list of main tasks is quite large, so it will be divided into several subheadings:
- Determination of the main goal of the organization, the formation of a strategy of behavior and actions aimed at achieving it. Creation of the concept of functioning and development of the enterprise with the maximum number of future transformations - for example, into a corporation.
- Corporate culture formation. This means uniting employees around one corporate goal. The most important thing in this case is not to make people unilaterally dependent on the leadership. This state of affairs often ends with low initiative and the need to control everything manually, which is quite problematic.
- It is necessary to think over and rationally organize the motivation and discipline of the staff to achieve the stated goal of the organization, which will successfully solve the problems that stand in the way.
- To form an order in the relationship in the commercial structure. It is necessary to build a system of relatively long-term and stable hierarchical ties, norms, positions, standards. To do this, you can even document the structure. For example, using the charter of the organization.

It is also necessary to provide for all the nuances of interaction between organizations, departments and people regarding the implementation of their functions. The established order should be embodied in the form of a formal organization that will ensure the stability and stability of the business structure, as well as effectively manage it.
Control tasks
This is the second part of the list:
- Clearly define how leadership diagnostics will be conducted. In this case, it is necessary to find the best and worst control points. This allows you to keep the situation under control. Diagnosis is extremely important, because it can be used to overcome emergingcontradictions between growth, development and scale on the one hand, and means, methods and goals on the other. This will allow you to track the situation with any changes. An example of a risk is the so-called “shop manager” phenomenon. This designation is used to describe situations where the boss of the middle hand, having moved up the career ladder, continued to act as if he continued to manage not the enterprise, but only its division. This approach contributes to the emergence of problems, points of uncontrollability and a sharp decrease in the overall efficiency of the system.
- Be clear about how a management decision should be implemented. Unfortunately, this moment is often not perceived as an independent structural component. Because of this, many problems arise that reduce the quality of implementation and the ability to control execution.
- Development of a monitoring system for the implementation of the adopted decision. Permissible incentives for its effective implementation are also being worked out. In addition, certain sanctions should be envisaged against persons, departments, social groups or organizations that disrupt their implementation or do not work actively and purposefully to achieve the goals.
How does the state machine work?
The conversation was about commercial structures. And the tasks and functions of public administration differ from it? Yes, and how. After all, the main goal of a commercial enterprise is to obtain the maximum possible profits, while the state is aimed at providing basic needs.citizens. Because of this, the structure of management functions has a number of differences.

In general, they look the same as for commercial enterprises. But the devil is in the details. Thus, it is necessary to note a strong orientation towards services: education, medicine, human rights and others. The functions of public administration also concentrate on providing bureaucratic support. Moreover, if at enterprises these are more organizational issues, then in this case everything is much more serious. Let's look at a few examples.
Take training in school and university. Or getting a passport. What is issued? A certain document confirming something. In the case of a school and a university, this proves that a person is educated, can read and write, and has a certain qualification. The passport tells you which country you are a citizen of. By the way, if you are interested in a list of all the tasks that the state undertakes, then you can open the Constitution and get acquainted with them. But it should be understood that there are general declarations. In practice, they are embodied through the adoption of laws, events, decrees, resolutions of various levels of government.
The functions and tasks of management are an integral part of the activities of any commercial structure to achieve the designated goals. Scale is of great importance in their implementation. So, the function of personnel management can be performed by the director if we are talking about a small enterprise. But in cases with largecommercial structures have to talk about full-fledged personnel departments.

Of course, the founder in the role of director, as a rule, knows the ins and outs better and will be able to ensure that all the necessary requirements are met in the right amount. But sometimes it is impossible to cope with all the challenges on your own. And in this case, you have to transfer part of the responsibilities to other people. Although it is often not possible to get them to work effectively as a founder, a good specialist will still be able to show the work at the level.
And if adequate goals are set, tasks and functions are correctly formulated, processes and interaction are set up, then this means that there are all conditions for the employee to reveal himself to the fullest. It should be remembered that the most important resource in the modern world is people. And valuable specialists must be protected and cherished, along the way growing them for the needs of the enterprise. So we looked at what this aspect of leadership is, as well as what tasks and functions of management are the methods of work used.