Scattered manufactory - what is it?

Scattered manufactory - what is it?
Scattered manufactory - what is it?

Manufactory is a new step in the economic development of mankind. The article talks about how it arose, reveals the basic concepts and history.

The growth of capitalist processes took place in economically developed countries located in Western Europe. Feudalism retreated and lost its positions. A new stage of development has begun. Manufactory began to replace medieval workshops. Manufactory production is an enterprise based on the division of labor, handicraft techniques and the labor of hired workers. The heyday of manufacturing production falls on:

  • the middle of the 16th century - the last third of the 18th century in Europe;
  • the second half of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century in Russia.

Manufactory is named after two Latin words: manus - "hand" and factura - "manufacture". Manufactory production was an important step in development, because due to the fact that workers had a narrow specialization and labor was socially divided, the transition to machine production took place.

Why the manufacturing industry appeared

With the course of history, handicrafts and commodity production began to growincreased, small commodity producers began to be divided into categories. They opened new workshops, hired workers, accumulated money. To facilitate labor, increase the speed of work, manufacturing production naturally developed.

scattered manufactory is
scattered manufactory is

Where did manufacturing originate

The emergence of the first manufactories in the history took place in Europe in the 16th century on the territory of modern Italy. After that, Dutch, English, French enterprises developed.

manufacture scattered and centralized
manufacture scattered and centralized

Associations for the production of woolen goods and cloth appeared in Florence; Venice and Genoa develop shipbuilding. Mining copper and silver manufactories are located in Tuscany and Lombardy.

What is the difference between centralized manufacture and scattered
What is the difference between centralized manufacture and scattered

Freedom of workshops and the absence of any regulations were features of the manufactory production of that time. In Russia, the first manufactory that emerged was the Cannon Yard (Moscow, 1525). He combined the work of foundry workers, blacksmiths, solderers, carpenters and other artisans. After the Cannon Yard, the Armory appeared, where gold and silver were minted, enamel and enamel were produced. Other well-known Russian manufactories are Khamovny (linen) and Mint.

How manufactories appeared

Manufactories appeared in several different ways. If scattered manufactory is cottage manufactory (and everything is clear here), then centralizedbrought together representatives of several craft speci alties under its roof, which made it possible to produce a product from beginning to end, without moving it from place to place.

scattered and centralized manufactory differences
scattered and centralized manufactory differences

In the second case, the workshop brought together artisans of the same direction, who were engaged in performing the same operation.

What are manufactories

There are three established forms of such a mode of production as manufactory: scattered and centralized, as well as mixed. Each form has its own characteristics. Scattered manufactory is a system in which the owner of the manufactory was engaged in supplying artisans with the necessary raw materials and tools, and then selling their finished product.

location of centralized and scattered manufactory
location of centralized and scattered manufactory

In a centralized manufactory, all hired workers were in the same workroom. With the mixed form of manufactory, a combination of the functions of a separate execution of work actions with work in a common workshop was observed. Centralized manufactories had types according to branches of activity. The most common were textile, mining, metallurgical, printing, sugar, paper, porcelain and faience.

comparison of centralized and scattered manufactory
comparison of centralized and scattered manufactory

Centralized manufactory was an ideal form for organizing labor in such industries, where the technological process assumed the joint work of a large number of workers,performing various labor activities. The reign of Peter I in the history of manufactories was remembered by the appearance of state, patrimonial, possession, merchant and peasant industries. At the same time, the industry made a sharp reorientation towards manufactories instead of artisans. 200 - that is how many Peter's manufactories arose. Despite the capitalist features of Russian manufacturing, the use of peasant labor made manufactories serf-like.

What is the main difference between centralized and scattered manufactories

Historically, both types of production can be clearly distinguished. The main criterion by which a centralized manufacture differs from a scattered one is the disposition of the wage-workers. In the first case, they all worked under the same roof, in the second they were in their own small workshops. The location of centralized and scattered manufactories determined the mechanism of interaction between workers and the owner.

What else makes manufactories different

The main difference between manufactories was mentioned above. But there are a few more points by which you can determine what kind of production is in front of you: scattered or centralized manufacture. The differences are as follows: the owners of centralized enterprises were most often state-owned enterprises directly financed from the state budget, or private ones, to which the state granted special privileges for a long time. Scattered manufactory are private entrepreneurs-owners.

labor force of centralized and dispersed manufactory
labor force of centralized and dispersed manufactory

Comparison of centralized and scattered manufactories can be continued by the presence of different strengths. Advantages of the first:

  • were not afraid of competition;
  • the most sophisticated and advanced industrial technologies of the time were used.

Pros of scattered production:

  • scattered manufactory is an opportunity to minimize costs;
  • nearly cost-free way to quickly increase or reduce output;
  • cheap labor.

Why was mixed manufactory needed?

Mixed manufacture essentially became a transitional step from dispersed to centralized. It became a combination of the performance of individual work activities in a centralized manufacture with work at home. Usually mixed industries appeared on the basis of houses where handicrafts prevailed. Also, at first, it was mixed manufactories that produced complex goods, such as watches. Various individual small parts were made by small artisans, and assembly was carried out later in the entrepreneurial workshop.

Who worked at the manufactories?

As production developed, so did the labor force of centralized and scattered manufactory. Forced laborers worked at state-owned enterprises - state peasants and workers. The serfs worked for the landowner at the patrimonial manufactories, in other words, at the estate enterprises. Merchants, when organizing their manufacturing production, used both forced laborers and civilian employees as labor force.of people. The peasant also had the opportunity to open a manufactory, and he could only hire freelancers there.

Scattered manufactory is an opportunity for the village poor to somehow improve their lives. In the case when there were not enough resources to provide for oneself and the family, having a house and a small plot of land, it was possible to find some kind of additional source of income. The poor man, who knew how to process wool, processed it into yarn when he received it. The entrepreneur took the received yarn, passed it on to the next worker, who already wove fabric from the yarn, and so on until the final result.

The state actively intervened in the development of manufactories. It introduced a monopoly on the manufacture of specific goods, such as s alt, tobacco, lard, wax, etc. This led to the fact that prices rose, and the opportunities for merchants to trade decreased. There have also been increases in direct taxes. The role of St. Petersburg in the development of manufactories in Russia is interesting. At a time when it was still a poorly organized city, merchants were forcibly relocated to it to help develop. Administrative mechanisms were introduced to regulate cargo flows. This largely contributed to the fact that the foundations of entrepreneurial trade were destroyed.
