Articles - what is it? Types of Articles: Law Articles, Expenditure Articles, and Journal Articles

Articles - what is it? Types of Articles: Law Articles, Expenditure Articles, and Journal Articles
Articles - what is it? Types of Articles: Law Articles, Expenditure Articles, and Journal Articles

The Russian language is inherently unique. The same word can have many different meanings and interpretations. This is what often confuses foreigners, misleads them when studying our speech. I would like to talk about what an article is, what nuances and features of this word exist.

articles it
articles it

Definition of concept

It is worth saying that most often the term "article" is used from the standpoint of journalism. What does this concept mean in this case? Articles are a special genre of journalism, where the author sets himself the task of analyzing social processes, situations, and phenomena. At the same time, they can include both theoretical and practical generalizations, the deepest analysis of facts and phenomena. It is worth saying that the articles themselves carry a huge number of different functions useful to society.

what are articles
what are articles

Types of articles in journals

What can an article in a magazine look like? You can answer this question in different ways, but still now I want to consider the varieties of journalistic articles. First classification provided by scientistsA. A. Tertichny. In his opinion, articles can be general research, practical-analytical and polemical. Another scientist, I. Kadykova, provides a slightly different classification. According to her opinion, articles can be advanced, propaganda, problematic, theoretical and journalistic. Modernity is characterized to a greater extent by the last three types, propaganda articles are relevant only during the election period, and the first option - editorial articles - was relevant during the existence of the country of councils.

Scientific article

One of the important subspecies is scientific articles. These are texts that present the results of scientific research and research. It will be important to know that, unlike journalistic articles, which do not have such a clear structure, a scientific article must be compiled in accordance with all the rules. Only then can it be published in a journal. In addition, much more requirements are provided for scientific articles regarding not only the structure, but also the variant itself.

Journal article
Journal article

About Species

Be sure to pay attention to the varieties of articles. What are they like? There are a huge number of classifications. In doing so, various factors are taken into account. At this stage of studying the topic, I would like to consider the types of articles published in scientific journals:

  1. Full length. The main goal: informing scientists about the latest innovations from the world of science (modern research, development). The volume is quite large, on average it is 8-12 pagesprinted text. Such articles are mainly published by applicants for scientific degrees (candidate or doctor of science), as well as students who wish to obtain a master's degree.
  2. Short messages. The main purpose of such articles is to inform scientists about personal experience, about the results of an experiment, about developments in a scientific problem. The volume of articles is rather small - up to 6 pages.
  3. Hypotheses. Quite an interesting subspecies of articles, which often has no practical confirmation. Reflections, opinions on a particular problem, assumptions can be written here. However, further this published hypothesis must be either confirmed or refuted (which, again, must be notified to all scientists through the publication of the results).
  4. Scientific ideas. These are ultra-small articles - about half a page of typewritten text, where the author presents his idea for public consideration, expecting either support and praise from society, or criticism.

Other classification:

  1. Scientific and theoretical articles. These are texts in which the author presents the results of theoretical searches regarding the problem. The following fact will be interesting: most of the laws were discovered precisely through theoretical reasoning.
  2. Scientific and practical articles. The text in them is devoted to practical experience and scientific experiments. An important part of such an article is the presentation of the results.
  3. Scientific and methodical articles. This is an overview of the methods, processes, tools, through which you can achieve a certain scientific result.
types of articles
types of articles

Internet Articles

Let's understand further what articles are. Today, texts posted on various Internet resources deserve special attention. This is a new, special kind of article that authors submit to the public for consideration. What is the main thing for such publications? First of all, it is uniqueness. The text should be new and fresh, it should attract the client, giving him the maximum information of interest. No "water", hackneyed phrases, monotony. An important element of this type of articles are the so-called "keys": these are certain words or phrases by which people define the problem (these "keys" are most often entered in a search engine to find the necessary information). And, of course, such articles also have different types.

  1. Educational articles. These are texts that help people master a certain business. Often this section can feature various tutorials with photos and detailed explanations of the whole process.
  2. Informational. Their main goal is to clarify, discuss a specific problem.
  3. Reviews. In these articles, the authors most often characterize a particular subject. It can be reviews, reviews.
  4. Useful tips. One of the subspecies of articles in which the author provides for public consideration a list of tips that will help readers in a certain situation.
articles of law
articles of law

About the law

It is worth mentioning that the term "article" is used not only in journalism. Yes, there is suchconcept as articles of law. What is it? In short, it is a certain part of the legislative text. The article of the law can be divided into sections, paragraphs, parts or paragraphs. A few of the following points will be important:

  • Articles of laws are mandatory to be numbered (it is important to note that the identification number assigned to an article does not change, even if, for example, codes are amended and certain articles are simply excluded);
  • one article is devoted to only one fragment of the regulation of relations.

About money

It is worth mentioning that there are also items of expenses and income. What is it? How to understand this wording correctly? These concepts are most often used in economics and characterize certain positions related to income and expenses. The total budget revenue consists of the sums of income items, and the total expenditures - of the number of expenditure items. In order to more easily understand all of the above, these terms are best considered with a simple example. As a basis, you can take the budget of an ordinary average family. As for the revenue side, ie. elements of filling the family budget, then these are the salaries of all its members, as well as other forms of profit (income from non-working activities, among the people - “hack work”, profit from rented housing, a rental car, etc.). Expenditure items mainly include the following items:

  1. Rent, utility bills - monthly mandatorypayments.
  2. Food is also a monthly expense.
  3. Clothes.
  4. Household chemicals, cosmetics, hygiene products.
  5. Transportation charges.
  6. Miscellaneous (entertainment, relaxation, beauty - haircut, manicure, gifts, pocket money).
synonym for article
synonym for article

About temin relatives

Often, people may be interested in the question of whether there is a synonym for the word "article". So, it is worth saying that there is no one word that would replace this term. However, this is not scary. You can always find alternative options. When it comes to journalistic interpretation, the word "article" can be replaced by the term "text" (for example, "this text") or "publication". Regarding the legal and economic interpretation, you can also find alternative versions of the term if you wish.
