Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, its organizational and staffing structure is a fundamental element of the economic and legal regulation of the labor activity of employees. The personnel policy of a commercial or budgetary organization establishes the framework for corporate behavior of employees, the system of remuneration for their activities, incentives or disciplinary sanctions.
What is the structural organization of an enterprise?
Any organizational and staffing structure reflects the principles of personnel management in force at the enterprise, the model of relationships between management and employees, the tactics of distributing duties and competencies between them.

The hierarchical system of large companies with a multi-level chain of command deserves special attention.
What is the difference between the two documents?
Staffing andorganizational structure cannot be called equal concepts. In the first case, we are talking about a document containing the names of positions, the number of staff units for the corresponding position and the amount of the rate for each employee. As for the organizational structure, it is also a written document, which clearly spells out the positions available at the enterprise and the subordination order. Competent management of the organizational structure and staffing allows you to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of individual units, based on the content and scope of the tasks assigned to the enterprise, taking into account the material and technical base and budget.
Determination of the rate in the staffing structure
During the period of existence of the enterprise, its divisions can be combined, changed names, disbanded, etc. At the same time, information about ongoing changes in the structure of the enterprise should be stored in the personnel department and the catalog of structural units. The staffing table is a summary document that allows you to visually solve the tasks and problems of the enterprise's personnel policy.

The main element of the organizational structure of the organization and units separately is the rate mentioned above. At each enterprise, its quantity corresponds to a particular position, profession, conditions of payment and labor activity. The number of rates is formed taking into account staff structural units.
Principles for the formation of organizational structures onenterprise
Thus, in order to implement the functions on which the success and competitiveness of the company depend, it is important to have a developed and efficient organizational and staff structure. However, for its formation it is important to adhere to the following principles:
- ensure the smooth and smooth operation of all departments;
- loy alty and ability to maneuver for lightning-fast response in case of market reshuffles;
- applying efforts to prevent or neutralize social conflicts;
- minimalism in the formation of the number of administrative and managerial staff in order to reduce the cost of its financial support and prevent the increase in business costs at the enterprise;
- guaranteing high performance and fulfilling the profit plan;
- timely fulfillment of obligations to customers, suppliers, creditors.
Staff structure as a reflection of enterprise strategy
In addition, the management of the organizational and staffing structure implies taking into account the interests of the working team, based on the principles of equal partnership. The choice of a competent management model for an enterprise of any field of activity and form of ownership is one of the fundamental criteria that determine the future of the company.

The direction and strategy of the company are the starting points for planning the organizational structure. Correctly shaped coordinating devicefirm or non-profit institution must meet the following requirements:
- interact with partners and clients on favorable terms;
- rationally distribute among the staff the amount of work related to solving current production problems.
Varieties of organizational and staff management models
The management model of the organizational structure of an enterprise is a set of departments that perform a number of functions for the preparation, development, adoption and implementation of company decisions. For convenience, the system is depicted graphically in the form of a diagram or diagram showing the composition, relationships of individual staff units and their levels of subordination.

Several models of organizational structure are in demand and will be applied in practice. Their formation corresponds to the following principles:
- multifunctional management device of the enterprise (it is understood that each unit or staff unit performs one function assigned to it);
- process view of the organizational structure (assumes the implementation of a specific process by a separate unit);
- matrix form of management (represents a complex mechanism for the implementation of projects by a group of employees from various multifunctional departments).
Application of another model, built on the principle of "one division - one counterparty" (the latter can be contractors, suppliers, client groups, etc.), is used inlimited market cases.
The secret of success and relevance of the organizational structure
Multifunctional and process management models, their modifications, which have been used since the beginning of the last century, have become widespread. Such models of the management structure of an enterprise are often called bureaucratic. The effectiveness of hierarchical systems is explained by the following factors:
- subordination, in which the work of all lower units is controlled and regulated by higher structures;
- corresponding to the abilities of employees of the position they hold, i.e. specific hierarchical role;
- division of labor duties into additional specializations;
- formalization of activities or the introduction of standards, thanks to which an unambiguous approach of employees to the implementation of assigned tasks is guaranteed;
- massive and impersonal performance of relevant functions by employees;
- strict selection of workers in accordance with strict qualification conditions.

Staff organization of an enterprise: example
One of the examples of the organizational structure of an enterprise should be considered. The classic example is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of products. At the heart of such a firm is a multifunctional coordinating device. If, in accordance with the staffing table, about 100 employees are officially employed in it, it would be an expedient solution to createseveral major divisions. For example:
- Production Department;
- Finance Department;
- sales department.
Accordingly, each of them includes other, smaller structural units, which are entrusted with the implementation of specific tasks. As a rule, the accounting department and the logistics department are formed outside the organizational and staffing corps. If it is necessary to expand the assortment or update the catalog for convenience, the enterprise can temporarily switch to a matrix management model by creating a new division within the company for the period of solving the tasks.
Is it necessary to draw up a staffing table?
Despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not stipulate a strict need to approve the organizational structure and staffing of the company, the requirement for a staffing table at the enterprise is in articles 15 and 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An indirect reference to the legislator is contained in the requirement to employ employees in positions corresponding to the staff list, with the prescription of labor functions in the contract.

Thus, any institution, trade or manufacturing company should enter a document on the number of employees and rates in order to avoid disputes about the positions held by subordinates, the scope of their duties. There is also no single standard form of the organizational and staffing structure, the composition of employees of a separatedivisions. At the same time, information about the coordinating device of the enterprise is allowed to be reflected in the form T-3 approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.
About filling out the staffing form
It is universal and suitable for staffing, the structure of any organization. To complete the document, the following fields are filled in:
- registration number and date of issue;
- period during which the document will be considered valid;
- full name and code of the structural unit;
- professions and positions of employees;
- total number of posts and rates;
- salary, the presence or absence of an allowance.

The “Approved” column, available in the staff list, contains data on the order that allows the document to enter into force. The codes of the structural department and each of its units are assigned here or in advance. They are indicated in a hierarchical sequence - from the management to subordinate units. When determining a position, it is advisable to adhere to the provisions of the OKZ - the All-Russian classifier of occupations. The regular organization of the enterprise is approved for a specific period, if necessary, it can be extended or changed. Although the obligation to draw up this document is not established by the regulatory legal act, in fact it is approved in 90% of cases. In addition, in isolated cases, the staffing table may be requested by regulatory authorities during inspections and audits.