The names of the marshals of the Soviet Union - the people who created history

The names of the marshals of the Soviet Union - the people who created history
The names of the marshals of the Soviet Union - the people who created history

Once upon a time, many boys dreamed of becoming commanders. Brave, smart, able to make decisions and lead. Of course, to a large extent, these dreams were stimulated by the way the military was described by the press and literature. In those days, every student knew the names of the marshals of the Soviet Union! It is worth remembering what these people did, which many sought to imitate!

How many marshals were there in the USSR?

A lot, actually. Yes, this is not surprising, given that the title was introduced back in 1935, and abolished only in 1991. But at the same time, the significance of this designation is quite obvious: over the years, 41 people have become marshals of the Land of Soviets. Indeed, many of them became legends and role models during their lifetime. True, not all remained so in the future.

names of marshals of the soviet union
names of marshals of the soviet union

Surnames of the marshals of the Soviet Union, who know almost everything

Most of alladmired were those military leaders who earned the rank of marshal not in peacetime, but in those years when the country was in danger.

Georgy Zhukov is a man who has become just the same living legend. This native of a family of peasants fought for Russia since 1915. Note that he was clearly not only smart, but also very brave. In tsarist Russia, St. George's crosses were not just given out, but Georgy Konstantinovich had two of them! Injuries and shell shock did not prevent Zhukov from building a career. By the beginning of World War II, he was already an established professional. It is not surprising that this man became one of the members of the Headquarters and replaced the Supreme Commander. Marshal Zhukov became in 1943. Until the end of his days, this man was the Marshal of Victory. Even those who have never opened a history textbook know such names of the marshals of the Soviet Union!

marshals of the soviet union photo
marshals of the soviet union photo

Rodion Malinovsky is another of the heroes that the country knew by sight! He was born in Odessa, but did not become a sailor. From a young age, he fought for his state. So, already in 1915, Malinovsky received the St. George Cross. And a year later he showed himself in France - there he was also awarded a military cross. When Russia became part of the Land of Soviets, Rodion Yakovlevich joined the Red Army. During the Second World War, he fought the Germans in many areas. In particular, he took part in the battle for Stalingrad, expelled enemies from Ukraine (by the way, from his native Odessa too). Note that Malinovsky definitely did not sit out in the rear, commanding operations. This is evidenced by the fact that he was injured. Thisa man became a marshal in 1944.

marshals of the soviet union
marshals of the soviet union

Listing the names of the marshals of the Soviet Union, it is necessary to mention Konstantin Rokossovsky, who also did a lot to defeat the Nazi armies. By the way, he is Polish by nationality. But, again, he fought for Russia all his life! His military career began in 1914. The George Cross and two medals were definitely received for a reason! He was always ahead, not afraid of anything. By the way, Rokossovsky was not always in favor - from 1937 to 1940 he was imprisoned. But, nevertheless, in 1941 he again went into battle for his country! A severe wound near Sukhinichi (not the first in his life) did not incapacitate Rokossovsky. And in 1944 he became a marshal.

Would it be worth taking an example from all marshals?

Not all the names of the marshals of the Soviet Union today are covered with a halo of glory and nobility. For example, Lavrenty Beria is a figure so odious that, most likely, few people want to imitate him. Well, Leonid Brezhnev, who also had the rank of marshal, was by definition not a hero who went into battle and defended his homeland, shedding blood.

Marshals of the Soviet Union: are any of them alive?

Today, only Dmitry Yazov, who received the rank of marshal in 1990, is alive. He is already 90 years old. The same marshals of the Soviet Union, whose photos were published in the article, unfortunately, are no longer with us.
