What is a cultural approach

What is a cultural approach
What is a cultural approach

The specific methodology of any science is revealed through certain principles. In pedagogy, these are anthropological, holistic, personal, activity and cultural approaches. Consider their features.

cultural approach
cultural approach

Short description

The principle of integrity arose as opposed to the functional approach, through which the study of a certain aspect of the educational process is carried out, regardless of the changes occurring in this process as a whole and in the person participating in it.

The essence of the functional approach lies in the fact that the study of pedagogy as a system with a well-defined structure is carried out. In it, each link implements its functions in solving the task. At the same time, the movement of each such element is subject to the laws of movement of the entire system as a whole.

From a holistic approach comes a personal one. Through it, the idea of the creative, active, social essence of the individual is affirmed.

To master the achievements of culture, according to A. N. Leontiev, each subsequent generation should carry out similar activities, but notidentical to the one that was carried out earlier.

Formational, civilizational, cultural approaches

To fix the stages of development of society, the concept of "civilization" is used. This term is often used in journalism and science today. The study of history on the basis of this concept is called a civilizational approach. Within its framework, two key theories are distinguished: universal and local civilizations.

The analysis of society from the standpoint of the first theory is very close to the formational approach. A formation is a type of society that has arisen on the basis of a specific mode of production of material goods.

The key role in the formation belongs to the basis. It is called a complex of economic relations that develop between individuals in the process of creating, distributing, consuming and exchanging goods. The second key element of the formation is the superstructure. It is a combination of legal, religious, political, other views, institutions, relationships.

activity culturological approach
activity culturological approach

The culturological principle of studying the development of mankind differs from the formational approach in the presence of three interrelated aspects: axiological (value), personal-creative, technological. It is presented as a set of methodological techniques, through which the analysis of all spheres of the mental and social life of an individual is carried out through the prism of specific system-forming concepts.

Axiological aspect

Within the cultural approach for eachactivities, their criteria, grounds, assessments (standards, norms, etc.), as well as methods of assessment are determined.

The axiological aspect involves the organization of the pedagogical process in such a way that the study and formation of the value orientations of each individual takes place. Orientations are the formations of moral consciousness, its main ideas, benefits, coordinated in a certain way and expressing the essence of the moral meaning of being, as well as indirectly the most general cultural and historical perspectives and conditions.

Technological aspect

It is connected with the understanding of culture as a way of carrying out activities. The concepts of "activity" and "culture" are interdependent. To determine the adequacy of the development of culture, it is enough to trace the development, evolution of human activity, its integration, differentiation.

Culture, in turn, can be considered a universal property of activity. It forms a social and humanistic program, predetermines the direction of a particular type of activity, its results and features.

Personal-creative aspect

It is determined by the presence of an objective connection between culture and a specific individual. Man is the bearer of culture. The development of the individual occurs not only on the basis of its objectified essence. Man always brings something new into culture, thus becoming the subject of historical creation. In this regard, within the framework of the personal-creative aspect, the development of culture must be considered as a processchanges in the individual himself, his development as a creative person.

Cultural approach in education

It is generally accepted that the culturological principle involves the study of the world of man within the framework of his cultural existence. Analysis allows you to determine the meaning that the world is filled with for a particular individual.

cultural research approaches
cultural research approaches

Cultural approach in education involves the study of the phenomenon of culture as a pivotal element in the explanation and understanding of the person himself, his life and consciousness. Proceeding from this, different aspects of the essence of the individual are understood in their "hierarchical conjugation". It is, in particular, about self-awareness, morality, spirituality, creativity.

In the framework of research, the cultural approach focuses on the vision of a person through the prism of the very concept of culture. As a result, a person is seen as an active, free individual, capable of independent determination when communicating with other personalities and cultures.

To study the application of the content of the culturological approach to the educational process, the position that culture is considered more as an anthropological phenomenon is of particular importance. In its essence, it acts as a self-realization of a person, deployed in time. The basis of culture is the "unrooted" people in nature. A person has a need to realize impulses that are not instinctive. Culture appears inas a product of the open nature of man, not finally fixed.


When using a culturological approach to the study of human history, values are considered as factors that determine culture from the inside, from the depths of social and personal life. They act as the core of the culture of society in general and the individual in particular.

Culture, being an anthropological phenomenon, is determined through the emerged value relations. It is expressed both in a complex of accumulated results of activity, and in relation to a person to himself, society, nature.

According to a number of authors, the culturological approach provides for the consideration of value as an expression of the human dimension of culture. It implements the relation to different forms of being. This opinion, in particular, is shared by Gurevich.

The Value Correlation Problem

At the personal level, the abstract content of the axiological element of the cultural approach is manifested in the ability of an individual to evaluate and choose, in the hope of realizing the expectations that a person has in the system of value orientations and ideas. This raises the problem of the relationship between the benefits that act as a real driving force and the declared benefits.

formational cultural civilizational approaches
formational cultural civilizational approaches

Any universally valid value takes on a real meaning only in an individual context.

Features of perception

According to the cultural approach, in the history of mankind, the assimilationvalues occurs through the inner experiences of each individual. Developed moral standards can be perceived if they are experienced and accepted by a person on an emotional level, and not just understood rationally.

The individual masters values on his own. He does not assimilate them in finished form. Introduction to cultural values is the essence of the educational process as an anthropogenic cultural practice.

Culture as a means of activity

The ability to act as a mode of action is considered a fundamental distinguishing feature of culture. This property concentratedly reflects its essence, integrates other characteristics.

Recognizing the close relationship between culture and activity, justifying the need to reveal the latter through its dynamic components, representatives of the activity-culturological approach analyze it in two key areas.

The supporters of the first concept include Bueva, Zhdanova, Davidovich, Polikarpova, Khanova, etc. As the subject of research, they define issues related to the general characteristics of culture as a special universal property of people's social life. At the same time, she acts as:

  • A specific way of doing business.
  • Complex of spiritual and material objects, as well as activities.
  • The totality of ways and fruits of life of a collective subject - society.
  • The way of activity of a single social entity.

Representatives of the second direction emphasizeon the personal and creative nature of culture. Among them are Kogan, Baller, Zlobin, Mezhuev and others.

formational cultural approach
formational cultural approach

The personal-creative component is considered within the framework of the cultural approach through the prism of spiritual production, development, functioning of the individual.

The peculiarity of this theory is that culture is seen as a complex of qualities and properties that characterize a person primarily as a universal subject of the socio-historical process of creation.

Technological-activity concept

Proponents of the technological component of the culturological approach are aware of the position that the technology of activity in itself has a social character. This position is confirmed by various conclusions, including that culture is a "way of way". Such a "non-technological" meaning expresses a higher level of commonality of the spiritual and object-transforming human activity.

Meanwhile, the characteristics of the technological-activity aspect will be incomplete if its cognitive capabilities are not revealed. Within any concept, an object can be viewed from a specific angle, which will not give a complete picture of it.

Cognitive possibilities and limits of the activity concept are determined mainly by the functional understanding of the concept of "culture".

The ability to create

In the 70s. of the last century, the personal-creative concept was established. Its essence lies in the fact thatunderstanding of the phenomenon of culture is laid historically active creative activity of man. Accordingly, in the process of creativity, the development of the individual as a subject of activity takes place. In turn, the development of culture coincides with it.

cultural approach in history
cultural approach in history

L. N. Kogan emphasized the ability of culture to realize the essential forces of the individual. At the same time, the author attributed to the cultural sphere the activity in which the individual reveals himself, "objectifies" his forces in the products of this activity. Supporters of the personal-creative aspect define culture as human actions committed in the past and committed in the present. It is based on mastering the results of creation.

Within the framework of this concept, when analyzing human activity, the level of compliance with its goals of development, self-realization, self-improvement of a person is assessed. The emphasis, therefore, is on the personality-developing, humanistic essence of culture.

In conclusion

When using the culturological approach, the assimilation of culture can be interpreted as a process of individual discovery, creativity, creation of peace in a person, participation in cultural exchange. All these processes determine the individual-personal actualization of the meanings inherent in culture.

The cultural approach ensures the formation of a humanistic position, in which the person is recognized as a key figure in development. Attention is focused on the individual as a subject of culture, with the ability to containall its former meanings and at the same time create new ones.

personal activity culturological approaches
personal activity culturological approaches

In this case, three interdependent fields are formed:

  1. Personal growth.
  2. Culture Level Up.
  3. Development and growth of the cultural level in the pedagogical field as a whole.

Culturological approach can be applied in the context of pedagogical, philosophical, psychological, cultural anthropology, depending on the objectives of the study.
