Methods of raising a child are known a lot. Different countries, different nationalities, different communities practice different approaches to this issue. Perhaps today it simply will not be possible to calculate how many systems there are in accordance with which the younger generation can be grown. It is quite difficult to choose among all this variety suitable for a particular person. According to many, it is best to combine approaches so that the result ideally matches the mental characteristics of the individual and the social environment of the person.
General information
The methods of raising a child presented by different authors have certain advantages, but not without drawbacks. The creators themselves usually hush up the cons, and it is not easy for a non-professional to navigate this issue. Others are so engrossed in advertising their system, trying to fit its provisions to the public's expectations,that they simply forget about what the method was created for. The most famous approaches currently being practiced are those developed by Torsunov and Makarenko. These two authors agree on some points, but differ radically on others. People studying parenting manuals often cannot understand what is more suitable for their case, and this becomes the foundation of contradictions and misunderstandings between generations.

Some young parents, having familiarized themselves with popular methods of raising a child, begin to behave too strictly with their child. Others rush to the opposite extreme, allowing the younger generation to do whatever they want. This leads to breakdowns and violation of the hierarchy in the family. People cease to understand each other, the foundation of complex psychological problems is laid. The classic alternation of a stick and a carrot, as the observations of psychologists show, especially if it is too frequent, does not lead to anything good. As experts assure, a child who is too often punished grows up angry, prone to revenge. The spoiled one will surely become selfish.
Friend and relative
As psychologists say, the best method of raising a child is the formation of friendly relations with the child. At the same time, parents become a role model, an example for the younger generations. However, not everything is so clear. There can be many standards. For children, heroes of cartoons, games, as well as actors often become models. However, such persons are secondary material,provided by society, but parents, who are always in sight, are the most often chosen for copying. Toddlers love and strive to imitate their elders, often they are not even aware of their behavior. Violence by adults, aggressive behavior can make a child vengeful, but treating him as incapable of anything on his own will actually deprive him of a normal life in the future, because the child will not learn anything during the period when he should learn the basic skills of life.
Some people are surprised at how fast children grow up. Each new day is a step forward, accompanied by an increase in the world available to the child. There is no way to find such a method of raising and educating preschool children that would approve parental control over every step. Some try to keep the child in their bed for as long as possible, without giving him a separate one, others follow the child on their heels, others try to do all the lessons for the child. Collecting the baby everywhere, doing for him everything that he must do himself, the parents only put a pig on him. Of course, the older generation should participate in all life processes, but within reason. Not only is it useless, but extremely harmful, the constant presence and detailed control in all aspects of life.

You and me
Modern pedagogical methods of raising children encourage parents to evaluate children's behavior by trying to imagine themselves in the child's place. It also works in the opposite direction: you need to try to imagine that the child, when he grows up,becomes like its parent. Having imagined what traits are desirable for a person, and remembering the child’s tendency to copy their elders, you need to show him important qualities by example every day. It is necessary to communicate with the child in such a way that he perceives himself as equal to his parents, and elders as equal to himself. You can not raise a minor as if he were the center of the universe. It is no less harmful to show him the insignificance of his person. If you manage to find a balance and build a relationship of equality in the family, when the child grows up, it will be fair, able to treat others adequately. In the future, such a person will not allow himself to be offended, will completely stop any attempts of strangers to belittle their qualities, abilities or social status.
One of the key features of the methods of raising children that are currently popular is due to the understanding of the individuality of the person. Parents, according to psychologists, must take into account: there is a character from birth, and even while the child is very small, you need to respect him and treat the baby reasonably. Some qualities and features can be adjusted, but there are those that are not amenable to external influence. Other parents try to force the child to be different, as if reshaping the child to fit their own requirements and expectations. This is the wrong approach. A full-fledged and adequate personality will grow up with one whose character was respected from the very virginity, whose right to individuality was recognized by close people. Even negative traits have a right to exist. All the qualities of character in the complex are the basis of the personality, which cannot bebreak.
Sharing life
The classical method of raising children of primary school age assumes adequate participation in the children's life of the older generation. Just setting an example with your behavior is not enough. Equally important is motivation. If a child is prone to capriciousness, he is usually unwilling to agree and understand that a series of actions is aimed at his good and is completely obligatory. A classic example is teaching the ritual of brushing your teeth. To cope with the character, parents have to promise some reward for the fact that the child resigns himself to duty. At the same time, some find a simple way out of the situation: they give the child money. Psychologists consider this approach wrong. Other rewards will be much more useful, such as an extra portion of tasty and he althy food for breakfast.
Parents can use exercise as a method of raising and teaching children. The tasks necessary for the development of the child can be done with him. You can set a condition: whoever is the first to cope with the task, achieve the goal, perform the action, he will receive a reward. This turns everyday and familiar processes into a game that is perceived by a child of any age category. Intellectual tasks, physical exercises - all this simplifies and increases the efficiency of the educational process. The family in which this technique is practiced is close-knit, relations between relatives are good, strong and positive.

Various games
Modern methods of raising school-age childreninvolve the use of various games with educational and educational purposes. Some conservative parents believe that games can only be indoors or outdoors, but there are many virtual projects currently created that are also aimed at the development of young children. Having correctly determined among all the variety what suits a particular child, having interested him in the game, the parent thereby accelerates the development of fine motor skills. The kid will quickly learn to think logically, looking for cause-and-effect relationships. In addition, modern games have a positive effect on creativity, teach the player to fantasize. At the same time, parents get a certain period of relatively free time. Of course, you still need to look after the child, but not as vigilantly as for a bored and unoccupied minor.
Some parents who have tried the described theory (method of raising children) in practice complained about the aggressive influence of virtual games on the younger generation. Scientists were forced to organize special studies in order to confirm or refute the assumptions made by the inhabitants. Some thought that games make children aggressive, others argued that such projects change the perception of reality, distort the picture of the world that the child has in his head. However, tests organized according to the rules of a scientific experiment did not confirm such ideas and assumptions. Although, of course, this does not apply to scenes of violence. They, as well as bloody pictures, should not be shown to children, especially minors. Suchimages are extremely bad for the mental he alth of not only babies, but teenagers and even adults.
What is useful?
In order for the method of raising young children well revealed in theory with the use of modern means and technologies to turn out to be just as positive in practice, you need to control how and what the child plays. Parents can keep track of the applications used by the child, install specially for him those where all the characters are cute, kind, pleasant, and the plot is completely harmless. Applying such developments in everyday life, you can teach your child to count and read much faster and more efficiently. Moreover, the speed of knowledge of the world increases. From an early age, the child will get acquainted with the rules for using modern technology, without which it is impossible to imagine a civilized society. However, the use of virtual technologies and online games does not eliminate the need to write or read books. The more resources that parents use to educate a child, the more effective the upbringing process will be. A multi-component program using all possible means is the key to the successful maturation of the child.

Complex of methods: nuances of choice
When choosing how effective the method of musical education of children will be in a particular case, whether it is necessary to use modern machines and computer equipment, whether it is reasonable to resort to sports, books (and which ones), parents often start from how they brought upthem. Much depends on the characteristics of the character and the availability of pedagogical skills. The more the older generation knows about psychology, the more methods they can combine in the formation of the child's educational program. When choosing certain solutions, you need to build on the accepted style of behavior. Some families are subject to an authoritarian style of communication, in others democracy reigns, and somewhere children are simply condoned. This must be taken into account when choosing suitable options for educational activities.
Modern methods of educating young children are a means of forming an adequate personality. By correctly forming such a complex and putting it into practice, parents thereby help the child develop harmoniously and grow into a mature personality. Unsuccessful upbringing will most likely cause psychological complexes, in the future - an obstacle to self-realization.
Let's talk?
The classic version of the method of raising children of preschool age is communication in order to convince the child that the elder is right. This method is considered one of the main ones in modern psychology. It can also be used for older kids. It is believed that persuasion is effective regardless of the nature of the minor. A conversation is an interaction that allows the elder to explain, arguing his position, how the child should behave in specific circumstances. At the same time, the task of an adult is to determine what are the motives of the actions already committed by the child. For this method to be effective, you need to speak firmly, confidently. Even the smallest children, not yetthose who can speak are able to respond to the conversation, starting from the intonation of what was said. It is noted that children of any age usually listen carefully to their parents.

About sports
The theory of methods of physical education of children is rather curious. It is supposed to raise a child through sports. It has long been believed that such practices discipline a person. Additionally, there is an improvement in the body as a whole. Applying the methods of physical education of children, it is possible to guarantee the full, stable, versatile development of the individual. In addition, a child who is accustomed to facing certain physical activities will have a strong body, in which, as is known from ancient wisdom, a he althy spirit lives.
Currently, physical education is a tool available to parents who are ready to engage with their child. Such education is also practiced in educational institutions designed for children of different ages. In kindergartens, the programs are quite different, and standard physical education is provided for schoolchildren and students as an element of the educational course. If desired, you can send the child to a special section. This will also help develop his full personality, achieve the formation of a strong, pronounced character. Children who are passionate about sports are more likely to have clear goals and are willing to put in the effort to achieve them.
One of the promising methods of raising preschool children is called "positivereinforcement. "It involves some actions taken by parents that are a response to the act of the child. In addition to positive, reinforcement can be negative - these are comments and reprimands. Positive, in turn, is praise, some positive act. For example, such reinforcement can be a gift, additional viewing of the cartoon beloved by the child. Positive reinforcement works by the ability to express the appropriate emotions due to some perfect action by the child. If the child has done something useful, positive, he deserves praise. He needs to be kissed, give him something pleasant, express gratitude in another way, hug. The most important thing is that the baby understands that he is good, because he did something positive. This reaction of the parent will cause positive feelings, emotional uplift, therefore it will be an incentive.
In the theory of the method of raising children of preschool age, negative reinforcement is explained by the need to demonstrate to a minor a negative reaction to a bad action committed. You can reproach the baby, you can make comments to him. With a sufficiently serious offense, you can punish the child, but within reason. Punishments are different. A rather effective way is a time-out, a pause, during which the minor is left alone. At this time, it is forbidden to do something, play, communicate. In the old days, they were punished by putting them in a corner, even a special place in the house was assigned. The child, having got here, immediately realized that he had done something bad. Because staydrags on for a while, and there is nothing to do, the child falls into thought as to why he was punished for what he did, what was done badly and how it was necessary to do the right thing.

More about punishment
In theory, methods of educating preschool children and the problem of an adequate choice of punishment, special attention is paid. Sometimes fines are the way to go. At the same time, the system of pen alties applied in the family should be discussed with the child in advance. For example, if a child has done something wrong, the elders can take away their favorite toy for a while. You can reduce the time allotted for the game or refuse to watch the cartoon. At the same time, actions that should be perceived positively by the child should not be brought under the pen alty system. For example, it is impossible to force reading or cleaning as a pen alty - a minor will begin to perceive such actions as unpleasant, which means that he will do his best to avoid them. But you can refuse sweets, while you can’t limit food in principle.
This is interesting
The method of reinforcement is called "training" by some. It sounds a little rough, but captures the essence perfectly. Good behavior provokes a positive response from elders, bad behavior provokes a negative one. The system is easily and quickly acquired by the child. In this case, you should use both rewards and reinforcements. Reinforcement - a reaction that immediately follows the perfect action.

For example, if a child has done something well, he can be praised, and praise will be a reinforcement. The reward will be the fulfillment of his desire, for example, a walk in the park on the weekend.