The North German Confederation was formed over two hundred and fifty years ago and played a decisive role in the formation of the German nation. The process of the emergence of state education was a completely logical conclusion to the era of feudalism and the formation of bourgeois capitalism.

The Union played a significant role in world history, spreading its influence throughout Europe. It was the North German Confederation that became the forerunner of the nineteenth century German Empire - the First Reich.
Creation of the North German Confederation: Preconditions
At the end of the seventeenth century, the idea of nation-states spread more and more in Europe. Ethnicity plays an increasingly important role for the common people and the intelligentsia. At that time, the borders of many countries pass depending on the influence of its ruling elite, often without taking into account the national composition. The German people are divided among many city-states. Cultural centers are located in Bavaria, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and many other cities. However, two powers - Austria and Prussia - are fighting for dominance in the so-called German world. DuringNapoleon's invasion, more and more people are imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bunifying the entire German people in one state.

However, large feudal lords still have a decisive role in social and political life. For them, fragmentation plays an important role. Because in such conditions they have unlimited rights and can calmly and unconsciously rule within their possessions.
But this alignment does not suit the emerging bourgeois class at all. Owners of private ownership of the means of production are looking for new markets. And a huge number of states and, accordingly, borders complicate this process. In the interests of this class, a customs union was concluded between many German cities, but discontent grew.
Seeing all these processes perfectly, and also taking as an example the experience of neighboring European states, Prussia and Austria are heading for the unification of German lands. However, powerful Austria does not have serious authority, especially in the north of the Main River. And Prussia was too weak to resist such a major player. Here Otto von Bismarck appears on the political arena. Germany owes much to this politician, since it was he who took a fresh look at the existing problem and found a way out of it.
The bourgeoisie has grown stronger and now demanded political unity. Prussia began to prepare for war. Bismarck patiently built the army, taking into account new technologies and modern methods of warfare.

He was well aware that it was impossible to achieve the goals of the foreign policy without military action against Austria. When the army was ready, all that remained was to find a pretext.
Start of war
After the victory in the Danish war, Prussia and Austria divided large territories between them. In particular, they occupied Schleswig and Gastein. At the same time, the contract was very complicated. Both states had rights to these territories, and both had administrations there. Bismarck took advantage of this. Germany at this time increasingly felt the spread of Prussian influence.
"Iron Chancellor" (nickname of Bismarck) began to actively assert their rights to the disputed region. The Austrian emperor understood the futility of holding Gastein, since the region was cut off from the empire. So he was willing to negotiate. Austria offered to transfer territories to Prussia on favorable terms. However, Bismarck refused. Then the emperor began to look for allies for the upcoming war. The future North German Confederation was already taking shape then. Many states north of the Main began to unite in an anti-Austrian coalition.
Prussian Supremacy
Also, Bismarck managed to conclude an alliance with Italy. He began to escalate the situation in the disputed regions, provoking the empire to declare war. As a result, the Prussian troops occupied Gastein. In mid-June, hostilities began. The technical backwardness of the Austrian army did not allow it to organize a successful defense. Many states did not have time to mobilize before Prussia occupied their territory.

Also, a few days after the start of the war, Italy joined in. The war on two fronts, as well as the technical superiority of the enemy, did not give Austria a single chance. The war was won in seven weeks. The creation of the North German Confederation made it possible for a new center of the "German world" to emerge.
After victory
After the lightning victory, Prussia began to annex more and more territories. Many states that at the time of the outbreak of the war declared their neutrality were occupied. Under pressure from the bourgeoisie, many cities also joined south of the Main. Open borders, the absence of duties, and a merchant-friendly law made the North German Confederation very attractive to owners of private ownership of the means of production. The state also actively promoted pan-German ideas of unification and brotherhood, which had a positive effect on the image of the union among the common people.
Final merging
The North German alliance with Prussia at the head grew stronger day by day. He began to lay claim to all German lands. Various military alliances were made with the so-called southern states (regarding the Main River). But they were not enough for full entry into the union. So Bismarck conceived a new war. The history of Germany is inextricably linked with France in terms of the struggle for dominance in the region. Therefore, after a few years, Paris begins to put pressure on Emperor Wilhelm.

Form althe reason for the war was the Spanish crisis, in which France and the North German Confederation supported various candidates for the throne. Despite Wilhelm's efforts to prevent bloodshed, the war was unleashed. Like the Austro-Prussian, it began in the summer. A year later, the French army was defeated, and the union finally annexed all German lands. The history of Germany, as it exists today, begins from this moment.