James Watt was the one whose work culminated in the Industrial Revolution for England and the world. An engineer and inventor from Scotland was improving Newcomen's machine, as a result of which he invented his universal-purpose engine.
Early years

James Watt was born into the family of a shipbuilder and creator of various mechanisms, James. His mother, Agnes, was a representative of a we althy family, she received an excellent education in her time.
The future inventor was born on 1736-19-01. The boy was born very sickly, so he received his primary education at home from his parents. The child could not play with peers due to poor he alth, so he spent most of his time on self-education.
As a teenager, his favorite subjects were astronomy and chemistry. He also liked to make models of mechanisms that his father created.
After reaching the age of graduating from elementary school, James entered the gymnasium. He showed great success in mathematics. The young man loved to read, and he sought to test much of this forpractice.
At the age of eighteen, the young man lost his mother. This affected his father's he alth and affairs, so James had to take care of himself. The young man moved from Scotland to London for a year to learn a craft that had to do with measuring instruments. Official training was supposed to take place over seven years, but James only had enough money for one year. He began his studies by making rulers and compasses. Soon the young apprentice could make quadrants, geodolites and other complex instruments.
During this year, the young man practically did not go out. All the time he worked: in the mornings - for the owner, and in the evenings - to order. So he could feed himself. In addition, because he was not listed as an official student, he could be forcibly taken to the navy on the street.
First job
After graduating, James Watt returned to Scotland in poor he alth. He decided to set up his own business in Glasgow, which consisted of making and repairing tools. But he had to face the union of artisans, who forbade him to do this work. The reason was that James had not received formal training. It didn't help that he was the sole representative of his cause in Scotland.

But chance saves the young man. At this time, a consignment of instruments for astronomy classes arrived at the University of Glasgow. They required constant attention, including installation. Through his acquaintances, Watt gets the opportunitywork. He was appointed master of scientific instruments of the educational institution. He had the opportunity to create his own workshop.
In an educational institution, James meets Joseph Black, who studied chemistry. The master assists the scientist in the development of some chemical instruments which have advanced the chemist's further research.
Since 1759, Watt's business has improved. This was facilitated by a partnership with businessman John Craig. They organized the work on the production of various tools and toys. The income of the inventor has increased significantly. Their partnership ended after six years due to Craig's death.
Invention Period

The Newcomen steam engine has been around for decades. Most often it was used for pumping water. No one has even tried to improve it before. From 1759, Watt became interested in the idea of using steam, but his attempts were unsuccessful.
In 1763, a representative of the University of Glasgow turned to the master with a request to help repair the current model of Newcomen's creation. Watt was able to conduct a number of experiments with her. He was able to repair the layout and make sure that this machine was inefficient. Watt made some improvements to the design, but this was not enough.
Two years later, James Watt figured out how to create the perfect steam engine. He began to implement his plans. In 1769 he filed a patent for an insulated condensation chamber. He was able to build a working model that worked on this principle. Forhe did not have the funds to create a full-size machine. This was helped by Joseph Black, John Roebuck. The problems did not end, as it was impossible to achieve the necessary precision in the manufacture of the cylinder and piston. In addition, Roebuck went bankrupt.
Watt found a new sponsor. They became Matthew Bolton, who owned a foundry. The problem in creating the cylinder was solved by John Wilkinson. Watt received commercial success from his invention through the creation of a joint company with Matthew Bolton, which operated for twenty-five years and brought the inventor a great fortune.

Watt didn't just want to improve Newcomen's machine, he wanted to create a model with a universal engine. All his attempts led to a new method in the operation of the steam engine, which he patented under the name of planetary motion. It was on this method that the first steam engine of James Watt began to work.
After the success of the new car, there were many attempts to fake it. In the struggle for the reputation of their own business, Watt and Bolton were forced to spend a lot of money on litigation. As a result, they were able to defend their rights.
Meaning of invention
James Watt's engine patent was filed in 1769. The document determined that the author of the patent did not invent a new machine, but a steam engine. Watt did not fully understand how significant his improvement would become in the future.

The significance of the invention was thatthat in the engine the piston moved under the action of steam. Thanks to this, it was possible to multiply the power by creating more pressure. There was no more need to increase the dimensions. Thanks to the invention, it became possible to create a steam locomotive, and a little later, a steamboat.
Even during the lifetime of the inventor, James Watt's machine revolutionized the industry. It is not surprising that he was elected as a representative of many societies. They even wanted to award him a baronial title, but he refused it.
Societies to which Watt was elected:
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh.
- Philosophical Society in Rotterdam.
- Corresponding member of the French Academy.
- The Birmingham Lunar Society is an informal organization for scientists of the British Enlightenment.
Recent years

James Watt's biography proves how versatile he was. The diversity of his knowledge was sincerely surprised by the writer W alter Scott, who was personally acquainted with the inventor.
In the last years of his life, Watt worked on a machine of his own production, which could copy sculptural works such as bas-reliefs, statues, vessels, and more.
The master died on August 19, 1819, at the eighty-third year of his life. Buried at Handsworth.
Family and children
James Watt, whose inventions made a breakthrough in the industry, was married twice. His first wife, Margaret Miller, died in 1772 after giving him their fifth child. Butonly two children survived to adulthood, whose names, like their parents, were James and Margaret.
The second wife was Anne MacGregor in 1777. Their joint children were named Gregory and Janet.
Interesting fact
Watt suggested using the name "horsepower" as a unit of power. However, in 1882, at the initiative of the British Association of Engineers, it was decided to assign a unit of power in the name of the inventor. Since that time, it has been customary to use watts in technology. This happened for the first time in the history of technology.