The word "camp" in our time can be heard in the media and in scientific or fiction. What is a "tabor"? The word can be used both as a proper name for a locality or geographical feature, and as a common noun.

Tabor - a city in the Czech Republic
From the school history course of the sixth grade, that is, the European Middle Ages, attentive people can remember the events in the Czech Republic of the 15th century, the war between the Hussites and the Crusaders. The left wing of the Hussites in those days was called the Taborites.
They got their name from Mount Tabor in the Czech Republic, where their camp was located, and the name of the mountain itself is written in Greek "Tavor". It was on it that the Transfiguration of Christ took place.
Known leaders of the Taborites were Jan Zizka and Prokop Naked. Alas, by 1437 they were defeated by the crusaders, and now only the city of the same name south of Prague reminds of its former glory. About 35 thousand people live in it.
Now Tabor is the industrial and tourist center of the Czech Republic. Tourists can visit suchobjects:
- Kotnov Castle. Built at the end of the 14th century, the tower and gate have been preserved from it.
- The building of the old town hall. Its initial construction dates back to the 15th-16th centuries, but its modern appearance was formed only by the beginning of the 20th century. Now it houses a museum of the history of the Hussites. It contains a sculpture by Jan Zizka, a war wagon, weapons and books from the 15th century.
- Church of the Transfiguration, built at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries.
- 16th century houses.
- Jan Hus Park with a monument to him.
- Botanical Garden.
- Beautiful old brewery building.
- Baroque castle Mesice. Built in 1545, rebuilt in 1699. Inside there is a small museum exhibition about the events of the 20th century.
The distance from Tabor to Prague is about 100 kilometers, that is, you can organize a one-day visit to the city from the capital.

Other meanings of "tabor"
As a rule, this is what a nomadic village is called. The word comes from the Proto-Slavic language. In our time, they designate a gypsy village.
What is a camp in military affairs of the XV-XVIII centuries? In a number of European countries, a camp was called an analogue of the Russian walk-city, that is, a mobile military camp. In the army of the Ottoman Empire, a battalion was called a camp.
The following objects on the planet are called Tabor as a proper name:
- Ghost island in the Pacific.
- Volcano in Oregon in the USA.
- Mountain in Israel, it is associated with the events of the New Testament.
- Church in Tbilisi.
- Villages in the Smolensk and Leningrad regions.
- Part of the city of Maribor in Slovenia and several villages in the same country.
- The city of Tabor in Iowa, USA, was founded by Christian priests in 1852.
- A small town in Iowa, founded by immigrants from the Czech Republic, there is a Gothic church of St. Wenceslas.
- A locality in the state of Victoria in Australia.
Veliki Tabor Castle in Croatia
For fans of traveling around Europe, it will be useful to visit not only the city of Tabor in the Czech Republic, but also the Desinich community in the north-west of Croatia, a couple of kilometers from the border with Slovenia, where the beautiful castle of Veliky Tabor has been preserved. Its construction was carried out from the middle of the XII to the middle of the XV century. The castle is now used as a museum and venue for an international short film festival.