Some sonorous expressions are intuitive due to the vivid images used to create them. However, it is always interesting for a contemporary to get to the bottom of the root cause, to understand: the lion's share is what part of the total? I would like to understand whether it differs quantitatively or qualitatively. How did the outlandish phrase form, if on the territory of Russia lions can only be found in cages? Philologists suggest that the origins can be found in Greek culture.
What makes a lion better than others?
One of the possible options is called Aesop's fable, dedicated to the division of prey between animals. In the original, the leading role was assigned directly to the lion, the cunning fox and the hardworking donkey. Subsequently, the plot was repeatedly repeated for authorship:
- Tredyakovsky;
- Sumarokova;
- Chemnitz;
- Krylova;
- Lafontaine;
- Phaedra.
Some hunting circumstances, sharing of some treasure, lands, food, as well as the main character - the king of beasts, were preserved. ATIn its original form, it was impossible to say whether it was a lot or a little - “the lion's share”, since the phraseological unit was as close as possible to the concept of “everything” and was equal to 100%. One hero ended up in abundance, while the rest fell to hard work and deprivation.

What has changed over the centuries?
It is important to note that the meaning has changed. In parallel, there is the expression Leonīna societas, it is also the “Lion Commonwe alth” based on the same work of Aesop. This type of relationship is hidden behind it, when one party to the agreement receives only profit, while the other is forced to pay all losses alone. Absolute injustice, the absence of even a hint of equality. But it is impossible to withdraw from the contract, since the "comrade" has knocked out such conditions by the right of the strong.
Over time, in the phrase under study, the emphasis shifted from the position of “taking everything to the detriment of others” to the position of “getting the best or most”. While there was originally a strictly negative connotation, the modern version can be used in almost any situation. Now the lion's share is a fair amount of different indicators:
- treasures, income, shares - in the classical interpretation;
- suffering, labor, love - in the updated version.
Thus, a speaker using a phraseological unit can say that half of the family budget is spent on raising children. Or to indicate the psychological, mental state of the mother, if some kind of misfortune happens to the child, because it is the parents who account for the mainemotional stress in a crisis situation.

How to use it correctly?
It is necessary to remember the nuance with the change of meanings. In the 21st century, the phrase is appropriate in any context, not necessarily associated with something bad or shameful, not associated with injustice. But if the reader looks into classical Russian literature, he should be mindful of the negative connotations of the sonorous expression, which used to hide only greed, cunning and the desire to profit from the weak.