Units for measuring the amount of information

Units for measuring the amount of information
Units for measuring the amount of information

Units of measurement of the amount of data needed to calculate the amount of information. This value is calculated logarithmically. In other words, several objects can be treated as one. In this case, the number of potential states will be multiplied. And the amount of information will add up.

Typically, data measurement is directly related to computer memory when information is transmitted over digital communication channels.

Computer science: what is it?

Science explores the methods of collecting, processing, storing, analyzing and transmitting data through digital technologies and computer technology. It contains disciplines capable of processing and calculating algorithms, as well as contributing to the development of new methods for solving various problems and programming.

After the International Scientific Congress was held in 1978, computer science became a science dependent on the use of computer technology. It is worth noting that such a subject as applied computer science studies number systems, mathematical foundations, logical elements.

whichvolume unit
whichvolume unit

Russian scientist A. A. Dorodnitsyn indicates that the region is divided into 3 inseparable parts:

  • technical;
  • software;
  • algorithmic tools.

Basic Information

To determine the capacity of information, the concepts of probability and logarithm are used. For example, the scientist R. Hartley proposed in 1928 to use the formula:


where, in his vision, an objective approach is being created to measure the amount of data. It is assumed that this method is able to calculate the probable amount of information in a particular message. In 1948, the acquired knowledge was generalized by another American scientist, K. Shannon. He proposed to introduce a unit of data measurement - bit. In this case, the element, which is the basis of the arithmetic unit and memory cell, is in one of 2 states: either 0 or 1.

units of measurement of the amount of information
units of measurement of the amount of information

Today, the bit is the basis of the unit of volume, but a very small quantity. Therefore, it is customary to use byte:

1 byte=23 bit=8 bits.

It is assumed that this value is needed to encode any of the 256 characters of the alphabet.

unit information volume
unit information volume

Information can be presented as:

  • texts, drawings, images;
  • signals and radio waves;
  • magnetic records;
  • smells and tastes;
  • pulses of different directions;
  • chromosome,transmitting the characteristics of the organism.

Scientists ask the question: is it possible to measure information from an objective point of view? If you think broadly and discard the qualitative features of the data, then they can be expressed in numbers. At the same time, the amount of information contained in different groups can be compared.

Bit and its derivatives

Educational institutions do not present volume units in full. Only the most used definitions are given: bit, byte, kilobyte, etc. Meanwhile, there is such a thing as nibble. Otherwise, it is called a nibble or a tetrad. It holds 4 bits of information.

In general, everything is very clear about the units of measurement of information. Its volume is usually measured in bits. This is one of the most absolute values. If we consider a picture in which each point is represented only in black or white, then it is customary to say that this is a bitmap. The explanation is as follows: each point occupies exactly 1 memory cell, the volume of which is 1 bit.

volume units
volume units

Byte and its concept

A byte is the minimum step for specifying a memory address. On older machines it was not 8 bits. This tradition has become established only in the modern world. It is with respect to the byte that large amounts of information used in computer technology are summed up. All memory cells have an address. Each computer has a specific word length.

Other volume units are also widely used. The table shows that todayday in the course of kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc.

volume units table
volume units table

To date, the largest unit of measure is 1 TB, equal to 1024 GB. On the other hand, this amount of information will soon become habitual as consumer demands grow.


If the primary unit is understood as 1 potential state, then the secondary is understood as a discharge. Its capacity varies depending on the encoding system used. In this case, the picture is presented as follows:

  • 1 binary digit - bit - contains only 2 potential states.
  • 1 ternary - trit - suggests using 3 possible values.
  • 1 decimal - decith - contains 10 potential states, etc.

Tertiary Units

This concept includes different sets of bits. It is assumed that the capacity of the tertiary unit is an exponential function, where the base equals the number of potential states.

what is the unit of volume
what is the unit of volume

Logarithmic units

What unit of volume is meant in this case? If some quantities are expressed in terms of an exponential function, then it is more convenient to use their logarithms. In a specific case, several objects become one. In this case, the number of potential values is multiplied, and the capacity of information is added up.

Why is the storage capacity of information lessdeclared?

Surely everyone has had to deal with disappointment. When you buy a flash drive, and its volume is not 4 GB, but a little less. The manufacturer, when marking the released goods, will not write the drive capacity in bytes, where 1 GB=109, but will indicate a rounded value.

The buyer should take into account: the larger the volume of the disk or flash drive, the more significant the run-up between what is on the label and reality will be. Therefore, you need to study the units of measurement of the amount of information and understand that 1 Kb=1024 bytes, and 1 Mb=1024 Kb, 1 Gb=1024 Mb, etc.

what is the unit of volume
what is the unit of volume

Number systems

Since in everyday life a person uses the alphabet to express his thoughts, such a language is called natural. Scientists also distinguish formal ones, which include:

  • programming language;
  • number systems;
  • language of algebra, etc.

A lot of formal languages are more common in the school curriculum, but number systems are of the greatest interest, as well as volume units. They are divided into positional and non-positional. In the first case, the value of a digit depends on its position in the number. In the second case, there is no such subordination.

The most common system in computer technology is binary. To display a number in this form, only 1 and 0 are needed. In the octal system, the numbers from 0 to 7, inclusive, are needed. And finally, the hexadecimal system. It is displayed by numerical designations (0-9) and capital letters of the Latin alphabet(A-F).
