James Lange's theory of emotions: history, criticism and examples

James Lange's theory of emotions: history, criticism and examples
James Lange's theory of emotions: history, criticism and examples

At the end of the 19th century, a theory was formulated, the authors of which were not familiar with each other, but at the same time came to the same conclusion. They were William James and Carl Lange. Their theory described emotions and corresponding manifestations in a person. What are scientists talking about? How can the knowledge described in this theory be applied?


William James is an American. He studied philosophy and psychology.

William James
William James

Karl Lange is a Danish anatomist and physician. Two scientists, independently of each other, at the same time, came to the same conclusions in the field of human emotions.

As a result, James Lange's theory of emotions was formed, which won the minds of many followers. In 1884, the Mind magazine published an article by James titled "What is an emotion?", where the author shows that by cutting off the external manifestations of an emotion, nothing remains of it. It should be noted that this hypothesis was quite unexpected and paradoxical for this area of scientific knowledge. WilliamJames suggested that the signs that we observe and attribute to the consequences of an emotion are its cause.

Our body reacts to changes in the environment, its conditions and, as a result, reflex physiological reactions appear in it.

different emotions
different emotions

These include increased secretion of glands, contraction of certain muscle groups and similar manifestations. All these changes are signaled to the body. It is directed directly to the CNS (central nervous system). As a result, emotional experiences are born. So, as James Lange's theory of emotions tells us, a person does not cry from sadness, but on the contrary, he falls into sadness as soon as he cries or frowns.

Applying knowledge

If a person wants to have a pleasant experience, he needs to behave as if it has already happened. If a bad mood happens, then you need to start smiling! You have to train yourself to smile. Only in this way will a person begin to feel a cheerful person.

smile changes mood
smile changes mood

The meaning that James Lange's theory of emotions puts into such actions is that a person forms his environment with his external expressions (smile, frown). Only after that the environment itself has a certain influence on the person.

It's easy to see that people unconsciously shun frown faces. And this is understandable. Each person has enough problems. He doesn't really want to run into strangers. If we see a smile on someone's face that expresses optimism, then he disposes us and evokes a response in the soul.

What strengths did James Lange's theory of emotions show from experiments?

People who participated in the trial process had to evaluate the proposed cartoons and jokes. They held a pencil in their mouth. The meaning was that some held it with their teeth, and others with their lips. Those who had a pencil in their teeth involuntarily portrayed a smile, while others, on the contrary, frown and tension. So, those who had a smile found the proposed cartoons and jokes more funny than the second group.

It turns out that James Lange's peripheral theory of emotions has a basis. It tells us that emotional states are a secondary phenomenon. It manifests itself as awareness of the signals coming to the brain, which produces a change in the internal organs, muscles and blood vessels. In turn, these changes occur at the moment of implementation of the behavioral act, as the consequences of an emotional stimulus.

stimulation of the emotional state
stimulation of the emotional state


Vera Birkenbeel, a German psychologist, suggested that the people who took part in the experiments, when upset or anxious, retire for a while and try to give a joyful expression to their face. To do this, it was possible to make an effort and make the corners of the lips rise, and then hold them in this position for 10 to 20 seconds. The psychologist claims that there was no case that this forced smile did not grow into a real one.

Thus, the practical application of James Lange's peripheral theory of emotion shows that the kinesthetic cues that trigger emotions work.

What are the weaknesses of the theory?

The range of human body reactions is more meager than the set of emotional experiences. One organic reaction can be combined with very different feelings. It is known that when the hormone adrenaline is released into the blood, a person is excited. However, this excitement can get a different emotional coloring. It depends on external circumstances.

But, according to James Lange's theory of emotions, it is not entirely correct when the emotional state depends on external circumstances. So the theory still has weaknesses.

Participants in one experiment, in addition to their knowledge, increased artificially, adrenaline in the blood. In this test, people were divided into two groups: the first was in a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere, and the second was in an anxious and depressing atmosphere. As a result, their emotional state manifested itself in different ways: joy and anger, respectively.

human feelings expressed in emotions
human feelings expressed in emotions

It turns out that James Lange's theory of emotions, in short, shows that a person becomes afraid because he trembles. However, it is known that trembling in the body also arises from anger, sexual arousal and some other factors. Or take, for example, tears - a symbol of sadness, anger, grief and, at the same time, joy.

Traditions of countries

Emotional manifestations are often determined by cultural norms. If atake a country like Japan for consideration, you can see that the manifestation of pain, sadness in the presence of persons of a higher position is a manifestation of irreverence. In this regard, the Japanese, when reprimanded by a superior person, should listen to him with a smile. In Slavic countries, such behavior of a subordinate is considered impudent.

In China, it is also not customary to disturb superior, honorable persons with their grief. There, it has long been customary to inform a person older in age and position about their misfortune with a smile in order to downplay the significance of grief. But the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands, according to their traditions, cry after a long separation, when the meeting takes place. They also react to reconciliation after quarrels.

human tears
human tears


It turns out that James Lange's peripheral theory of emotion, in short, doesn't quite work. Although, of course, psychologists use it in their practice. The result is usually positive. However, they always have to consider a person's origin, cultural heritage and habitat.

This theory shows the ability to control emotions and inner feelings. A person is really capable, with a certain attitude, to perform actions characteristic of one or another inner feeling. In this way, he also evokes the feelings themselves.

This theory has been criticized by physiologists: Sherrington C. S., Cannon W. and others. They were based on data obtained in experiments with animals, which indicated that the same peripheral changes occur at differentemotions and states that are not associated with emotions. Vygotsky L. S. also criticized this theory because of the opposition of elementary (lower) emotions to true human experiences (higher, aesthetic, intellectual, moral).
