Genesis is an important term in biology and medicine

Genesis is an important term in biology and medicine
Genesis is an important term in biology and medicine

Genesis is a term for origin, birth, formation, emergence, and so on. Most often, genesis is used as part of a compound word. Examples: anthropogenesis, sociogenesis, polygenesis, technogenesis, conflict genesis, etc. In such complex words, the first part of the word denotes the phenomenon, the occurrence of which is said.

Genesis in biology

Genesis is a multidisciplinary term that is used in sciences related to biology and not only. This word is especially popular in medicine, where the term "pathogenesis" is often used. One of the main terms of biology - phylogeny and ontogenesis - means the way of development of organisms.

evolution - phylogenesis
evolution - phylogenesis


Phylogenesis or phylogeny is the development of all kinds of living organisms throughout the history of the planet. Phylogeny considers all stages of evolution, but it cannot fully cover life on Earth, since we know a small part of the species that lived before and exist on Earth now.


Ontogeny, unlike phylogeny, describes the stagesindividual development of each organism, from the moment of fertilization or separation (with asexual reproduction) and ending with death.

Ontogeny before birth
Ontogeny before birth

Genesis in medicine

In medicine, genesis is a term that characterizes a disease by the factors that caused it. Doctors usually use the word pathogenesis when describing diseases. Pathogenesis, together with etiology, makes up a complete picture of the origin of the disease and its further development. The analysis of genesis is very important for medicine - it gives an understanding of the behavior of the disease under study. You can consider the pathogenesis on the example of brain diseases that occur due to disruption of its blood vessels.

Vascular genesis

In this article we will consider brain diseases that occur due to damage to its vessels and impaired blood flow to its individual parts. Cerebral vascular diseases can be divided into several types.

thrombus in an artery
thrombus in an artery

Transistor failure in circulation

In this case, the entire brain can be damaged, and only foci of damage can be observed. If the changes have affected the entire brain, the person experiences constant headache, nausea and vomiting. When blood vessels are affected only in some parts of the brain, the patient may lose the ability to move certain parts of his body for a while, and sensitivity in certain places disappears. Transistor failure in our time is well treated without consequences.

Cerebral atherosclerosis

In this disease of vascular origindeteriorating oxygen supply to the brain. The vessels are constricted - and the blood cannot bring enough nutrition to all brain cells. Treatment of blockage of blood vessels and arteries often takes place in an operative way.


When an aneurysm occurs, a bulge filled with blood appears on the vessel. In certain cases, an aneurysm can rupture, resulting in cerebral hemorrhage. Then the blood enters the pericerebral space (subarachnoid region). This type of hemorrhage can lead to stroke and death.

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke is also called cerebral infarction. It differs from other types of strokes in that it causes circulatory disorders and the death of brain cells. The main cause of this disease is blockage of arteries leading to the brain by blood clots. If a person is suspected of having an ischemic stroke, they should be hospitalized immediately.

symptoms of a stroke
symptoms of a stroke


Genesis of encephalopathy can be of several types:

1. Angioencephalopathy

2. Encephalopathy due to hypoxia

3. Toxic encephalopathy

4. Post-traumatic encephalopathy

5. Radiation encephalopathy

6. Toxic-metabolic encephalopathy

Encephalopathy is not considered an independent disease. More often, this is the name for the defeat and death of brain tissues, to which little oxygen is supplied. In general, encephalopathy can be not only of hypoxic origin. This must be taken into account. Although the most common ishypoxic encephalopathy. It can be asphyxial, perinatal and postresuscitation.

What other genesis is encephalopathy?

When they cannot determine the causes of encephalopathy, or when it has several causes, they say that this is an encephalopathy of complex genesis. Usually this type of encephalopathy appears immediately in the second stage of the disease. There are three stages of encephalopathy. Usually, patients do not pay attention to the symptoms of the first stage, turning to the doctor only in the second or later, which greatly complicates treatment and rehabilitation. Most often, mixed encephalopathy occurs on the basis of the dyscirculatory form of the disease.

vascular network
vascular network

Stages of discirculatory encephalopathy

  1. Compensatory stage. This phase is called so because the patient's body still has enough strength to compensate for disturbances in the brain. It is manifested by the instability of emotions and behavior, it can hurt and feel dizzy. At this stage, 70 percent of patients feel only mild discomfort and do not seek medical attention.
  2. The second stage of encephalopathy is called subcompensated. During this phase, the foci of the genesis of vascular disease acquire an irreversible form and are difficult to treat. Symptoms: tinnitus, apathy, lethargy, deterioration of vision, memory, impaired ability to move independently.
  3. The third stage is decompensated. The body does not have enough strength to fight it, and irreversible destruction of important brain structures occurs. Added characteristic epileptic symptoms, memory loss, mentaldisorders, possible fainting and coma.
