If you ask people what associations the word “satellite” evokes in them, most of them will start talking about the planets, space and the Moon. Few people know that this concept has a place in the urban sphere. Satellite cities are a special kind of settlements. As a rule, this is a city, urban-type settlement (UGT) or a village located 30 km from the center, factories, factories or nuclear power plants. If any large settlement has a sufficient number of satellites, they are combined into an agglomeration.

The decision to start the construction of such cities is taken by the local government, sometimes state authorities. Over a certain period of time, they "merge" with the center and become one with it.
Main Features
All satellite cities have fairly close ties with the "main" city. There is a constantmigration due to work, study, work. All satellite cities affect a large settlement in exactly the same way as it affects them.
Geourbanistics studies settlements, their functionality, etc. Scientists working in this field determine that satellites are all cities and villages that are strongly dependent on the center. That is why their lists are constantly growing, regardless of the official number. A striking example is the Moscow agglomeration. On paper, Moscow is the owner of one city dependent on it (Zelenograd), but in fact it has more than 16 satellites. The same is true with Peter. Its official satellite city is Yuzhny, although there are actually several.
Satellite cities in Russia
At the time when agglomerations appeared, the number of population in small towns increased in the Russian Federation. The only exception was Peter (aka St. Petersburg) due to the fact that it was built almost at the same time as residences, fortresses and special centers of industry.
"Fashion" for satellite cities appeared in the XX century. Thanks to their existence, problems related to the social sphere, economic and urban planning were resolved.

Despite the fact that most of the small settlements were built relatively recently, the leading place remains with the villages, which eventually turned into urban settlements. Basically, all large cities of Russia have territories subordinate to one or another center. Only Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Tyumen and some others are deprivedsubordinate territories.
In addition to the classification by area, there are satellite cities that are distinguished by scientific and intellectual development. They are united in one group - "science cities".
The main role of satellites is to contribute to various areas of the state. All of them, according to economic specialization, are divided into certain groups:
- resort;
- residential (they are called "sleeping area");
- industrial (for example, Novovoronezh);
- transport (Lipetsk, Saransk);
- trading;
- student;
- financial;
- military;
- historical.

In addition to this classification, satellites are also divided into:
- Classic. They are formed due to the desire of the population to leave the polluted city and settle in their own home. Basically it refers to the elite society. At the moment there is a sufficient number of closed cottage villages.
- Racial and ethnic. Due to the development of racism and all subsequent problems, certain races converge in one village. The lion's share of "settlers" is occupied by Asians and Hispanics. In the US, there are special areas for "white" and "black" people. The Moscow agglomeration has recently begun to face this kind of division.
NPP satellite town
NPPs can also have satellite towns. As a result of the fact that the process of building a plant is quite laborious, and the construction of a nuclear power plant is started last,builders' town first.
Those settlements that are being built at nuclear power plants are distinguished by the availability of labor resources, electricity, economy and design. If we compare the urban settlements adjacent to the centers with the satellite cities of nuclear power plants, then the latter have advantages in the form of high-rise buildings, paved roads.
Satellite city (Penza)
The Sputnik project is a huge residential complex, which entered the TOP of the best Russian developments. Construction is scheduled to be completed by 2016. 7 thousand people will live here, kindergartens, schools, shops, hospitals and various entertainment centers will be built for them.
The territory of the quarter captures the southwestern part of Penza and adjacent lands. It will be washed by an artificially created lake and the Sura River. The embankment will be equipped with a recreation area, where playgrounds will be installed and a beautiful descent to the reservoir will be equipped.

The satellite city (Penza for which it will be the center) will be divided into 12 "microdistricts". Their dimensions are 400 by 600 meters. Some houses will be made in the palace style. The first floors in them are purchased for cafes, restaurants, clubs, shops and other entertainment centers. On the second line there will be two-story houses, which will be adjacent to small lawns and plots of land. The courtyard will become a protected area. The third line includes multi-storey buildings (from 9 to 25 floors). It is planned to build six schools, five kindergartens, garages, sports grounds.
Thonburi isthe capital of Thailand. In addition, it is a former satellite city of Bangkok. In 1971, it existed independently, was the center of a provincial district. During the reign of Taksin, it was the capital of Siam for 10 years. In the history of his state, he became famous due to the fact that he was a city that protected the mouth of the water stream. In 1765, there was a battle for territory with the Burmese, which ended in victory. For several years, Thonburi became the capital of Bangkok. This decision was made by King Taksin.

Subsequently, this city became a satellite of a large center of the state, but after a while it connected with it and became one. It borders on all sides with several districts. Washed by the river.
Satellite cities of Minsk
Initially, mass construction of satellite towns of Minsk was planned in Belarus. However, they quickly abandoned this idea and decided to build only one - Rulensk.
It was supposed to appear at the beginning of 2015, when the plan to create the Minsk agglomeration was approved. By the end of the year, it was supposed to be approved by the authorities, but in reality everything turned out to be much more complicated.
The first reason the venture was abandoned was uncultivated land and polluted sewers. It is impossible to build a settlement without preliminary cleaning. Places ideal for development, unfortunately, are too far from the city, so few residents will agree to exchange an apartment in Minsk for an hour's drive outside the city.

It is Rudensk that suits allconditions for obtaining the status of "satellite city". There is also a thermal power plant, the energy of which is not spent on a full scale. It will be enough to serve the 100,000th settlement. The only downside is the old water supply system.
Another problem with the development was the lack of funds. The allocated money is barely enough to fix the current infrastructure.
Moscow agglomeration
The Moscow agglomeration ranks among the top twenty among the largest in the world. During its existence, it has greatly increased in size. The satellite towns of Moscow are becoming larger over the years, and the entire region is officially part of the district.
Moscow includes several suburban belts. The first of them consists of settlements located 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road. This list includes 17 cities and several towns.
The Moscow agglomeration includes small cities and large ones, among them there are even those that have a population of over 100 thousand people. It is difficult to give an exact number of people, but this figure fluctuates around 17 million inhabitants.

Until now, the territories of satellite cities are expanding, completions are being made, new constructions are starting. In addition, new subordinate cities appear. At the moment, a new satellite is being formed between Domodedovo and Moscow. Now the agglomeration is engaged in the development of its financial sector, education, culture and science. All this makes it possible for this area to become a leader among others.satellite towns that are mainly engaged in industry.
Southern city - a satellite of St. Petersburg
Satellite cities of St. Petersburg have a huge impact on both their center and the country itself. Southern is officially recognized. It has a difficult environmental situation, but if the government takes care of this issue in time, the city will only have a positive impact on nearby St. Petersburg.
Among other housing projects, the city of Yuzhny is the most popular and largest. Its construction affects the general life of the Pushkinsky district, which is why a sufficient number of people are watching the construction process. Many were against the construction of the satellite, since the Kondakopshinsky forest is located on its territory - the only massif that has remained in this area.

The local authorities and the government of the state have high hopes for the satellite town Yuzhny. Indeed, in terms of its functionality and appearance, it should correspond to its great center - St. Petersburg.