Changes in Russian society related to democracy are, among other things, the result of active efforts to reform the educational system. According to the strategy for the modernization of general education, these efforts are primarily aimed at creating conditions that fully ensure the humanistic nature of the education received, its high quality, the focus of the system on supporting and developing the individuality of each student, opportunities for his self-realization and self-determination. In this article, we will consider pedagogical activity and subjects of the educational process, in particular.
The subject as a category of philosophical and psychological science

Today the category is one of the central ones in philosophy, especially when it comes to ontology (Descartes, Aristotle, Hegel, Kant). It should be noted that it plays a significant role in modern psychological science (K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. V. Brushlinsky). Analysissubjects of the educational process, which includes two interconnected forms of it - educational and pedagogical - lies in the mainstream of both specifically pedagogical and general philosophical tasks. Among the subjective characteristics defined in the teachings of S. L. Rubinstein, the following should be noted:
The category of the subject is somehow connected with the category of the object. Because of this, Rubinstein captures two interrelated aspects:
1). Being as an objective reality, an object of human awareness.
2). Man as a subject, who is a cognizer, discovering being, realizing his self-consciousness.
- A social subject is able to exist, to be realized both in the being of a particular individual and in activity.
- Each subject can be defined by its relation to another.
F. Piaget considered activity as one of the main characteristics of the subject of the educational process, activity of any kind, and so on. According to the teachings of J. Piaget, the subject is in continuous interaction with the environment. From birth, he is characterized by the functional activity of the device, thanks to which he is able to structure the environment that affects him. It is worth noting that activity is manifested in actions, includingincludes various kinds of transformations, object transformations (combining, moving, deleting, etc.), as well as the formation of certain structures. J. Piaget emphasizes the most important idea for educational psychology that between the subject of the educational process (child, parent or teacher) and its object, in any case, there is an interaction that takes place in the context of the previous contact and, accordingly, the previous subjective reaction. In other words, the subject of an activity or a separate action in a broader sense is a recreating, active and transforming principle. One way or another, he is a doer.
General characteristics of the subject of the educational process

Among the main subjective features of a general nature, it is important to note the following:
- The subject presupposes the object in one way or another.
- The subject of the educational process is endowed with a specific, individual form of implementation. It must be added that the collective subject can be represented in each person, and vice versa.
- The subject is a social category in the form (methods, methods, tools) of its impact (practical or cognitive).
- Activity, regulated in a conscious way, is always considered subjective, in which the formation and subsequent development of the subject of the educational process takes place.
- Under the subject of individual activity it is necessary to understand a person whoacts knowingly.
- Subjectivity is determined by the system of relations between people. It is about activity, partiality.
- Under subjectivity one should understand the integrity of activity, being, self-consciousness and communication.
- Subjectivity is nothing but a dynamic beginning that appears and disappears. It cannot exist without action on the part of the subject of the educational process.
- Under subjectivity, it is advisable to understand the category of interpsychic.
It is important to add that I. A. Winter in the number of subjective characteristics of a person also includes his features as a person as a subject of the educational process (a child, for example, will somehow differ from other children in character traits, behavior). According to E. A. Klimov, it includes motives, orientation; attitude towards activity, oneself and the world around; self-regulation, which is expressed in the following qualities: composure, patience, organization, creativity, self-discipline, intellectual features of individuality, as well as emotionality.
Comments on general features

It is worth noting that all the characteristics of the subject of the educational process (parent, child, teacher) mentioned in the previous chapter are inherent in him in a reduced or complete form. When characterizing the subjects of educational activity, it is necessary first of all to take into account that each teacher and student, being public subjects (a pedagogical association orapprenticeship), when combined together, they act as a complex subject of the educational process. It is necessary to know that the total subject that "regulates" social values exists in every educational system, administrative structure, teaching staff, student community (for example, at the institute we will talk about the rector's office, department, dean's office, study groups). The activity of the subjects of the educational process, which has a complex meaning, is directed and regulated by program and regulatory documents.
It should be noted that absolutely each of the specific subjects included in the complex subject is endowed with its own, but coordinated, united goals. They are presented, as a rule, in the form of specific results, however, with a distinction between functionality and roles, which is why the education process is a rather complex polymorphic activity. The general goal of the process of education as an activity is the preservation, as well as the further development of the social, social experience that has been accumulated by civilization, a specific community, and a people. It can be implemented in two ways, which are directed towards each other. We are talking about the transfer and reception, the organization of the development of this experience, as well as its subsequent assimilation. We are talking about a complex ideal and main subject of the educational process, the effectiveness of which is determined primarily by the awareness by both of its sides of a civilizationally significant goal of a general nature.
Specific feature of the subjects of the educational process
A specific characteristic of the subjects of the educational process is their motivational sphere, which consists of two aspects. Thus, the pedagogical support of the subjects of the educational process is carried out in order to achieve a general goal: "For students and only after that - for themselves." The subject of educational activity acts in the opposite direction of the named scheme: “For oneself in order to achieve a common goal” as a not always explicated and distant perspective. The common point of the educational process “for the student” on the part of the teacher and “for himself” on the part of the student defines “actually acting”, pragmatic - according to the terminology of A. N. Leontiev - motive. It is worth noting that it is he who characterizes the actions of a complex ideal subject of an inclusive educational process, represented by a teacher and a student. “Understood” motives are, as it were, laid down in the basis of the educational process. However, not always they are fully realized not only by the student, but also by the teacher.
The subject of the educational process

The subject of the education process as an activity of a complex subject, that is, what it is directed to, are the values of social consciousness, a system of methods of activity, knowledge, the transfer of which by teachers meets with specific methods of their development by students. If the methods of mastering coincide with the methods of action offered by teachers, then complex activity is capable of delivering satisfaction to bothparties. If there are discrepancies at this point, then the generality of the subject as a whole is violated.
In accordance with the teachings of S. L. Rubinshtein, an important characteristic of the subject of activity is that it is both formed and developed in it. This provision refers not only to the development of the student (as is commonly believed in society), but also to the improvement of the teacher himself, as well as to his self-development. It is worth noting that the specificity of the education process lies in the mutual fulfillment and complementarity of these two phenomena. That is, the development of the student involves the continuous self-development of the teacher, which serves as a condition for the development of the student. It is important to know that the ideal complex subject of the education process is represented by P. F. Kapterev as one educational field, a field of development and teaching. The subjects of the inclusive educational process are doomed to self-development, the inner strength of which acts as a source, as well as an impetus for the development and growth of each of them.
Formation of the subject in the system of relationships
The specificity of the subject of the educational process also reflects such an important characteristic as the formation and further development of the subject in the system of his relations with other persons. The educational process in the pedagogical system of any type is represented by various people or their teams (today there are teaching, teaching, classroom and other types of teams). That is why the problem associated with the collective subject, that is, the interaction of the subjects of the educational process, inat present, it is an independent link, an industrial and educational problem, a question of the relationship between students (Ya. L. Kolominsky) and a team of teachers. This is a special case of a social community (A. I. Dontsov, A. V. Petrovsky, E. N. Emelyanov, and so on).
Only now, having fully considered the concept, general and specific features, as well as the question of relations between the subjects of the educational process, it is advisable to go directly to the subjects and their description.
Subjects of the educational process: students

The present chapters 4 and 5 of the Law on Education provide for the following subject composition of the educational process:
- Students (pupils, students) and their parents or other legal representatives.
- Scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical, managerial and other employees of structures implementing educational activities.
It is important to note that it is customary to refer to students in educational institutions (depending on the development of the type of educational program): pupils, students; students (cadets); graduate students; adjuncts; residents; trainee assistants; listeners; externs.
Students one way or another shouldcertain rights are granted: to choose an organization that implements educational activities, as well as to the forms of education; training in accordance with an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning; within the framework of the educational program being mastered, providing the student with conditions for learning, taking into account the characteristics of his psychophysical development and, of course, the state of he alth; to participate in the creation of the content of their own vocational education (it should be added that this right may be limited by the terms of the contract regarding targeted training).
Students one way or another are given the right associated with the choice of optional (in other words, optional for a particular level of education, speci alty, profession or preparatory direction) and elective (in other words, elected without fail) subjects for the implementation of the learning process, courses, modules (disciplines) from the list offered by the institution carrying out educational activities (after receiving the main general education). In addition, any student has the right to master - along with academic subjects, disciplines (modules), courses - in accordance with the educational program being mastered, other academic subjects, disciplines (modules), courses that are taught in an organization that implements educational activities, in a certain her order, as well as those taught in other institutions engaged in educational activities, academic subjects, disciplines (modules), courses; to master several key professionaleducational programs at the same time. It should be added that we are talking about programs that should be read out by the structure that implements educational activities in the order named by it.
Teachers as subjects of the educational process

You should know that the psychological and pedagogical support of the subjects of the educational process is carried out by teachers. Chapter 5 of the Law on Education defines the legal status of managers, teachers and other employees of institutions engaged in educational activities, as well as the rights and freedoms of teachers, guarantees for their implementation.
society, the prestige of the work of teachers - all this is enshrined at the level of legislation in force in the country. It should be noted that teachers are endowed with a number of rights. From here, the corresponding principles of their activity are formed:
- Teaching freedom.
- Freedom from outside interference in professional work.
- Expressing one's own opinion.
- Freedom of choice and further application of methods, forms and means of education and training, based onpedagogical level.
- The right to develop and subsequently apply the author's methods and programs of education and training within the framework of an ongoing educational program of a general type, a separate training course, subject, module (discipline); the right to creative initiative.
It must be borne in mind that during the working hours of teachers, depending on the position they occupy, educational, teaching (educational) work is included; individual lessons with students; creative, scientific and, of course, research activities; other work of teachers, provided for by official (labor) duties and (or) an individual plan. It is also advisable to include methodological, organizational, preparatory, diagnostic activities here; monitoring work; classes provided for by the plans of physical culture, recreation, educational, creative, sports and other events that are held with students.
Parents or legal guardians as subjects
The issue of managing the subjects of the educational process - we are talking about students - today is quite acute. Not only teachers, but also parents or legal representatives of minors take part in its decision, implementation of relevant activities and measures. It is worth noting that their duties, rights, and responsibilities are enshrined through articles 44-45 of the Law on Education. Thus, parents or legal representatives undertake not only to lay the foundation for moral, physical, but alsointellectual development and growth of the personality of the child, to fully ensure that they receive a general education, but also to continuously implement the full protection of the rights and legitimate interests of students.

So, we have considered the general and specific features of the subjects of the educational process, the composition of the category, the issue of interaction and development of the subjects of the educational process. In conclusion, it should be noted that in modern educational institutions, in addition to teachers and scientists, there are positions of administrative, economic, engineering, educational, auxiliary, production, medical and other employees who perform the functions of an auxiliary plan. Their legal status is secured through Article 52 of the Education Law.
It should be borne in mind that candidates for the position of such a subject of the educational process as the head of an institution must fully comply with the qualification requirements specified in special qualification reference books. Candidates for the position of director of a municipal or state educational structure undergo mandatory certification. Candidates for the position of director of the federal state. educational institution are coordinated with the state. federal authority authorized by the President of the Russian Federation.