The reform of school education in Russia is based on the scheme “Why teach? – What to teach? – How to teach? That is, in the new standards (FSES), educational goals are in the foreground: what should a child acquire in the process of learning? If earlier it was primarily about knowledge, now it is about the ability to independently acquire and apply it in practice. These requirements were reflected in the main unit of the learning process - the lesson. The emergence of a new typology of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard has led to changes in their structure, content, positions of the teacher and student.
New standards requirements
The main task of the modern school is the personal development of the child. He must be able to see the problem, set tasks, choose ways to solve them, plan, search for information, analyze, draw conclusions, evaluate himself and his work. The standards have a special term for defining such skills - universal learning activities (ULA). There are four groups in total:personal, cognitive, communicative and regulatory. The former are responsible for the child's understanding of the goals of his development; the second - for the ability to think logically, work with information, analyze; still others for the ability to interact with others and express their opinion; fourth - for the readiness to draw up and implement an action plan, evaluate the results. Such guidelines change the very structure of the GEF lesson. The system-activity approach is taken as a basis, which provides for:
- priority of student's independent work;
- significant amount of creative tasks;
- individual approach by the teacher;
- development of universal learning activities;
- democratic style of interaction between teacher and child.

Main types of GEF lessons
The new requirements have significantly changed the set of traditional school activities. A classification of types of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standards has been compiled. It is based on the priority tasks of a particular lesson. Four main lesson types:
- discovery of new knowledge (acquisition of new skills and abilities);
- reflections;
- systematization of knowledge (general methodological);
- developing control.
In the first type of class, students get new information on the topic, learn different ways of learning activities and try to apply them in practice.
At the lessons of reflection and skill development, children consolidate the information received, learn to evaluate their own actions, identify and eliminateerrors.
Developmental control classes help you learn how to calculate your strength when performing tasks, objectively evaluate the results.
Lessons of a general methodological orientation provide an opportunity to systematize the acquired knowledge, to see interdisciplinary connections.
Sometimes a fifth item is added to this typology of GEF lessons - a research or creative lesson.
Key components of the session
The structure of a GEF lesson is largely determined by its type, but there are a number of mandatory components. Their composition and sequence may vary depending on the topic of the lesson, the level of preparedness of the class. In this case, three groups of tasks should be solved: developing, teaching, educational. Types and stages of GEF lessons:
- The first stage of modern occupation is “motivational”. Designed to interest the student, set up for work. After all, information is best absorbed when a person becomes interested. Teachers use different techniques for this: problematic questions, ambiguous statements, unusual facts, sound, visual effects.
- During the stage of “updating knowledge”, the student must remember the material covered, one way or another related to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson, and consolidate it in the process of completing assignments.
- "Fixing and localizing difficulties" - a stage aimed at analyzing one's own actions, identifying problematic points. The child learns to ask himself questions about the work done:
- what problem did you solve;
- what did it takedo;
- what information was useful;
- at what point did the difficulty arise;
- what information or skills were missing.
- The stage of "building a project for correcting difficulties" is to jointly draw up a plan for the assimilation of new information, solving the problem. A goal is set related to the correction of knowledge (find out, learn, determine), means of achieving it are selected (create an algorithm, fill in a table) and the format of work (individually, in pairs, in a group).
- The stage of "project implementation" provides for independent work according to the developed plan. At the same time, the teacher acts as a moderator, asks leading questions, directs.
- "Inclusion of new knowledge into the system" - the implementation of cases that help to correlate new information with the material already studied and prepare for the perception of new topics.
- Reflection is an obligatory stage of the modern lesson. With the help of a teacher, students summarize the lesson, discussing what they managed to find out, what difficulties arose. At the same time, one's own activity, the level of activity is assessed. The task of the guys is not only to understand where the mistakes were made, but also how to avoid this in the future.

Variations of lesson forms
In addition to educational tasks, that is, those skills and abilities that a child should develop, the methods and techniques used in the lesson are also taken into account in the typology of GEF lessons.
Given the requirements of the standards, preference is given to non-standard and creativeways of organizing educational work. The higher the degree of interest and independence of the student when getting acquainted with new material, the better he will be able to learn it and subsequently apply it.
Types and forms of GEF lessons
Type of activity | Possible format of work | |
1 | Discovery of new knowledge | Expedition, "journey", dramatization, problematic conversation, excursion, conference, game, combination of several forms |
2 | Organization | Consultation, discussion, interactive lecture, "lawsuit", excursion, game |
3 | Reflection and skill development | Practice, dispute, debate, round table, business/role play, combined lesson |
4 | Developmental control | Quiz, project defense, written work, oral survey, presentation, creative report, testing, competition, knowledge auction |
The methods of research and project activities, methods of developing critical thinking, interactive forms of work are well combined with such forms of classes.
Technological map of the lesson
Change of guidelines when planning a lesson led to the emergence of a new form of writing its script. Today, a compendium plan is not enough to successfully conduct an open lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard. It is necessary to correctly draw up a technological map of the lesson.

When planning, the teacher needs not onlyto determine the type of lesson, but also to formulate the goal and objectives of studying (reinforcing) a particular topic, to identify what universal learning activities will be formed by students. Clearly distribute with the help of what methods and at what stage of the lesson the children will acquire new knowledge, skills, get acquainted with new ways of activity.
Technological map is usually filled in the form of a table with a preliminary brief description of the main points. This description includes:
- formulation of the purpose of the lesson (content and activity) and tasks of three types (training, developing, educational);
- determining the type of lesson;
- student work forms (pair, group, frontal, individual);
- required equipment.
General scheme
Lesson step | Methods, techniques, forms and types of work | Teacher activity | Student activities | Formed UUD |
As an example, we can give an element of the flow chart of a math lesson for grade 2. Lesson type - reflection, stage - "difficulty correction project".
Lesson step | Methods and forms of work | Teacher activities | Student activities | Formed UUD |
Building a project to correct the identified difficulties | Demonstration, issue, discussion | The teacher draws the students' attention to the presentation slide: “Guys, pay attention toscreen. What expressions are written here? What do you think we are going to do in class today?” | Students make guesses: “These are examples of division and multiplication by two. So today we will try to multiply and divide by two” |
Cognitive: the ability to draw conclusions from given facts. Communicative: the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks. Personal: the desire for success in educational activities. Regulatory: performing a trial learning action, fixing the difficulty. |
A lesson in learning new skills
A kind of starting point in any educational process, because it is from it that the study of a topic or section begins. As the activity and content goals of the lesson of discovering new knowledge, acquiring new skills and abilities, one can indicate: teaching new ways of searching for information, getting to know terms and concepts; acquisition of knowledge on the topic, assimilation of new facts. The sequence of steps in the course of such a lesson might be as follows:
- motivation and immersion;
- updating knowledge related to the proposed topic, completing a trial task;
- identification of the difficulty, contradiction;
- determining possible ways out of the current problem situation, drawing up a plan to resolve the difficulty;
- fulfillment of the points of the drawn up plan, during which the "discovery of new knowledge" takes place;
- completion of a task that allows you to consolidate newdetails;
- self-checking the result of the work (comparison with the sample);
- integration of new knowledge into the system of existing ideas;
- summing up, reflection (assessment of the lesson and self-assessment).

Knowledge systematization
According to the recognized typology of GEF lessons, the tasks of a general methodological lesson include:
- systematization of the received information on the topic;
- development of generalization, analysis and synthesis skills;
- working out the mastered methods of activity;
- formation of forecasting skills within the framework of the studied material;
- development of the ability to see subject and interdisciplinary relationships.

The structure of such a lesson can include elements such as:
- self-actualization (attitude for cognitive activity);
- checking existing knowledge and fixing difficulties;
- formulation of learning objectives within the lesson (independently or together with the teacher);
- drawing up a plan to resolve the identified difficulties, distribution of responsibilities;
- execution of the developed project;
- checking the results of the work done;
- reflection of activity, evaluation of individual and team work.
Reflection Lesson
Includes elements of several traditional activities at once: repetition, generalization, consolidation, knowledge control. At the same time, the student must learn to independently determine, inwhat is his mistake, what is better, what is worse, how to get out of the difficulty.
The first five stages of the reflection lesson are similar to the two previous types of lessons (from motivation to implementation of the problem-solving plan). In addition, the structure includes:
- summary of the difficulties that the guys encountered in the implementation of knowledge;
- self-checking the work according to the standard proposed by the teacher;
- incorporating new information and skills into the existing picture of knowledge.

Of course, this lesson cannot be conducted without the final stage - reflection. Modern pedagogical technologies offer various methods for this. And if, when analyzing the results of work in reflection lessons in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the emphasis is more often on visual associations (techniques "Smile", "Tree", "Traffic Light", "Sun and Clouds"), then over time, the guys learn to critically evaluate themselves and draw conclusions.
A lesson in developmental control
Classes of this type are held following the completion of a large thematic block. Their task is not only to assess the knowledge gained, but also to develop the skills of introspection, self-examination and mutual control among students. In accordance with the requirements for conducting a lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard, two features can be distinguished in this category. The developmental control lessons include two classes: the performance of control work and its subsequent analysis. The interval between them is 2-3 days. Such lessons cover a significant amount of material (unlike reflection lessons),therefore, the set of tasks is quite extensive and diverse.
The work of the teacher and students is built according to the following scheme:
- the guys do control tasks;
- the teacher checks the work, puts a preliminary mark, forms the test standard;
- students self-check their work against a sample, then grade it against set criteria;
- the final mark is given.

In the structure of such a lesson, before summing up, a block of tasks is performed:
- summary of identified types of difficulty;
- self-examination work using a sample;
- complete creative level tasks.
Primary and secondary school: general and special
The purpose of introducing federal standards was initially to introduce general principles for organizing the educational process at all levels of education. The single point is the formation of universal learning activities among students. Therefore, the types of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the secondary school as a whole repeat this list for the lower grades. The general concept for classes is "educational situation". The teacher should not present ready-made knowledge, his task is to create such a situation in the lesson so that children can independently make a small discovery, feel like researchers, understand the logic of events. But such a situation is built taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students, the level of formation of educational actions. Therefore, despite the general structure,technological maps of mathematics lessons for the 3rd and 10th grades will differ markedly. In high school, the teacher can rely on the knowledge and skills that the children have, in the elementary grades, learning situations are largely built on the basis of observations and emotional perception.