What is a phase? This word has several meanings. It is used in various fields of human activity. The concept is often mentioned in astrology, physics and even medicine. Consider its general meaning, and then a narrower understanding in different areas.

Phase is …
The word is of Greek origin and means "appearance". In a general sense, a phase is a certain moment in the developing process of something. In physics, the phase of oscillations (alternating current, harmonic oscillation) is known.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova reveals this concept as a stage or stage in something; or a value that reveals the state of the process at some point. In chemistry, a phase is a homogeneous part of an inhomogeneous system, and in electrical engineering it is a separate winding of a generator along with a wire to it.
Moon and phases
The natural satellite of our Earth is the Moon. Even the ancients noticed that at different times it has a different effect on people. This may be related to how they feel and even events in their lives.

Today they talk abouta cycle divided into four parts, which are the phases of the moon in astrology. It lasts seven to eight days. When there is a transition from the 4th to the 1st, and also from the 2nd to the 3rd, there are two climaxes: a full moon and a new moon. At such moments, especially often the mood changes and changes in life occur. People are becoming more receptive. At transition points, when the phases of the moon in astrology replace one another, it is recommended to live these days with special attention in relation to both yourself and others.
A waxing moon feels active and enthusiastic, while a waning moon feels slower reactions and less activity.
The phases of the day have something in common with the lunar calendar, if we consider the various influences of the luminary on a person. This can be felt both on the physical level and on the energy level. Therefore, astrologers advise taking this into account in their plans and actions in order to achieve better results in life.

Probably everyone has heard such a phrase as a phase in electricity. But what this means is not known to everyone. From the course of physics, we know that the current can be constant and variable. It is not difficult to guess that the phase can only refer to alternating current.
When one of the terminals is grounded, the voltage remains on only one wire, where it will change with respect to the ground. It is called the phase. If you touch it, then an electrical circuit is formed between a person and the earth. Naturally, this is life-threatening, so it is very important to be able to determinephase.
Methods for determining the phase
The easiest way to do this is to use a probe. It's worth every penny these days. It looks like an ordinary screwdriver, but transparent, with a neon light bulb inside.
To determine the phase, you just need to touch the wire, but the finger must at this time be attached to the top of the indicator. An electrical circuit is created between ground and phase, but the person does not suffer because there is a limiting resistor inside the device. When the phase is touched, the neon light glows.
A more serious device is a multimeter. It is also very easy to work with him. The required mode is turned on, the finger is touched with one probe, and the wires with the other. The phase in electricity will be determined on the instrument display.
But the most interesting is the way to determine the phase using an ordinary light bulb. Additionally, you will need a cartridge and two wires. One wire is grounded (in an apartment building this can be done using a central heating battery), and the other needs to touch the wire. If the lamp lights up, it will indicate the presence of a phase.
Three-phase or single-phase current

Without going into technical details, a three-phase network can be defined as a method of transmitting electric current, in which alternating current passes through three wires, and returns one at a time.
We know that any electrical network consists of two wires, through one of which the current goes to the device (for example, to a lamp), and through the other it returns. Opening it, we find that the current does not gowill. This is a single phase circuit. It goes along the phase wire (as it is called the phase), and returns along the zero wire.
Three-phase circuit includes three wires "there" and one - "back". The effect is achieved due to the fact that in each of the wires the phase is shifted with respect to the adjacent one by 120 degrees.
Alternating current is transmitted through three networks. It is divided into phases, approaching the consumer, and zero is given in each. Thus, the current comes to the house.

About security
Grounding certainly makes working with electricity safe. This can be seen with a simple example. If a breakdown occurs in the washing machine, part of the current will go to the metal shell of the outer side. In the absence of grounding, the charge will "walk" around the car, and if accidentally touched, it will easily go through a person who will receive an electric shock.
However, if there is grounding, then the excess charge will simply drain through this wire, and no harm will be done to a person. It is clear that in those houses where grounding is not initially provided, electricity can be unsafe.
To remedy the situation, it is not necessary to change all the wiring. But the procedure should not be treated irresponsibly either. After all, it is a risk to life. Therefore, this question should be addressed to professionals.
So, the meaning of the word "phase" is diverse, but based on the general understanding of the term, it becomes easier to understand the narrower sense when using it.