What is "aba"? For many, this is a completely unfamiliar word. And this is due to the fact that in most cases it refers either to foreign names or to foreign geographical names. But at the same time, there are objects called "aba" in Russia. The following will talk about the many meanings of this word.
There are not one, but several answers to the question of what "aba" is. Here are some of them.

Start with names:
- King of Hungary, who ruled from 1040 to 1044, named Samuel Aba.
- Mar Aba I the Great, who was the patriarch of the Eastern Church in 540-552. His residence was in Seleucia-Ctesiphon.
- Jewish man's name. For the first time it is found in the Old Testament (Tanakh) and the Mishnah. It comes from the Aramaic language and means "father" in translation.
To better understand the meaning of the word "aba", we will give other interpretations of it.
Names of settlements
Among them are:
- Settlement in Fejer County, Hungary.
- Ancient Greek city inPhocide.
- A village in the Altai Territory, in the Charyshsky district.
- The second of the names of the Ngava-Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Region, which is less commonly used. It is located in China, in the province of Sichuan.
- The same name is given to Ngawa County, located in the specified autonomous region.
- A city on the Aba River in southern Nigeria.
- One of the localities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Continuing the consideration of the question of what is aba, it should be said about water bodies with such names.

One of them is in Africa, and the second is in our country:
- A tributary of the Imo River in Nigeria.
- Aba is a Russian river in the Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk district.
Next, consider other meanings of the studied lexeme.
Other interpretations
To the question of what is aba, the following answers can be given:
- Clothes that are national for the Bedouins.
- Swing jacket made of felt fur, traditional for male Armenians. For young people, it was sheathed with a wide gilded braid.
- Thick white cloth of white color, typical for the clothes of the inhabitants of the Caucasus.
- One of the clans that is part of such an ethnic group as the Sagais, belonging to the Khakas people.
In conclusion, a page of history related to one of the church patriarchs will be considered.
Mar Aba I the Great

That was the full name of one ofpatriarchs of the Eastern Church. As mentioned above, in 540-552. his residence was at Seleucia-Ctesiphon. His reign fell during a period during which the Christians of Mesopotamia bore the brunt of the wars between Rome and Persia. At the same time, the rulers of Byzantium and the Sassanid state constantly sought to interfere in church affairs.
Nevertheless, it is seen as a time characterized by the strengthening of the Church of the East. Mar Aba I wrote and translated many religious works. He is highly revered by all modern Eastern churches. In San Diego, California, a theological seminary was named after him. The days of his memory, celebrated annually, fall on the seventh Friday following Epiphany, as well as on February 28.
The future patriarch was born in Mesopotamia, in the city of Hala, in a Zoroastrian family. His writings are commentaries on the Holy Scriptures, in the form of homily (early Christian forms of preaching) and synodal epistles. In 525 and in 533 he visited the capital of Byzantium and refused to meet with Emperor Justinian I, who wanted to end the dispute over the three chapters.

The fact is that Aba was a supporter of the theologian Theodore of Mopsuestia, whose works are in question. The reign of this patriarch ended a period of schism in the church, which lasted for fifteen years. Then in the provinces that were at a distance from the center, bishops were simultaneously elected, who were at enmity with each other. After visiting areas of conflict, Aba achieved their reconciliation. In 544 he convened a council, with the aimwhich was to approve the formal procedure for electing a patriarch.
Nevertheless, Patriarch Joseph (552-567) was elected in violation of the decisions made. This was done under pressure from Shahinshah Khosrov I. Even at the council, a creed was adopted, which Aba personally wrote. He, in particular, reflected the Persian character of the Eastern Church.
Due to his apostasy from Zoroastrianism and proselytism (proselytizing activities), Mara Abu was persecuted by Khosrow. He was first placed under house arrest, and then sent to Azerbaijan, into exile. After seven years in it, he received permission to return and served as patriarch until his death.