What is a rynda? Due to the fact that this word has several meanings, confusion sometimes occurs. After all, it denotes not only a position that existed in the past, but also one of the ship's objects. Also, this word is called a lot of natural objects. Details about what a market is will be described in the article.
Polysemantic word

Rynda is called:
- squire-bodyguard who was under the tsars and grand dukes in 14-17 centuries in Russia;
- bell on ships and ships;
- screw sailing corvette, which was built in 1856 and participated in the expedition made by Russian sailors to the shores of North America (1863-1864);
- Vityaz-class ship, armored corvette, built in 1885 and renamed Liberator in 1917;
- a river flowing on the Kola Peninsula;
- a bay located in the Sea of Japan;
- a bay located on Russky Island near Vladivostok.
Having briefly familiarized with what a market is, it would be appropriate to consider some of the meanings of this word in more detail.
Rynda as a bodyguard

This word comes from the Old Russian noun "ryndel", which means "standard-bearer". Perhaps the latter is borrowed from Middle Low German, where ridder is "knight". The Grand Dukes of Moscow, as well as the Russian tsars in the 14-17 centuries, had bodyguards - bells.
For the first time this term is found in the Nikon Chronicle, containing the story of the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Rynd was selected from young representatives of the noblest families. Usually they had the rank of solicitor or steward.
These bodyguards accompanied the kings on trips and military campaigns. When conducting ceremonies in the palace, they dressed in ceremonial clothes and stood with berdysh on their shoulders on both sides of the throne. When there were receptions of foreign ambassadors, rynds stood near the throne of the king with small hatchets. It was considered more honorable to stand on the right side.
In wartime, bells followed the sovereign everywhere. They carried weapons behind him. Each of them had at their disposal several sub-rings. Usually one to three. Due to the fact that the rank of rynda was not among the courtiers, they were not paid a salary. They were under the command of the weapons of nothing.
The main market was allowed to add “vich” to his patronymic. The chief royal squire had a large saadaq. This is a set of weapons, which consisted of a bow, bow, quiver with arrows. Other rynds had other saadaks - with a smaller spear, helmet, horn. Bodyguards wore white clothes embroidered with silver. This position was abolished by Peter I in 1698.
Ship's bell

This is the name of the bell found on ships. Although the use of the term "ship (ship) bell" would be more correct. After all, strictly speaking, the sea rynda is the ringing of a bell. It is struck every half hour to mark the time. As a rule, bells are also installed on modern ships and vessels.
Today, linguists do not have a common opinion about the origin of the term under study. It has been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, in the Russian language there was such a verb as "ryndat". One of its meanings is "shake". It is quite possible that the name of the ship's bell comes from it.
For the first time, bells on ships began to be used by the British since the 15th century. Over time, their use passed to all European maritime powers. In Russia, bells appeared during the reforms of Peter I in the 18th century.
In conclusion of the study of the question of what a rynda is, it will be told about a water body with that name.
River on the Kola Peninsula

The Rynda River flows in Russia, in the Murmansk region, in the northeast of the Kola Peninsula. Its confluence is the Barents Sea. And it originates on the watershed of such rivers as Kharlovka and Voronya, not far from Lake Melyavr. The length of the Rynda is 98 kilometers. The area of the basin from which it collects its waters is 1020 sq. kilometers. In the Sami language, the river is called Ryantyok.
For 15 kilometers along the Rynda there are 3multi-stage waterfall. Due to the spring flood, the river turns into a continuous water stream. But over time, the water subsides, and it becomes quite convenient to enter the river.

Rynda is quite famous among the amateur fishermen of the Murmansk region. Caught in it:
- pike;
- salmon;
- trout;
- trout;
- whitefish;
- burbot;
- perch.
The most interesting fishing starts here in June and lasts until the end of September. Fishing from the boat is prohibited. The Rynda belongs to the so-called salmon rivers. In their waters, sport fishing for trout and Atlantic salmon takes place. Rafting is arranged on Rynda, combining it with fishing. But due to the fact that the river is far from settlements, the transfer is carried out using a helicopter.